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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1027 / In This Archive: 671

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3 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Ahem, we're talking about human beings here, regardless of how abject their living conditions and/or upbringing!

They are. But it doesn't mean that everything they do on our territory is automatically justified, or above criticism. You are, truthfully speaking, a repressive fascist which vilifies native citizens, when they stand up to defend their freedom and way of life.
21 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Nature abhors vacuum, and those who have abandoned God always find their own "god". In this case it is "the Planet" and "his" "church" of Climate Change.

Globowarmthinkery is a doomsday cult and those who are not a part of it are "deniers", or in other words heretics and infidels.
25 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

I just bloody hate when some stranger starts talking to me, on the train, or in the line to some office, etc. So, when someone would "hallo" me, out of the blue, I'd think "another damn talker" and look away, hoping he will think I am rude and leave me alone.
21 Jun 2019
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

Potential immigrants should be screened non simply for skills and wealth, but most importantly for their political and criminal histories. I don't really care where people come from as long as they believe in free enterprise, individual liberty, and small government, and are opponents of marxism, murder cults, and socialism.

For example, we got a lot of Vietnamese, and they're good citizens by and large. They're very entrepreneurial.

Just keep all the degenerate leftist riff-raff out. We don't need any more of those. Take in the Christian refugees from Syria and Middle East; keep the murder cultist out.
13 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

So, diversity and European values have won another major victory in my city of Wrocław: last week, one Turkish citizen stabbed another Turk to death, right in the center of the city. With some bonus points awarded for globalism, because the whole thing happened in McDonald's restaurant.

Unfortunately, some witnesses had utterly failed to follow the proper guidelines, because instead of hiding or running away in terror, they went chasing after the perp, which resulted in him being captured by the police within minutes.

source in Polish:
1 Mar 2019
History / History of video games in communist Poland? [7]

I still remember playing, as a kid, "Raid over Moscow" on ZX Spectrum. And bombing the Kremlin. It was very popular game among the schoolboys.
1 Mar 2019
History / History of video games in communist Poland? [7]

There have been no copyright laws back then, so the shops were selling cracked versions. You could also go to "giełda komputerowa" (computer marketplace) with your own magnetic tape/ latter with a diskette, and pay a small fee someone to upload the games of you choosing, from his collection. It was perfectly legal.
15 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Amazing how climate change deniers suddenly become experta contradicting the overwhelming opinion of real scientists.

Usually from proponents of global warming you mostly get appeals to authority. I'm by no means an expert but I try and follow and understand the debate as it develops, and it is still developing as more data becomes available and more time passes so more observations are made which can be compared to predictions. Most alarmist who post on these threads don't even do that. Of course that is what is expected when you conclude that the science is already settled, you stop making the effort to be informed since you assume you are correct, and even further assume that those who disagree are anti-science idiots like those who don't accept vaccination. Such misplaced smugness on your part. What a tragic waste.
14 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

No. Real and projected temperature rises are much faster than found in the geological record.

No. Try and follow along. The debate is how CO2 is warming the climate, generally referred to as climate sensitivity to CO2. We know for a fact how much direct warming CO2 will cause and we have good projections for how much CO2 we will put in the air. These give us a rise in roughly 1 degree Celcius over a century. And just for one century(which we are already a decade or two into) since putting more CO2 in the air has diminishing returns as far as how much warming it causes. Each additional bit of CO2 causes less warming than the bit preceding it. So after a century we won't really be putting enough carbon up to cause noticeable changes.

Climate sensitivity refers to the overall feedback in the climate system. Alarmist predict a sensitivity of 2-4 (or even higher in some cases) so that each degree of temperature change due to carbon will cause an additional 1-3 degrees of warming from positive feedback. Skeptics say that the climate sensitivity is lower than that or even possibly less than 1, due to the contributions of negative feedback. If we only warm by about 1 degree it won't be a problem and humanity and the planet will have no problem adapting. The economic damage caused by a few people having to relocate, adjusting which crops are grown in some areas, and other assorted adaptions will not be particularly large. Even if we get to 2 degrees the cost of adapting is still reasonable. It is only when you start getting above that that the term catastrophic starts becoming more applicable.

Fortunately comparing actual temperature data with the predictions of the studies touted by alarmist it looks like they are all uniformly way overshooting actual warming observed. So it looks like a climate sensitivity in the range of around 1, or maybe a little but higher, is pretty reasonable. When you consider how until fairly recently almost all of those studies made only minor attempts to model the effects of the ocean, largely due to the lack of good reliable data discussed earlier, it is no wonder that the models would all be rather inaccurate. It is also worth noting that with each additional IPPC report the predicted climate sensitivity keeps creeping downward. Already their lower bounds are basically in line with many skeptics positions.

