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Posts by Matowy  

Joined: 4 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 293 / In This Archive: 190
From: United Kingdom.
Speaks Polish?: Only a little. Maybe 2% or so.
Interests: Few and far between.

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5 Jul 2010
Genealogy / malcolm in the middle grandparents [7]

The last name makes that clear, however I said "If that makes her Polish", not "If that makes her of Polish ancestry".
4 Jul 2010
Love / Do Polish men find African American women attractive? [25]

Thanks, but honestly, would i feel uncomfortable on my visit?

I think that people here are playing Emperor's New Clothes with you. I haven't been to Poland and don't know any black people who have, so I will not comment. It's my personal opinion, however, you won't feel comfortable in general in Poland, but that shouldn't stop you enjoying it there.


Just enjoy your holiday and dont focus on your skin colour

Rich words coming from you. Didn't you just refer to black people as "violent animals" in another thread?

Why am I not surprised... the only experience you have with Poland is as a typical drunkard who goes to Kraków to get smashed for a weekend and disrespect everything in sight. Don't be ashamed, it fits perfectly with your commoner personality.
4 Jul 2010
Genealogy / malcolm in the middle grandparents [7]

Grandparents or parents? In any case, the actress who plays Lois has a Polish last name.
Whether that makes her Polish is up to your interpretation.
2 Jul 2010
Life / How do Polish people see homosexuality? [152]

Why a gay man cant give blood at all? or actually any man who had sex with other man, even once many years ago...

Because AIDS (or HIV?) can take a long time to be detectable. I'm not sure if it's years, but it's happened before that people who somehow get HIV end up getting married, having children and then the entire family has HIV (or AIDS?). It's apparently a very slippery virus, and the fact that the sex that homosexual males commonly partake in without protection is perfect for spreading the virus is decent justification for not allowing them to give blood. It's cold, yes, but until a better way of detecting the virus is discovered, it's better to be safe than sorry.
2 Jul 2010
Life / How do Polish people see homosexuality? [152]

I thought sodomy was rectal peneration. If not, then what is the correct definiton of it?

Any kind of penetrative sex other than penis -> vagina.

He didn't hit them or anything and he didn't comment it into their face so he tolerated them pretty good I say.

So he was more of a ***** than the actual fags themselves?

I only have one friend from Poland who is extremely open about being a gay, but he never talks to me about what it's like being openly gay in Poland. He's extremely confident about his homosexuality, though, so it can't be that bad. I imagine attitudes in Poland are much the same as they are here; people just don't care. This is a general view, though, and there's no telling how an individual family would react if someone in their family turned out to be gay. Probably disappointment, in general.
2 Jul 2010

THat is absolutely not true, there is a rich history of the Jewish society in Poland before ww2, you should be ashamed.

But nobody cares about that history at all, the camps of death are the thing that draws people, especially Jews, to visit Poland. There was even a video posted here of an Israeli documentary showing bratty Israeli teenagers visiting Lublin and being force-fed about how oppressed and hated the Jews were. Not to mention they weren't allowed to talk to anyone who looked young enough to speak English, and when they actually talked to some Poles they thought they were shouting abuse at them for being Israeli. They had nothing to fear though, because they were accompanied by an Israeli commando to protect them from the hordes of Jew-hating Poles. I'll say once again that it was an Israeli documentary, before anyone decides to nit-pick about it. It really shows the self-defeating victim complex of the Jews in action.
2 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Why does everyone keep saying that Harry is trolling? His posts are much less provocative than most others.
1 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Wanting Polish lessons in or around Huddersfield UK [12]

Polish lessons in the UK are few and far between, I don't think it's realistic to be able to find one (I managed to find one in my area, but only when the term had ended :( ). If you're determined enough, though, you can definitely learn well enough on your own and with your fiancée. When I started learning it I didn't know any Polish people or have any basis whatsoever to start with, but I did enough self-studying and eventually got the expertise of various Poles to rely on.

Don't underestimate the internet, it's your best friend for all kinds of information.

polish-dictionary.com - this is the place to get language help on Polish.
polish.slavic.pitt.edu/~swan/beta/ - One of the best Polish online dictionaries
www2.ling.pl - Another good dictionary
translate.google.com/ - it's pretty accurate for basic stuff, but don't rely on it. If you input one word only it also offers alternative meanings and synonyms, which is very handy

I would advise learning basic vocabulary, learning the pronunciation (this is easy, you'll learn it in a day with your fiancée), wrapping your head around the basic grammar rules (conjugations, absence of articles). Beyond that you can venture in whatever direction suits you.
1 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I would suggest you to read more about group-effect and comformity-theories.

