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Posts by UsefullIdiot  

Joined: 30 Aug 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Mar 2010
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17 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / The slow, whiny death of British Christianity [86]

There are still Christians in the UK? Last time I was in London, it felt a lot like Pakistan, and so I sort of figured that is the general gist of the whole island these days. Shocking to hear there are still some pools of old Europe around... I'm sure the coming Muslim majority will take care of any stragglers, and then the whole of the UK will be 99.9% non Christian. Will be so awesome, can't wait! :D
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I take it you are now talking about Poles and other Eastern European migrants, willing to work for a salary less than what is usual in a specific country? They suit this description perfectly, namely.

I'm talking about anyone, Americans, Irish, Poles, Brits, Mexicans, anyone who is used as a means to lower a set of wage and/or labor standards [and in many cases breaking the law in doing so]...

Ah ok, so I have a new job for you: you can come and clean my toilet. After all, it's a lie that these ppl do the jobs that the natives don't want to do. I don't want to clean my toilet, so I will hire a useful idiot to do so. Great ideas you have. :)

You really are a Neo-Bolshevik leftist drone, aren't you? Is your brain wired to the BBC? The old classic toilet cleaning argument. Generally speaking, most people clean their own toilets, takes about 5 minutes or so. For those that can't spare that overwhelmingly HUGE chunk of time, they usually higher a cleaning service, who are generally made up of... drum roll please... working class people, employed by the CLEANING SERVICE. You are aware that there are thousands upon thousands of towns and cities around the world without any immigrants, and they all have very clean toliets. You really need to get out of that basement, and do some traveling.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Mass immigration is shock and awe class warfare against the economically immobile working people of any particular nation state. It's a tell-tale sign of ultimate corruption within the ranks of the ruling elite. It's goals are simple, lower wages / cheaper labor... The lies it hides behind are "jobs the natives don't want, and or jobs the natives are too lazy to do"...

Mass immigration is as sustainable as a swarm of locusts through a corn field. Sadly the only thing protecting Poland from this plague of US/EU style greed, is the simple fact that it isn't economically ripe enough for the harvest, not yet. What a sad predicament to be in, knowing that as soon as ripe bulging fruit begins to hang from Poland's vine, the elite of the nation will then open the flood gates of cheap third world labor, and suddenly this country will be awash in the Utopian Bliss that we're now seeing in Malmo, Paris, Birmingham, Oslo, Rotterdam, parts of London, Arizona, California... the list goes on and on...

Don't forget to repeat their mantra... "borders are an archaic construct, sustainable economics = a nation full of lazy people, and there is no such thing as finite resources." Oh yeah, I almost forgot the most important part of the tune... "I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist... I'm not a racist..." If you repeat this mantra enough times, soon you'll no longer feel entitled to live in an economically sustainable, peaceful, culturally continuous society. Don't forget to hate yourself for all of those modern privileges either, like living wages, low crime rates, and affordable housing...

Joking aside... If you can't quiet that bleeding heart that's pounding somewhere within your mind, then put it to a use that isn't a fool's errand. Vote in politicians that play fair at home, and that play fair aboard. Support trade between nations that is fair, and sustainable for everyone. Support sustainable demographic growth rates around the world, particularly in the Third World.

Struggles aside, Poland is a great country. Poles owe the world nothing, and you have just as much of a right to preserve your ethnic heritage, as anyone else... If Africans or Muslims are entitled to their own ethnic heritage, then so is everyone else. Don't fall for the lies...
21 Mar 2010
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

What is the difference between a Polish girl dating a German Nazi during WWII, and an Indian-Muslim today? On the bright side, the Indians usually take all those rare ugly low IQ Polish girls.

I bet most of these Indian guys claiming to have Polish wives, actually have some Polish down-syndrome girl. Can I see some pictures for proof?
21 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Outside of why, you should consider how. 12 year old Poles picked up rifles and fought, how is it that 3 million Jews didn't know it was time to do the same? Hitler knew their fifth column syndrome well, and knew they had no loyalty to the Polish state. Thus it was easy to march them in mass to the camps, where they attempted to collectively wait out the fighting, and more importantly the dying portion of the Nazi invasion of Poland.

It's funny that the Jewish Ghetto uprising is so celebrated, which was only a couple hundred Jews faced with life or death, who finally decided to fight. And I heavily emphasize the word "finally", because a 3 million person army to help the war efforts would have been a nice addition, and some would say the right thing to do. But ever the nation within a nation, what can you expect from these people.

Every single Jew I have ever met, hates Poles more than they hate Germans themselves. It's weird too, considering what Poles have done for them both before and after the war. "We own the streets, they own the buildings"... Poles died for those streets honorably, can't say the same for the Jews and their buildings.