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Joined: 24 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Mar 2010
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13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The suggestion of a conspiracy is a bit ridiculous IMO. Why would Russia risk international condemnation over such an irrelevant issue (in the context of their geopolitical ambitions)? Where's the motive? If they wanted to punish Poland for something, they would have turned off the gas a long time ago. The suggestion on another thread of IMF involvement is even more ridiculous. How does assissinating the president guarantee Poland will accept IMF loans? As far as I'm aware, the prime minister has the decision making power there anyway.

Clearly this sad unfortunate event seems to have been the result of recklessness and possibly an 'over-eager' president. That and the Polish government's cheapness - packing everyone into one dodgy plane. I hope this will change the frustratingly thrifty attitude among much of Poland's ruling and business class, and make them realise that cheap is not always good.
3 Apr 2010
Love / How could I change her opinion about me? [60]

don't belittle somebody, only because YOU couldn't succeed..

Dear pgtx, I was actually making fun of myself and other western guys who have shared the same experience if they care to be honest.
3 Apr 2010
Love / How could I change her opinion about me? [60]

When expectations such as "ah, easy polish girl, my little money is enough for this beautiful" go beyond the limit, your angryness such as "stuck up b*tch" will make her silent.

Yes, those expectations definitely compound the feeling of frustration and anger. It's amazing what a simple Polish village girl can do to western guy's ego. :)
3 Apr 2010
Love / How could I change her opinion about me? [60]

The absolute complete silence is the one thing I saw in common with the Polish girls, something other girls haven't done as much as the Polish ones, for sure.

That's very true. Girls in Poland generally prefer to give the silent treatment then take responsibilty for their decisions. Call it lack of spine, courtesy or respect for men or whatever. Western women are more likely to be straight with you and let you get on with your life. Let's say you meet a girl in a bar, get her number, text her later and for whatever reason she changes her mind about seeing you. A western girl is more likely to text you back, e.g. "I'm sorry it's was nice meeting you, but I was a little drunk last night and I have a bfr". Polkas would rather not reply or just let their phone ring and ring, frustrating the hell out of the horny foreign guy. ahhh...
3 Apr 2010
Love / How could I change her opinion about me? [60]

Grow some self-respect. Do you know how badly Polish girls used to beg for foreign c**k? Go to Poland, meet other girls, and get some perspective. She sounds like a low class girl anyway.
31 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

Are you measuring the standards by the level of income?

No, by 'standards' we are talking about their taste in men.

Alx do you see Blacks and Turks with beautiful polish girls in Krakow?I did not notice sth like that in Poznan.

Well, I wouldn't say beautiful, but you do see guys of all backgrounds, including African, Turkish etc, with girls considered to be pretty in western societies. But you also see many with below average girls.
31 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

You mean higher standards.

But I have to disagree with your opinion. Some nationalities do indeed have lower standards than others on the whole.
30 Mar 2010

I see too many ugly guys with a beautiful girl.

I don't believe it's because all these ugly have such a nice personality that she doesn't care anymore about his ugly face, stupid goatee, fat hairy ass or that he has a bad breath.

So i'm sure all these guys must have a good job and a nice car. She rather prefers an ugly guy with a big walet than a better looking guy who's on a budget.

It's about security - they want a doormat, preferably one that dispenses cash. But even so, it's difficult for us guys to comprehend how such a woman could possibly share her bed with such a guy let alone get aroused. These women must have a wh@re gene in them. I don't know any guy who'd date and be intimate with a rich woman who he finds physically repulsive. It's almost biologically impossible.
30 Mar 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

The naked truth is that polish girls are bigger cheaters than every other nation ever encountered on the face of Earth

That's not an easy thing to prove. However, if many Polish girls do cheat a lot, I put it down to their criteria for selecting boyfriends. A Polish girl once told me that some women's magazines in Poland even advise girls to seek out unappealing guys because they will be more faithful. They are so concerned about a guy being unfaithful that, contrary to western girls, they are prepared to date someone who doesn't arouse them very much. What happens in many cases is that certain needs go unfulfilled and it's no surprise that they cheat (e.g. with the macho mediterranean guy that KP described).

Now I'm not suggesting that you might be one of these doormat boyfriends, I'm just giving my opinion based on experience and observation. There may be other cases too. But as the above mentioned girl said to me during the same conversation "it's better to cheat than be cheated on."
30 Mar 2010

i dont think so.. only ugly girls left in pl.