Except that, as you've hinted at yourself, racism is a natural impulse for humans due to our tribal history. It's much easier to be racist than it is to be non-racist, because the former is driven by primal impulses and the latter on logic. Manipulating large masses of people is easier with a motive like racism (I don't need examples here, it's too obvious). Why? Because racists rely on shock tactics, and shock tactics are effective on the weak-minded and emotionally-driven, which most are. Case in point, the rape stuff you're all bringing up now - blatant shock tactic. Racists can show you biased articles, inaccurate shock statistics, shock images and whatever else, but when it comes to actual real-world applications they fail to bring any evidence whatsoever.

I think Jarnowa would also be against white criminal immigrants. So it's not about race.

Like all the articles I showed that didn't link immigration with crime whatsoever, and if anything only specified Eastern Europeans? For the record I place about 0.5% faith in online articles, but since everyone else here seems to think they're valid evidence, I have no qualms using them to point out the tirade of fallacies.

MareGaea, I think that analogy is OK, but far too complicated for these people to follow. I think the No True Scotsman fallacy (check wiki) has always been the most perfect description for racists. You see, people, you can take practically any conclusion, opinion, prejudice or perception and you can take it to such extremes that it becomes reality for you and others, even though those from the outside looking in only see broken logic and an even more broken mind. If you're trying to convince people that immigrants (ESPECIALLY the ones with dark skin, coincidentally) are all bad, that they are uncivilized, offer no economic value, cause violence and destruction, and that they'll some day impose their wicked ways upon the whole of Europe, then you should probably do so by pointing to real evidence of this, and not just the "evidence" that you purposefully seek out in your "No True Scotsman"-induced stupor.

Obama is a communist
Jews rule the world
Illuminati rule the world
The British royal family are shape-shifting alien reptiles
America "defends freedom" in every military action it takes
Global warming is a serious threat
The world will end in 2012
The Anti-Christ is among us
Barack Obama IS the anti-christ (I didn't even use his name)
Jews are inherently evil
Blacks inherently intellectually inferior (even I could disprove this in my sleep, conclusions such as these are made by people who have no understanding whatsoever of genetics, the human brain, or how humanity works)

Homosexuality is genetic
Homosexuality is evil
Homosexuality causes natural disruption
Fluoride... need I say more?

So there you go, irrefutable evidence that there are threats out there greater than the evil darkies. I suggest we increase awareness to fix these problems first, then we can get right around to your master plan of training football hooligans to save Europe.
1 Jul 2010
Language / Quick Tips for Choosing a Polish Translator [8]

Choose a young University student from Warszawa. Not only will they speak perfect English and Polish, but they'll scold you if you make a mistake in English and constantly assert how much better they are than you at every given opportunity.
1 Jul 2010

Communism was oppressive for every religion, since it was an ideaology of Atheism. Stalin studied to be a priest when young, but obviously that didn't happen. He was also not a Christian, any proclamation of that would have been political suicide. Trotsky, however, was a Jew.
1 Jul 2010
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

(despite you holding political views very much like those of the Nazis).

Actually his views are pretty much identical to the Nazi racial hierarchy. All that's missing is the mystical element.

EDIT: And like Harry was saying, it's not a matter of "Poles doing X good things" or "Poles doing X bad things". No group of people is completely single-minded. In a morally ambiguous and vicious setting like World War 2, things become blurred, people will react as they will, and it usually doesn't depend upon national identity or sentimentalities. All that national pride crap goes out of the window when it comes down to it, and then you see which individuals are capable of misdeeds and which ones will take up the arduous task of re-asserting morality in the world.
30 Jun 2010
Language / Ile by nie było to i tak jest za mało [26]

I'm inclined to agree, I don't know why they insist on speaking so fast. Do they really have so much information to convey is a short space of time?
30 Jun 2010
Love / I'm a black African man and can't cope with my Polish mother in law [34]

You guys are making assumptions. And either way whether the cart of the horse comes first it is still ridiculous and even at times disgusting replies that make it so. There are a lot of people here who joy in insulting and popping off from behind a keyboard.

I'm definitely making an assumption, which is why I tailored my reply to function whether it was a troll or someone genuine. Either way I'm satisfied with my initial reply, no problems about condescending someone over a simple matter like this. I'm almost certain it's a troll however.
30 Jun 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

You can watch it ... here (if you're in the UK). The part I like most is the description: "This dramatised documentary..."
30 Jun 2010
Language / Ile by nie było to i tak jest za mało [26]

How does one really learn words themselves rather than the translations of words?

You have to use them practically. Have you tried having conversations with Poles, and just asking them to speak a bit slowly?

EDIT: How old are you?