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Posts by Nickidewbear  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Sep 2023
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 609 / In This Archive: 308
From: United States, Baltimore
Speaks Polish?: I do not speak Polish; but I understand some basics about Polish pronounciation and transliteration.
Interests: Genealogy (My dad's paternal granddad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to Pennsylvania.), history, and other interests

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26 Jul 2019
Genealogy / Ruchla (or Rochla) Andrelewitz / Morgowicz Morgovich [8]

I agree and have encountered all of that. I am also a member of Tracing the Tribe, etc.. Incidentally, Ruchla/Rochla was surprisingly literate and able to write.

PS Thank you so much.
22 Jul 2019
Genealogy / Ruchla (or Rochla) Andrelewitz / Morgowicz Morgovich [8]

That pogrom was in 1906 so it can't have made people living a century earlier hide their ethnicity.

Great-Granddad was born in 1904, when the Faber-Kogan incident happened. The incident became the catalyst for the Anti Semites to find another excuse for a pogrom, this time the Belostok Pogrom. Great-Great-Grandma and Great-Granddad could not leave until 1908. By the way, the Anti Semitism began to be really bad in 1795 under Catherine the Great, and a census in 1787 (eight years before the First Partition, which came 20 years before the Conference of Vienna) has a really-interesting comment for one of Great-Great-Grandma's paternal relatives in Kuty, Ukraine: "Żyd". I doubt that it was meant to be just descriptive:

Property record
House Number:208
Topographic number:283
Comments:Jew (Żyd)

To pawian as well, I have tried almost everything and am now also reaching out to Genekta and Genealodzj.PL as well. Also, Ruchla (as the manifest actually reads, I realized upon more closely reading the manifest) gave "Wilna" and "Wilne", not "Vilna" and "Vilne". So, she gave the Polish transliterations of the Russian and Yiddish names. I will also look at the sources that you provided, though.
18 Jul 2019
Genealogy / Ruchla (or Rochla) Andrelewitz / Morgowicz Morgovich [8]

I'm wondering if anyone could look for some more records for me because I am not fluent or proficient in Polish, and I find it difficult to find quite a few still-needed records and other information. I found a few via Genetka.Genealodzy.PL. I also help some on here before help me and searched other sources, such as JewishGen and Ancestry.com. One record to which I am referring is that of Ruchla (or Rochla) Andrelewitz bas (bat; daughter of) Gilya (or Gilka) Andrelewitz born in Vilnius around 1885. She was a relative of my great-great-grandmother Aleksandra Alicja (or Aleksjondria Alicja) z Andrulewiczów Czerniecka.

I am also still looking for Great-Great-Grandma's record, and she was born on June 26, 1882 to "Antoni" Andrulewicz and "Katarzyna" z Margiewiczów Andrulewiczowa allegedly in Bossę. Her parents left Stokliszki in Lithuania after the death of her mother's cousin, Szmuil Morgowicz (Lithuanian transcription: Shmuil Morgovich and Shmuil Morgovičius), son of Mowsza Morgowicz (Lithuanian transcription: Movsha Morgovich and Movsha Morgovičius; Yiddish-Lithuanian Shmuil ben Movsha Morgovich), because he died of tuberculosis on April 4, 1882.

I am also looking for Great-Great-Granddad's birth record. And I know he was born on December 24, 1875 in Lipsk nad Biebrzą. As I understand it (per a record that someone here had found for me), he was named in honor of his brother whom was born on October 14, 1874.

Just to recap, meanwhile, Great-Great-Granddad's were those whom had the names of "Antoni" and "Katarzyna", with the former born to Paweł Czerniecki and Dominika z Wierzbinskiego Czerniecka in Krasne in Krasnopol around 1840; and I do not know when he was given the name "Antoni". Regarding the latter, she did not receive "Katarzyna" until her Crypto-Jewish baptism in February 1843, well after her birth on October 26, 1838 (and her parents were Abram "Wojciech" Daniłowicz and Marianna z Kruszyńskiego Daniłowiczowa. Incidentally, I still marvel at how they and the priest got away with the "neglect of the parents" excuse Now that I think about it, there must've also been some sympathetic openly-Jewish Jews as well as Anusim and sympathetic Poles in the parish and regsitar offices whom were not going to betray them to the Russians.) . Remember, too, that his parents at some point returned to Judaism and had the farm in Lipsk nad Biebrza; and that he himself rebecame an Anusi after the Farber-Kogan incident, which of course did not sit well with his parents. Thank you for your time and help.

PS I know that "Somovo" had to be "Szumowo" unless it was Shamovo. In Lithuanian, "Sumowo" is "Sumavas". Also, Szumowo is much closer to Antwerpen and further from Lipsk.


They did not want us near them after his reconversion to Crypto-Jewish Catholicism!


Oh....and Szumowo was closer to Congress Poland, away from the Pale or main part of the Pale at least!
8 May 2019
Classifieds / Translation Needed: Zuzanna Danilowicz's Birth Record; And a P.S. [27]

It's high time you hired a professional who gets paid for it.

