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Joined: 5 Aug 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Feb 2019
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24 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Trying to locate my grandparents names, where to start the search? [19]

the name of the town is Waskowice (which is now Belarus

I have discovered that some records from parts of Poland that are no more, are held in the National Archives in Warsaw.
Email: archiwum@warszawa.ap.gov.pl
Address: Archiwum Państwowe m. st. Warszawy
ul. Krzywe Koło 7
00-270 Warszawa

Also check out this website: archiwa.gov.pl
There is an English version if you don't speak Polish
24 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Valentine Stolarz, Anna Banas, Jacob Mastej, Francis Bil [30]

I've emailed you. You will need to demonstrate you are related before you get a response. Much depends on the person the other end. In my case, the person lived 7 doors away from the people I was researching.
29 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Trying to locate my grandparents names, where to start the search? [19]

I emailed them on 21/10 asking for correct procedure to obtain birth certificate/details and as yet, have no reply.

You need to prove you are related. Without such info you will not get any response. Also there is fee involved. If you ask to research the costs will be higher than if you indicate the person was born within X amount of years and a certificate is required the fee will be lower. As some information is on line if you provide the place of birth I will check for you whether there is anything on microfiche.
27 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Valentine Stolarz, Anna Banas, Jacob Mastej, Francis Bil [30]

I know they came from somewhere near Tarnow.

If they were born in Biadoliny there is a good chance they were married there. But certainly details of their birth parents and grandparents names will be in the archives in the church in Biadoliny.

My father was born in "Austria" quite close to Biadoliny. I have been researching my family and it was the church and council records that has enabled me to trace back 4 x great grandparents. The priest from the church was not particularly helpful, but nevertheless the information was found within 10 minutes of my looking through the records. The Gmina for the area (which I'm looking for) could also hold archives (much depends on whether the church gave access to its records)

The church there is but it looks to new so it may not be the one.

Parafia NSPJ w Biadolinach
Biadoliny Radłowskie 283, 32-828 Biadoliny
tel. (0-14) 679-15-25,
e-mail: biadoliny@diecezja.tarnow.pl

There is another church there

Sw. Józefa Rzemieślnika
Maszkienice 1, 32-828 Biadoliny Szlacheckie,
telefon (0-14) 66-38-072

e-mail: maszkienice@diecezja.tarnow.pl

I will try and find out which church was there in the 19th century.

I have emailed you on this site so do check.
26 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Valentine Stolarz, Anna Banas, Jacob Mastej, Francis Bil [30]

great grandfather Valentine Stolarz, and his wife Anna Banas

Try to find their marriage certificate or even the names of the children they had, as the names of their parents and grandparents will be on it. Much depends which part of Poland you are searching.

The Gmina in a given area also keeps records.
26 Oct 2010
Genealogy / KUCZAJ family [5]

Priests are reluctant to let you see their books and this makes it difficult

I had a similar problem, but don't give up. The priest needs reminding he has a legal duty to show the archives - but you may have to prove who you are in relation to the person you are searching. If you have relatives out there, go with them as it helps to have someone from the family there. The church records are kept in fairly good nick in that part of Poland. You need to go the local Gmina (Council) as it too may have archives copied from the churches.

I had travelled from Krakow to a village near Tarnow, only to be received by the priest through the intercom and I was told to return the following morning during the hours of 7.30 - 8.30 am when he receives people. Fair if those are his hours of receiving, but I hadn't expected to meet him coming out of church at precisely 7.30am to be told by him that he was missing his breakfast!!! I had been warned the day before by the Gmina (council) office that I would be very lucky to get a good reception, so I was well braced. The priest spent 20 minutes moaning about missing his breakfast but it only took ten minutes to find the necessary documents. Naturally, I gave a contribution towards the "church".

I would have made an official complaint against this priest had I not had any family there. It is shocking the way some priests in Poland act as if the world belonged to them. Everything is an inconvenience.

But the message really is PERSIST with a smile and you will get the information you are looking for.

Good luck
25 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Szymon (simon) Moshe Apfelbaum: Searching for Family in Tarnow [6]

grandfather his name is Szymon (simon) Moshe Apfelbaum

I have recently returned from a visit in Krakow and Tarnow and have found some records are also kept in the Gmina (Council offices) For Tarnow you would need:-

Urząd Gminy Tarnów
ul. Krakowska 19
33-100 Tarnów
tel: 014 688 01 01 fax: 014 688 01 03/30
e-mail: urzad@gmina.tarnow.pl

There are costs involved in having certificates issued (22 zloty), but you would need to prove you are related first.
21 Sep 2010
Genealogy / 1939 Krakow - what happened to the residents? [21]

my great uncle Stefan Rybinski entered New York in 1910.

After a lot of searching and help from people on this site I have found my relatives.
Anyone trying to do the same, don't give up. The archives in Poland are amazingly well kept. It's possible to check in the Gmina (council) offices as well as through baptismal church records which provide the date of birth.

Thank you everyone.
11 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Looking for my father's family, Roman Rydel or possibly Rydelski [30]

he came to England after the WW2 and was in the Polish army.

