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Posts by cheehaw  

Joined: 10 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 263 / In This Archive: 153
From: usa
Speaks Polish?: cheehaw not much

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23 Dec 2010
News / Poles don't have a heart for math... says The New York Times [84]

Gee, I wonder why the New York Times didn't talk to these Polish students or their professors?

Truth and reality has never been part of the agenda. Not like they don't ever report it, they do, but they'll bury it in section B somewhere since most people only read the headlines.

NYT, ABC, a number of companies, they prefer employees of certain races or mixed-genders. I have been told so directly by people that work for them. Matter of fact, concerning ABC, I was told that right within their offices when I applied for a job there after college.
23 Dec 2010
News / Poles don't have a heart for math... says The New York Times [84]

it does amaze me though, that the editors at the NYT even allowed the article. I would have expected that even they would know that math is a function of the brain not the heart.

just goes to show ya I guess, what sitting on your brain can accomplish.
22 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Jesus loves you....even if you are ugly....

Might love you more if you are ugly too. He loves his work too, takes on many hard cases.

It's amazing how this gym sub culture has taken off in this country, i know largely it's due to people being fatter than ever, but it's not just that people that are thin wanna get toned or muscular. And you're right many women in their 40's and 50's look much younger from the rest.

I used to go to the gym. Now I just do chores.

I guess I thought maybe I could meet a like minded male over there but what I found was .. fat people trying to lose weight and elderly people trying to get their hearts back in shape after years and years of sitting.

I've dated 2 body builders over the years. One was even Mr. Sarasota for a while (lived in florida way back), local body building beauty champ. those 2 guys convinced me that body builders do what they do because they are otherwise extremely insecure. Extremely insecure. They liked to stand in front of the mirror and admire their pecs all day when really what I needed was friendly chat and a hand in the garden.

you know what though, since we're on the subject of good looks and health, sort of, this is a good place to bury some info.. here's a couple tidbits from years gone by in my life.. you might disagree, but this my experience, first hand.

twice in my life I've had 2 life-threatening experiences with doctors.. one a jewish OB Gyn in New York City when I was 19 years old, the other a jewish dentist in the south east when I was 45.. the OB Gyn used dirty equipment and I got very very sick ( I did mention the blood in the tube he used to him later, of course he denied it).. as part of his thing to heal me, after he learned who I was and what i was doing in New York (he would have gotten screwed had I died, it would have made all the newspapers, believe me and he would have looked like an ass, maybe gotten arrested).. he then put me on antibiotics (18 months I think I followed his advice in stupidity).. I wasn't getting much better.. he kept saying i had some sort of non-specific female infection down there.. and I didn't learn till several years later he had phoned my parents and told them he suspected I was a prostitute (kid you not) so my parents were believing I was deathly ill from selling sex (all lies, I was a college student with a couple boyfriends and I had gotten pregnant and wanted to terminate the pregnancy).. anyway, after 18 months of this dragging on and costing me every cent i had at the time, I went to a free sex clinic in the city, full of homos, and got a free exam. That doctor took one look, said, quote, 'You've got a yeast infection, my dear', gave me some of those things you insert for that, and I was cured in 3 days. Had I not been so young and so stupid I would have sued his behind off. But after several years, too late..

Then at age 45, I made the mistake of visiting a jewish dentist, he just happened to be nearby, there is no other reason I chose him, didn't even know he was jewish at first just like the first doctor.. I had a toothache, that's it. he said I needed a root canal, on a different tooth than the one that was bothering me.. he talked me into it, I was sooo stupid.. cost a bundle too.. (I had to have that tooth he worked on pulled 2 months later, it had never once bothered me before he touched it).. but anyway in the process I say to him directly, "I do NOT want any mercury amalgam put into my mouth". I must have said that to him 5 or 6 times. He says ok, then does his thing and LOADS that previously just dandy tooth with.. mercury amalgam ( another dentist later x-rayed it and verified that for sure before I had it out and when it was pulled, of course, there it was). His work hurt like heck and again, since I was already a toxic waste dump still cleaning myself up from the painting biz, yes, i got really sick. Couldn't get out of bed, my arms got very numb, it hurt to walk.. and the day before I visited that dentist for that procedure I was swimming laps at the pool and riding my bike every day. That's is how sick he made me virtually overnight.

Luckily, I found an alternative med doctor in a nearby city, an old German guy, who helped me get better, he had a lot to do with my good health today. concerning the dentist, I wrote letter after letter to the American Dental Association, at the good doctor's advice, who instead of coming to my aid, defended the dentist saying that the procedures he followed were standard and they couldn't help, sorry. I definitely still want to sue him and may pursue that one again yet the guy was such a moron. and it cost me a small fortune getting well again because of the idiot.