I already have solid evidence. I was pointing out more of it as an aside; and I meant Ethnic Jewish heritage by that point. Meanwhile, the point is the translation of the record overall. I'm looking for a translation.
7 May 2019
Classifieds / Translation Needed: Zuzanna Danilowicz's Birth Record; And a P.S. [27]

Back on topic. There's one more thing to look for in old records (apart from wyznanie mojzeszowe).....

1) It was more about needing the translation. Also, we still remain Ethnic Jews in any case, and I showed more proof of that. We were, at least by the time that "Katarzyna" was four, Anusim and were & are B'nei Anusim.

2) Isn't Lyzko Jewish, too?
2 May 2019
Classifieds / Translation Needed: Zuzanna Danilowicz's Birth Record; And a P.S. [27]

Also Berko, Szejna or Lejzer are Jewish names while Zuzanna ...

Those were their secular names, and "Zuzanna" is directly from "Szoszanna" ("Shoshanna"). BTW, there are several Yiddish equivalents for Samuel (Sh'mu'el), among them: Shmuil (used on a Morgovich/Morgiewicz side in my family), Shmule, and Shmulke (a diminutive).

Wojciech: Adalbert, Avraham

Rozalia: usually for Rachel (Rachel, Rochla, etc. became Rose, Regina, Ruth, etc. and equivalents thereof. Incidentally, I still have no idea what happened to Rochla Andrelewitz.)

Klara (I'd have to look this up),
Katarzyna (I have seen Tsviya as the Hebrew name for Katarzyna, or Katherine).

Maryanna, by the way: Miriam Chana. And we were Ashkenazi equivalent of "marranos" at least as of 1843.

As for the record: Zuzanna was my great-great-grandfather Julian Czerniecki's maternal aunt

PS His Hebrew name was Yehudah-Yochanahn Efrayim. He may have used "Jankiel" or "Jankie" instead, as Great-Granduncle John was given "Jankie" for his middle name of "Felix"; and Great-Great-Granddad's secular name was Julian/Julius/Julias Jan Feliks; and he used "Ludwig" for Yehudah, often calqued as "Aryeh" or "Leib".

PPS Jews were actually often required to have secular names in many instances.

PPPS Anyway, the record is that of Zuzanna my great-great-grandfather Julian Czerniecki's maternal aunt.
30 Apr 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

Being Jewish does not make you any less Slavic etc, you can be a Slavic Jew...the same way others are Slav Christians....

We're Ashkenazi Jews with a little bit of Slavic DNA if even that (though if Ancestry is correct, we're of the 25% of Jews whom did not get Jewish DNA). So, I'm talking Jewish in an ethnic sense.
28 Mar 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

Was he celebrating a bit to much on the sauce?

Not at all. He went into a long protest about it.

PS As others have mentioned (though Dad's Y Marker was discussed here, and he took a 23andMe test), atDNA is (so to speak) a whole different can of worms. Also, Ancestry.com's reference panel is highly unbalanced and with single-origin samples.
11 Mar 2019
Classifieds / Translation Needed: Zuzanna Danilowicz's Birth Record; And a P.S. [27]


Record 56

PS Now I know why they mentioned Lipsk specifically

(Please, just for a moment, allow me to gloat...especially since I had to take pains, including literal pains with one of my fingers being a mouse finger as I type, livestrong.com/article/218011-how-to-exercise-the-mouse-finger

to prove that I'm Jewish):

ZuzannaDaniłowiczWojciechMariannaKrusińskaWigryKrasneMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
182471RozaliaDaniłowiczBartłomiejKlaraWarakomskaWigryPiertanieMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
182478JózefDaniłowiczAntoniRozaliaKrajewskaWigryKrasneMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
1824118KatarzynaDaniłowiczKrystyanFranciszkaJabłońskaWigryNowa WieśMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
1824124TomaszMichałowskiWojciechKatarzynaDaniłowiczWigryKruśnikMiejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Państwowe w Suwałkach

16-400 Suwałki, ul. Kościuszki 69Indeks dodał: Maślanek_Joanna
182513MejerLejzerowiczLejzerIdkaDanielowiczLipskLipskRemarks: karta: 8-9
Date of birth: 26.01.1825 r.Miejsce przechowywania ksiąg:
Archiwum Parafialne Indeks dodał: JZI
Weryfikował: kziecina


180980BerkoJankielowiczJoszkoSzejnaDaniłowiczRosochate KościelneRosochate ZalesieIndeks dodał: Raciborski_Marek

31 Jan 2019
Genealogy / So My Dad Had His DNA Tested; And... [22]

He is mad! As I told you all, we are Jews and not Slavs & Magyars like we tried to pass ourselves off to be. My dad's dad was Ashkenazi Levite (Dad found out that he has R-YP417, and he is pissed. He is still in denial about our heritage, and R-YP417 falls under the L1029-RM458 Y-DNA group. So, he is really mad that part of what he tried to use to deny our heritage didn't work to help him deny it; and I pointed out to him that: sites.google.com/site/levitedna/y-dna-haplogroups-of-ashkenazi-jews/ashkenazi-y-dna-haplogroup-r1a -> R-YP417 can be Ashkenazi Levite.
8 Oct 2018
Genealogy / Are Polish birth records available on the Internet? [56]

Trying to find the parents of Johann Assenheimer born 1867 in "i think" Lowitsch, Lodzkie, Poland...