Finally I would just like to throw out that if we were to reduce CO2 output in the way that alarmist say we need to then we would have to all go back to a pre-1900 standard of living. And even then they say it still wouldn't prevent most of the warming they predict. The cost of adapting to climate change is many times cheaper than the cost of preventing change even if the worst of the climate change predictions are true.
13 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

This unprecedented speed in the trend of temperature rise has clearly (not) been caused by the CO2 emissions from the proliferation of herds of Aberdeen Angus cattle.

Unprecedented? Look at that chart, I put on the previous page. Average temperatures have been in constant flux throughout the centuries. The latest small rise is just a part of overall pattern.

Ancient Egyptians would have much more reasons to be alarmed about the global temperature changes.
12 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

No. Do not look up to someone to trust, the figure of authority, like a sheeple. Examine the data yourself, and make up your own mind.
12 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

If you haven't noticed the whole thing has become a gigantic business - grants, green subsidies, speculative investments, carbon cap trading. Plus political grandstanding and using "the crisis" to push for all sorts of political agendas.
12 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

No one takes the mambo jambo of climate change denying neanderthals serious. Go visit your medicine man and ask for some herbs. LOL!

You don't ask questions - you repeat answers.
You was told - cow's fart! danger! wind generators! solar panels! biodiesel! biofuel! green! bright green energy! forbid! NPP! stop eating meat!

Bird brains will never dabble in science, but rather only parrot mass propaganda over and over. It just proves AGW is a religion for sheeple.
11 Dec 2018
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

People who do not understand science call it dogma.

Yeah, counter the scientific data with a joke.
Talking to warmist is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, then it sh!ts on the board and then struts around like it won the game.
21 Nov 2018
News / An EU army. Impact on Poland [155]

NORD Stream 2 is a telltale example of the kind of foock you Eastern-Europe can expect if we were to say yes to the creation of an EU army -- it will never be used to protect the Eastern Europe countries (or anyone else) from external threats, only to enforce co-operation from the member states and keep Europeans compliant under the threat of violence.
17 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Yet when you let them talk, and stick to the facts, they will start making fools of themselves sooner rather than later.

It's a mistake to assume that a majority of people can even be reached through argument, reason, facts, pie charts, etc. Most folks just don't care or refuse to even notice until it's dropped right in their laps. Like the old saying "we wait until a rainy day to fix the hole in the roof."


That's a pretty good article illustrating the phenomenon. An east-coast urbanite, educated and liberal, hates Trump and his proposed wall but travels to the Southwest and talks to actual people being impacted directly by illegal immigration and is surprised by what he hears. Even the majority of Hispanics down there hate illegals and want a wall!

It's just a sad reality of humans. We can talk and talk and show them Youtube videos and bar graphs and try to explain to them how the dominoes are inevitably going to fall and, sadly, a majority just won't accept the reality of it.
14 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

It wasn't that. It was mostly male supporters of PiS and football ultras, with a small minority of women and children.

Typical liberal/lefist/progressive answer.You can't deal with them, you can't reason with them. You can't negotiate with Progressives. It is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, then it sh!ts on the board and then struts around like it won the game.
2 Jun 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

please, don't bore me with anymore of your chump stories about how you are going to show them

There's just something deeply dysfunctional about American society, and it has a lot to do with the dehumanizing effects of modernity, and currently America is basically the most modern country in the world, combined with the extremism that is typical of the modern world in general. And this extremism manifests itself in every facet of American life. In the laws and rules for instance, which are always followed mechanically without thought (which can be a big problem when you are dealing with procedures that include the use of lethal force). Extremism in the levels of violence and criminality, which in its turn leads to extremism in how this violence and criminality is dealt with, which combined with the aforementioned literal mindset can lead to excesses of various types, such as the use of "proper" take down techniques (legal according to procedure) which weren't really warranted (I'm talking about Eric Gardner, who's only sin was that of wanting to argue with the police). Extremism in social isolation, which makes cops act like soldiers in some occupied foreign territory. No sense of community, no sense of belonging, and everybody is the "other".
27 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

If the EU was ruled by anyone outside Germany it would have been success. Germans are far too anal about bureaucracy and order,that is why they fail miserably at everything in the long run. Honestly the only way to fix the EU is to kick off Germany,that of course won't happen because Germany is the strongest economy. The base idea of the EU is not a bad one,free trade,free movement and kind of alliance. The problem comes from that they try to rule us and homogenise every law,fill us up with restrictions and foock up the local governments.
15 Mar 2018
News / Hungary Veto on Poland Sanctions may not happen [108]

Hungary will be unable to block sanctions on Poland as they themselves will be subject to Article 7.

Poland would veto any shenanigans against Hungary, so the whole idea is stillborn.