But you see, my gut feeling is.. it's more than just bad medicine. I was a pretty young girl with a Polish last name in New York, and then later, I was very good looking, strong Polish woman in that dentist's chair. And both of those doctors were Jewish. I sincerely believe there was more going on in both of those situations than anyone wants to admit.

pollacks, beware of jewish doctors. I have been to other doctors in my lifetime without a hitch of course, but the only 2 jewish doctors I ever visited, both almost killed me.

Take it for what it's worth.
22 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

actually I turned 50 this year.

But, much to the disdain of so many fat women (or men) who don't take care of themselves.. .. quite a few of those apparently 35 year old pretty women you see walking down the street are also 50 too.

There are people who groom themselves before walking out the door (and don't over eat and drink themselves to sleep every night) and there are people who don't, it's probably that simple.

if you stay away from drugs and drinking, you'll probably have the same experience in life that I've had so far. drugs, prescription drugs, I've seen them age a person 10-20 years within a short span of time. I've also had a few friends die that way by now.

but again I'll reiterate, I give the credit to Jesus, it's because of him I don't drink much anymore (a little bit of beer now and then is actually very good for your kidneys). I spent 11 years without touching a drop of alcohol, and I have never done drugs.

I can't.. I showed you my work.. if I do drugs or drink, my work suffers greatly.. your head gets foggy and your hands shake. I also like my work a lot better than drugs or drinking.
22 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Which countries are Americans usually traveling to? [114]

Help for Africa, Haiti and all kinds of others but where's the help for our people?

we need to help ourselves now, just like the bankers.

I was thinking.. if Goldman-Sachs can get all that bailout money after it's deriviatives heist, fanny mae, whoever was doing all that whatever.. bank of america whoever.. and no one but no one gets prosecuted...

well shucks, shouldn't my turn be next? bank robbery and lots of other white collar crime is obviously no longer illegal. I'm not sure when the law was changed but it has changed, it's there for all to see, right?' You can now rob banks based on the precedents set by our leaders in government.

go for it, everyone, get your share before they beat you to it.

we need a run on the banks day, we all run to the banks with little notes that say, 'hand me all your money'. we all do this on on pre-set day. There is only one rule, do not use a gun, because that could cause a life threatening injury. pretend to carry a gun, even point it at people's heads if you like. if anyone makes any trouble just tell them you work for government. You do work for the government as a taxpayer so that is not a lie or even a little white lie.

If you dress in a real nice suit or skirt and suit jacket, you will pull this off without a hitch.

power to the people.
22 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them; and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply...

ok, now.. this is a big big problem I have with the catholic church.

God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply!

Nuns are outside of that blessing guys.. think about it.. one of God's very very first commandments, if not the very first and there goes the catholic church screwing things up.

no pun intended.
22 Dec 2010
Life / Santa Must be Polish - by Bobby Vinton [5]

the majority of the audience had to be Polish, and standing ovation with "one more time" concluded the evening.

oh gosh I have not heard that song since I was 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Most people are average looking and when they get to be middle aged they start going down hill if they don't go to cosmetic surgeons. All natural beauties are under the age of forty.

except me.

25 year old men still try to pick me up. I get such a chuckle out of it, they must be really hard up.

but yeah, and it's men too.. after so many years of drinking and who knows what.. raising kids takes a lot out of you for sure but also makes you a lot smarter... earns you patience..

I went skiing last week. One guy bought me beer at the bar all evening then hamburgers at a restaurant, then al;ong came another asking for my number..

it's alright if the dinner is good and beer is on tap. I do offer interesting conversation, no doubt.. and I am a superb slalom skier. But I do have to head home at 8pm golly gee.

This eternal life thing is very interesting.. I got saved at age 34 by Jesus and don't seem to have aged very much since then.

Thank you Jesus, he is my life.
21 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / I thought my house had ghosts, but according to a paranormal psychic it is hovering demon [30]

Thank you very very much for your response. The praying I did in the bathroom may have prevented something worse from happening. I intend to do that and a lot more.

You're welcome.

It can take a few weeks sometimes longer for it to dissipate completely, just keep at it...

Church is good for the strength of fellowship (if you know of a good one) but Jesus is really all you need. This is his realm completely. He sets the captives free ;)

Sounds like you'll have quite a testimony when all is said and done.
21 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / I thought my house had ghosts, but according to a paranormal psychic it is hovering demon [30]

well.. having actually been there and done that, a lot like you.. we had a new house and you could hear someone coming up the stairs at night.. even the very very strange sound of chains moving around in the attic.. twice, at night (I was about 7) I saw a hooded ghost thing, like it was wearing a dark brown monks robe, tie around the waist and all, but the face when it looked at me was pure darkness, no eyes, nothing..