Try Ancestry and see if Lowitsch can be found under German Birth and Baptism Records. Also try JewishGen if they were Jewish.
2 Oct 2018
Genealogy / Are Polish birth records available on the Internet? [56]

Can someone please help me out here? I posted about this before:


Can anyone please help me find my great-granddad Anthony Czarnecki's birth record on the Polish Archives Website, since I can't really read Russian at all?

As I said, I was told that his birth was registered in October 1904. It was registered on October 23, 1904 in Berżniki Parish. They claim that he was born in Szumowo.
27 Sep 2018
Genealogy / Are Polish birth records available on the Internet? [56]

Can anyone please help me find my great-granddad Anthony Czarnecki's birth record on the Polish Archives Website, since I can't really read Russian at all? From what the Polish Archives told me (*eye roll*):

W ksiqdze z 1904 r. parafii rzymskokatolickiej z Berznik zostat odnaleziony akt urodzenia Antoniego Czarneckiego s. Juliana i Aleksandry Andrulewicz.

Short translation: the record was found in holdings for Berzniki Parish under "Czarnecki". (You can guess who looked for ways to obscure our heritage again, thus the eye roll.)

In the original email (which I'm guessing may have been forwarded via the Zamosc Archives), using Google Translate, I even wrote:

Czerniecki (pierwotnie Chernetski lub Chernetzky) Zernetzky, etc. (Lipsk, Mackowa Ruda). Mój oddział (ojca dziadek "Antoni", ne nieznany, a jego rodzice, Julian i Aleksandria z Andrulewiczow Czerniecki) zmienił go na "Czarniecki" i "Czarnecki"...bo staliśmy Anusim przeżyć pogromy...

(Short translation: they used "Czarnecki", etc. after the conversion, which may've happened earlier than I thought and perhaps after the Farber-Kogan incident and/or due to some of the 1904 pogroms.)
26 Sep 2018
Genealogy / Relatives' Pictures: Do They Look Polish? [44]

Yep Germans are past masters when it comes to genetic research

That is not funny at all.

Do you think my ancestor looks Jewish?

He doesn't have to look Jewish to be Jewish. atDNA plays a significant role in this. Also, see "Anusim" on Jewish Virtual Library's website.
9 Sep 2018
Genealogy / Relatives' Pictures: Do They Look Polish? [44]

Bromberg, look up Anusim, B'nei Anusim, and atDNA.

Incidentally, "Foszko" is a variant of "Foczko" and "Focko", correct? (Just double checking) By the way, this is a picture of relative Dalma Foczko

What caught my eye here is that she kind of looks like Catherine Zeta Jones, who probably looks a good deal like Michael Douglas after almost 18 years of marriage. Also by the way, she looks Ashkenazi Jewish, right? Or does she look more Polish or otherwise Slavic?
4 Jul 2018
Genealogy / Name: Shimonkevitz (formerly Szymonkiewicz / Siemianowicz, other spellings), Warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland [17]

I'm a Bat Anusim, so I get it. My own family were from Lipsk, Sejny, Kaltenik, and the smaller towns. I have trouble finding records about them, as not all have been indexed and the ba'alei teshuvah (lit., "masters of return") cut us off after we became Anusim after the Belostok (Bialystok) Pogrom. Of course, my grandfather was not happy when I found that out. He spread the bubbe meise that we were related to an infamous and Anti-Semitic zlatcha when nothing could've further from hatoldot ha'amitiyot.
18 Jun 2018
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

moved from

And don`t worry for Jehovah`s witnesses, one more of numerable evil sons of Roman mental sperm.

The "Jehovah`s" Witnesses are a cult whom started in 1843 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Besides, real Christianity is Jewish, not what you bigotedly call a product of "Roman mental sperm."
25 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]

@kaprys, it turns out that her aunt's surname was "HaLevi". I can't figure out the aunt's middle name, though, and I still can't find information on her.
23 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]

She was definitely frum. PS The record is attached.

  • Very cropped, reflects only her record
23 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]

There are quite a few synagogues in Brooklyn. Also, I could use her aunt's name (Mrs. Sarah?. Here, they mistyped her name is "Anarelewitz").

I can't read her aunt's surname, though.
22 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]

Andrelewitz is one of the variants of "Andrulevicus" or "Andrulevicius" that we used. At some point (I don't know when), we either Ashkenazized our name or took an Ashkenazi name. On her record[/url], the stem of the "d" is faded:

21 May 2018
Genealogy / Andruszkiewicz, Judycki surnames [20]


Can Someone Help Me Find Out What Happened To A Relative?

Can anyone find out for me what happened to a Rochla Andrelewitz, whom was my great-great-grandmother Alexandria's cousin and seems to have disappeared in or after 1907? She immigrated to Brooklyn from Wilno in 1907. Her name was Rochla bas Gilya or Rochla bat Gilya, possibly Rachel bat Hillel once she cam e here.