Try the Sikorski Institute in London for Army Records. Records from there may provide you with place of birth. An alternative is the Ministry of Defence records held in Kew. If you know which division of the army your father served in it might be worth doing a search on the internet.
11 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Krupski name [36]

John Krupski's WWI draft registration. It has his placeof birth

He was born in Wilno which is now Lithuania. The pet name for Wilno was Wilejka (food for thought).
If could enlarge the photo 150% it might be easier to decipher the rest.

great grandmother Annie Dmitkowicz

There is a Anna Krupska (Krupska is the female version of Krupski) on ellisisland.org entering the states in 1909 and with others a brother Josef Krupski & Jan & Wife Weronika Burkewicz. It shows Anna is the daughter of Jan Burkewicz. They were all heading for Long Island. There is also a Jan Krupsky who entered in 1901. The place of birth is given as Segelna Wilno
5 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Looking for Perz Family [7]

gr-grandfather John Perz

The northern part of Poland was Prussia at that time. If you have any records showing his last place of residence you should start looking there as there is a chance he was born there too.

Ship's manifests can be a good source of information. If he was a Pole living in Prussia then his name would have been Janusz or Jan but he have been registered as Johan. The Polish equivalent of Lawrence is Wawrzyniec, the Latin would be: Laurentius - Birth records may be in Latin or even German but don't know the German equivalent.

If you are able to provide more information you may find others on this site may help/
5 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Uzdrowski, Makurath [5]


I believe the spelling is Sierakowice and it is about 50 km from Gdansk. There is also a village in the south of Poland by the same name, but if Joseph was from Prussia then Sierakowice near Gdansk may be the best place to start the search.

Church records are good place to search . The church in Sierakowice is Sw.Marcina. This church was rebuilt in the 19th century in place of the wooden one that stood before it.

The Parish addres is as follows:-
ul. Kartuska 1
83-340 Sierakowice
tel. 058/ 684 79 25
e-mail: psierakowicem@pelplin.diecezja.org

Good luck
16 Jul 2010

American sailor

If he served during the war as a sailor, there should be military documentation available of those who served in the forces.
1 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Chodacki (Chodacka)

I haven't been on line for a while, but will check for you and will revert.

Looking for my uncle and his family somewhere in the UK (taken July, 1955

I have sent you an email on this site which may be of interest
25 Jun 2010
Genealogy / DeAmong, DeCroix - Finding a countess [15]

I want to find an estate that was owned by a count.

You will be hard pressed to find it. Warsaw was obliterated.
13 May 2010

Thank you to everyone for their input. I have been trying to trace descandants of a Gt.Uncle and as all traces of him have disappeared from his arrival in Chicago, I am assuning he may have gone back to Poland. When he left the country was under Austrian rule and subsequently taken over by Russia before reverting back to Poland in 1920, so it is reasonable to assume he would have wished to return home. My grandfather spent some time in USA and also returned home when things improved.

descandants of a Gt.Uncle

I've found my relatives. Thanks for the input
5 May 2010
Genealogy / LISIA GORA - village in Poland [16]

Would anyone know if this Church still exists?

Yes it does!! The church is Sw. Wojciecha.


Thread attached on merging:

I've been trying to establish who owned the manor house in Lisia Gora which was destroyed some time in the late 19th or may be early part of 20th century. All documents come up with the same information that there once "stood a manor house" (stał dwór)

Does anyone know the name of the owner of this place in late 19th century or even its name? I've been looking now for over half a year without much luck.

Thanks in advance for any information
30 Mar 2010
Genealogy / Looking for family in Jedrzejowka, Narol [5]

Huta Stara, Austria

There is a place of that name in the Podkarckie region in Poland quite close to where your grandmother came from.
22 Mar 2010
Genealogy / Searching for Szewczyk from Sanok [10]


SANOK is the spelling/

These are some of the churches I found in Sanok :-
Parafia Przemienienia Pańskiego w Sanoku
ul. Grzegorza 5, 38-500 SANOK
Telefon do kancelarii : 013 46 53 911

Parafia Rzym.-Kat. Pw.Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
Aleja Najświętszej Marii Panny 18, 38-500 Sanok, Poland

Zg.Ss. Służebniczek Najśw.Maryi Panny Niepokalanie Poczętej
Lipińskiego 38, 38-510 Sanok, Poland
13 464 41 22‎

38-500 Sanok, Franciszkańska 7
tel. (013) 463 23 52 fax (013) 463 23 52 wew. 8

www: sanok.franciszkanie.pl

Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka w Strachocinie
38-500 Sanok, Strachocina 1
tel. (013) 4626306

www: strachocina.przemysl.opoka.org.pl

Parafia pw. Chrystusa Króla
38-500 Sanok, Jana Pawła II 55
tel. (0-13) 4 63 05 94;wik. (0-13)

www: chrystuskrol-sanok.com.pl
22 Mar 2010
Genealogy / Searching for Koczela from Temeszow [18]

Where is Galicia?

It's an area in Southern Poland. Sanok is in that area. Austrio Hungarian partition partition of Poland in 18th Century gave the name Galicia
19 Mar 2010
Genealogy / Searching Bobreski Bobrecki Bobretzky [3]


The spelling of this may be KAMIENIEC IN Bielorus. This part was under Polish rule between 1919 & 1939 and so there may be some records available in the National Archives.It's a region with quite a chequered history got taken by the Russians after the third partition of Poland in late 18th century.

Alexander Bobrecki

Have found a Polish mission in Kamieniec Bialorus:

The priest is :
Ks. Jan Wasilewski
The address:-
ul. Podrecznaja 15
22050 Kamieniec

You never know he might help.