Wrong. Many beautuful girls are still in Poland because either they can't speak English very well (dumb shallow models etc), are married to one of the successful Polish entrepreneurs of the 90s, or dating the son of an entrepreneur.

well, when i dress my best (and most expensive) clothes girls in poland look at me in completely different way. girls in uk look at me same whateverr clothes i put on me

Actually, the opposite is true. In Poland it's often better to look like a nobody. Guys who look too slick, especially foreign guys, scare away many girls (except a certain type) because they are considered less likely to be faithful.
29 Mar 2010

king polkagamon: Yes but the guys you mention are usually taken by Russian girls who are more sly and adjust better

That's the impression I get about Russian women. They even publish books in Russia to help attractive women find, seduce and marry oligarchs. I stressed 'fairly well-off', meaning that those guys are not exactly super rich, just financially confortable.

king polkagamon: Social status is disputable.Polish girls cannot understand the real status

Yes, that's why I wrote 'perceived social status'.
29 Mar 2010

I think you have missed the main points of this thread, which can be summed up as follows:

1) Do Polish girls go for fairly well-off guys who are otherwise undateable to western girls?
2) Financial security is a bigger priority in Polish society because it is a poorer country.
3) Polish girls, like many girls, are attracted to social status rather than money (meaning that a loser with a foreign passport has a higher social position in Poland than in his own country)

I wouldn't categorise them all as gold diggers either. But it's hard to say if given the opportunity how many would go for money or 'perceived social status' at the expense of everything else (looks, character, extreme cultural differences, etc.).
29 Mar 2010

Peter KRK: It is not a question of money. It is a question of imaginary social position. You could be poor idiot but with foreign passport and you were somebody because of the stereotype.

This is a very good point. I remember when Polish girls were really fascinated with foreign men back in the day. Many foreign guys in Poland at the time were poor or stingy, but they were perceived as being rich and of course took advantage. It wasn't necessary to treat girls to expensive dinners, buy gifts, etc - the perception of high social status was enough.
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

Wulkan: after I came to England cause I simply found the boring, without any enthusiasm and often with a mood swing, there are always exceptions but I just can't see them here.

There are many like that - simple, lacking in wit, etc. That's mainly true of the small town/village girls. I agree that there are exceptions too.

Wulkan: some scared paki guy

You mean he had a scar on his face or he looked scared/frightened?

Wulkan: there is no rule, every nation has girls like that

No, there is a rule. Some nations have it more than others for the reasons discussed in this and other threads. As has been said before, attractive and educated girls from western nations generally prefer to be single than settle for a 'loser'.
28 Mar 2010

Contrary to that Polki rushed to take advantage of the situation that several third wordlers with disposable income were single in UK due to inside limitations of their culture(girls need to be virgin to marry) and due to white superiority treatment by poorer English girls(who would date white guys of similar financial status).

Sadly, I think there is some truth to this. For many westerners, having an attractive Polish gfr is an ego boost and they refuse to look at the big picture fearing that their bolstered ego will come crashing down. They would never entertain such a notion. Though I find a lot of your generalisations a bit over the top, there seems to be some truth in many of them. I must admit that I get turned off a bit when a Polish girl tells me she's had foreign boyfriends before me from some particular countries.
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

king polkagamon: I mean these guys they choose appear as rather vulnerable not exactly the kind one man respects.

Yes, exactly. And those traits are not attractive to western women.
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

I do just fine, especially when I act like a wuss. :) It would help if you responded to the points raised with your own observations.
28 Mar 2010

More in some countries, less in others, depending on cultural and economic factors. The question is whether all attractive women are inherently gold diggers. If you strip them of whatever financial well-being they already have, would they all put money at the top of their list of criteria for selecting men?
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

Wulkan: since when girls like guys who can pick up many girl since when girls like guys cheating on them lol

I meant guys who aren't appealing to many women. The point was whether attractive Polish girls select guys based on their 'bad' features because they know those guys will be faithful. In other words, 'bad' becomes 'good'.
28 Mar 2010

king polkagamon: Anyway what Alx fails to understand in my opinion is that in Poland girls tend to choose these stingy men because there are no other options available.

I cannot refute this opinion because when I am outside Poland I don't tend to seek out Polish girls, so I don't see what they are going for. I can only speak for Poland. But if they are inherent gold diggers as you say they are, it seems they are pretty bad at it if they are going for all these ethnic minorities, who tend to be poorer than their wealthier indigeneous counterparts.

In Poland, society is better off than it was 10 years ago, and as a result the gold digging is less blatant than it used to be. Just compare Poland to Ukraine, a much more backward country. When you meet the average girl in a Ukrainian club, you don't need to squint to see the dollar signs in her eyes. With the average Polish girl, unless you go out to specific clubs, you don't always feel you are a walking, talking wallet. To me, it's logical that the degree of 'gold digging' is relative to the backwardness of the country, the attractiveness of the girls and the presence of wealthier males.
28 Mar 2010

All women desire financial security especially in poorer countries. But I think that the money issue is exagerrated when it comes to Polish girls. Certainly 10 years ago part of their fascination with foreign guys was money (or rather the perception of money). But times have changed. I've met some of the cheapest, most tight-fisted guys you can imagine in Krakow. And they're happy here because they can date attractive, low maintenance girls. Of course there are hardcore gold diggers too, but it's not as bad as in some other countries I can think of.
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

king polkagamon: I think Alx you get drown in a spoon of water as we say.The criteria these girls choose have to do primarily with financial assets and secondarily with appearance:These girls choose according to the following criteria:
1.How much is his disposable income?
2.How much of it can I get?
3.Is there possibility for marriage?
4.Is he living in Poland?