I could go on because I had a few experiences later in life too, and also my daughter has had a few real whammies.. but anyway there is an answer it surely is not psychics. psychics might actually make your problem worse since they work with spirits.

try this, it is real simple. next time you sense something, whether you are sure or not, you say, out loud 'Help me Jesus". saying the lord's prayer out loud helps whole bunches too.

whether you believe in Jesus or not, it doesn't matter, just do that and they will leave immediately. ghosts and demons fear Jesus more than anything in this world. be careful, they can hurt you and make you sick too..

maybe it's a trial of faith for you, do that.. help me, Jesus.. and you will find soon even, you do believe in him. Lots of people get saved this way.
20 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

comfort.. ugly men stick closer to home. Life is a bit tougher for them and they and often have better personalities. though sometimes ugly is a personality disorder in itself, means they don't take care of themselves ( and likewise can't take care of anyone else). from my experience anyway.

gotta look on the inside, though. Sad to say, most of the really good looking men I 've known in my life, and a few have been true beauties, but they were w-h-o-r-e-s too, they get so many offers.. I have to admit, it's real difficult to trust a good looking man and I have often heard the same of myself, even when it wasn;'t true.

people don't trust you in relationships when you look too good. sad fact of life.
19 Dec 2010
Life / How do the Polish feel about air pollution in their cities? [35]

I grew up as a steel town kid. Most of my uncles worked for Bethlehem steel, lots of coal dust, the coal ovens.. the slag would light the sky red at night..

I can't think of one uncle that did not die of emphysema. maybe one will come to mind..
23 Nov 2010
Food / Stuffed cabbage - gołąbki - recipe [59]

honestly.. I don't think so since my daughter experiences the same thing and it was we 2 who agreed and said 'NO MORE PORK!!'

just guessing but my guess is that eating pork requires some adjustment and if you eat lots of it, most likely you've adjusted.

Raccoon probably is a suitable replacement. Both raccoons and pigs seek garbage to eat.

back to our meal.. I like the idea of sauerkraut added in too, I will definitely try that. I have a few jars of kraut in the fridge, been fermenting in there since October of 2009 and it still tastes great. amazing stuff, sauerkraut.

Both pork and chicken are basically almost tasteless on their own - they need to be prepared with spices/seasonings/sauces etc.

My grandfather had a superb polish sausage recipe, mixed pork and beef and all spiced up, it was excellent after being in the smoker for a day. Kielbasa!
23 Nov 2010
Food / Stuffed cabbage - gołąbki - recipe [59]

I can handle a bit of bacon but too much pork always lands me a big zit on my right shoulder and often diarrhea so I like to stay away from it. I used to love spare ribs (pork) as a kid but after several years of not eating pork it was not possible to enjoy the flavor anymore and i have no idea why.. but pork, if you don't eat a lot of it, has a horrid taste compared to beef.

hows that for an answer?

the best 'beef' I've had lately is the Buffalo burger they've been selling at our local supermarket, excellent stuff. Probably because it's grazed instead of raised in a stall eating corn.
22 Nov 2010
Life / Heart attack/stroke - money please! This is public service healthcare in Radom! [7]

She is in intensive care unit with post-MI and post-stroke. And you think cayenne pepper will help???


Cayenne pepper was your country doctor's cure for exactly this sort of thing for many years.

Won't damage her kidneys either like most prescription drugs will do over time. These days, most doctors are educated by schools that receive grants from the pharmaceutical companies. Thus, they are taught that pharmaceuticals are the way to go and they even get bonuses from big pharma to prescribe their drugs.. They have forgotten what their grandfathers knew

Lots of people die every day from being wrongly medicated or over medicated with pharmaceuticals, be sure you keep an eye on the doctors. My dad even got a nasty staph infection in his bloodstream, sepsis, from dirty hospital equipment, prior to passing away.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

definitely. most of them will suffer either way. the less income a person keeps after taxes the less they have upfront to take care of themselves to begin with. no brainer.. malnutrition is probably the country's biggest problem.

and if they need oxycotin or valium let em get it on the corner for all I care.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

It's true. Which is exactly why I said I am taking next year off. Take some time to simply focus 100% on myself and my own family.

Of course, I have been working 25-30 years and as I've mentioned, things accumulate over the years, so we are in good shape. If I were 20 and just starting out, it would be a different picture altogether. I am prepared to help the kids.

I have no intention of paying for Obamacare and all of it's tax increases and other requirements for small business. This bill is death to the middle class.

If I am not showing any income they'll have to pay my way.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I think the biggest problem today is that people are not as resourceful and creative as our grandparents were before the age of supermarkets and chain stores... and television.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I get offers from credit card companies all the time for zero interest for a year or so.

read the fine print.

They might offer you zero percent but it doesn't mean they are actually going to qualify anyone for 0%. those offers are just come ons.
21 Nov 2010
News / Polish GDP per capita has dropped ! [30]

yea, but these days, debt and borrowed money is added to GDP, so we're not really talking about 'product' and production here. Poland got a big influx of cash from the EU didn't it? that's mostly what you are seeing in those GDP stats.