I made it clear that I wasn't just talking about appearance but also charm, manners, style, etc. Yes, that criteria makes sense in theory, but it doesn't explain why they go for guys who do not have money, and also do not seem to have too much else going for them.

king polkagamon: But an ugly guy will stay with me longer since other girls will not pay attention to him.He will be more faithful more spending on me and more likely to marry me.

This is an interesting explanation. But it may even go further than just appearance. It might explain why they go for certain nationalities that do not appeal to other (western) girls. Or why they go for boring, serious guys, who cannot pick up many girls. It's clearly a self-esteem issue. As you said before, this is different to Greek girls, for example, who would rather be single than settle for some 'malakas'..hehe.
27 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

Polak8323: I have to agree, Polish men are genetically ungifted, wheras Polish women are some of the most beautiful women on this planet.. they can do better then the beer drinking, balding , lazy Polish men that are out there...

some of the Polish men are attractive but the majority are lazy good for nothing potato heads..

LOL The problem is that I don't see sexy-looking girls exactly throwing themselves at the superior Polish guys or better guys in general (not just talking about looks here, but rather overall charm, style, manners etc.) The question is do they realise they can do better, do they feel they don't deserve better or are they even capable of recognising 'better'? They must be able to see the difference, otherwise American films would flop in Poland since Polish girls wouldn't get the appeal of the cool movie stars.

I think many of these girls must be lacking in self-esteem in a way that is not easy for a man to understand. For us guys, it's simple: "she's hot, she can do better, wtf". Last night I was out in a club in Krakow, and I was amazed yet again at the girls' crappy taste in men.

As a general point, perhaps women have less faith in their looks than men think they do. For a woman, a guy might be very handsome but if he is too weak, too insecure, too horny or too boring, she can be turned off immediately. For most men, if a girl is very attractive, she'd have to have a pretty extreme deficiency to put him off...at least at the beginning. Maybe attractive women feel to some extent that men are selecting them according to similar criteria and therefore believe they can't have a more desirable man (e.g. "what would this guy want with a poor village girl like me?" instead of "I'm hot...I'm going to find a cool guy")
25 Mar 2010
Love / How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice [118]

Judging from what I saw in Poland a foreigner must be completely stupid not to get a hot girl if he lives in Poland.Even I have polish gfs without living in Poland but coming there once a year for some days.Imagine what would happen if I stayed longer.

When you live in Poland your standards become higher. That doesn't mean that you always go for the most attractive girls, it just means that what you become more picky in your jusgement of what is very hot. Sure, foreigners do get good looking girls like I said, but just not the best. I guarantee you will not find it easy.

Some don't value it as much as others.

Yes, obviously a girl can have many qualities apart from looks. My comments were only made to dispel a myth - that foreigners get the hottest girls.
25 Mar 2010
Love / How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice [118]

In Germany there are 3 million Turks and relatively few German Turkish pairs and the German women in these pairs are usually ugly.In Poland there are very few foreigners all of them have polish gilfriends and most are beautiful.

Actually, I saw a few Turks with half-decent German girlfriends in a club in Berlin a few years ago. I must admit it pissed me off. However, I agree that Polish girls do level the playing field somewhat, meaning that everyone has a chance of getting a hot girl. But you make it sound much easier that it is. I've never been to the Greek resorts where Polish girls are, so I don't know what it's like there. But in Poland, the Polish guys tend to get the hottest (and also the least attractive) girls, probably because very hot women demand more more security (and usually speak worse English). Foreigners do get attractive girls, but not the most attractive.
24 Mar 2010
Love / How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice [118]

Imagine Alx what happens when you start playing money.You get a multiplier.

It depends on how highly you rate the girl, her level of class or type of character. Why would you want to splash out on a simple student girl from a small town, for example? Plus, I think money helps when you also have a little charm - I've seen lots of English tourists in Krakow getting used for drinks. OK, the more $$ you have the less charm you probably need, but you will still need some, unless you are super rich and everyone knows it.

What's charming for Polish girls is another point of discussion. Often, a very simple conversation is enough (Do you like X? Do you like Y? etc.). Foreigners in Poland frequently fail to understand the mentality of the girls and try to be too cocky, too clever, too sexual or whatever.
23 Mar 2010
Love / How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice [118]

throw money around like it grows on trees, and be more important (higher status) that other "options"

What's all this talk of money?? Guys come to Poland and go for Polish girls precisely because they can find low maintenance attractive girls, unlike in many other societies. Sure, there are gold digging types too, but there are more than enough of the former.