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Posts by markskibniewski  

Joined: 31 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jul 2012
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 200 / In This Archive: 136
From: new jersey usa
Speaks Polish?: no

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1 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / My story. Born In the USA - do I have a chance in Poland, my Mother Country? [69]

He doesn't have a socialist attitude. And seriously, what is wrong with getting social services paid for through taxes?

The government overspends now could you imagine what our taxes would be like if the government mismanaged healthcare as well. If healthcare is so great why do so many Canadians cross the border just to receive US healthcare services?? I personelly do not want to wait six weeks for an appointment. This already occurs in NJ.


Why is that? Is life in Poland that bad.

just that they are bad bad bad.

What makes them Good???
21 Aug 2012
Law / How can I qualify for an EU/ Polish/ German citizenship as a US citizen? [8]

Were the records destroyed or were thier birth certificates destroyed because you could always get copies. But what Harry says is very true without them all hope is lost.

Wrong. Anyone obtaining foreign citizenship prior to the 1962 date would immediately be stripped of Polish citizenship.

Interesting because when I tried I was told my father was a Polish citzen until he served in the military which ruled me out. My father was born in Us. Both of his parents were born in Poland or occupied Poland.
2 Jul 2012

You need to realize that only in the Polish heraldic tradition, as opposed to the West European traditions, the coats of arms have their own names and they are rarely associated with one family only.

Funny you should say this because all of my research leads me to believe that my family Skibniewski adopted the name of the family they worked for and were given land as a gift for thier service. Any more information you could give would be helpful.
22 May 2012
Genealogy / GdaƄsk Archives (Lipusz Parish) [2]

He is not necessarily close to Gdansk Archives but I do know he travels as well and his rates are reasonable and I used him myself and was very pleased.

polish genealogy .com.pl
28 Mar 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

Polish people have been ridiculed and deemed stupid because of thier poor English. It really had nothing to do with their intelligence level. Which is ironic at least when it comes to this post because I would surmise they wanted to speak Polish and felt more comfortable speaking Polish and were proud to be Polish rather than being ashamed of it. Really this was more prevalent in the early 1900's but today this is rarely the case. I know of at least 2 people who are recent immigrants from Poland, one of which is in my daughters class. His english is very good, but I am sure if it wasn't there would be some bullying as kids are cruel


A lot of families did their best to keep their heritage alive and well in a foreign land.

A lot of people in the 50's hid their ancestry especially if they were eastern European (Slavic) because of the FBI and their communist witch hunts here in the USA. It was a nightmare.
14 Mar 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

Uh, just because you didn't hear it, doesn't mean they didn't say it.

There will always fools in the world .

And how did beating up a 4th grader disprove what he said, anyway?

It didn't. What I said above still stands ....the difference is I grew up and learned how to treat people differently and not get so easily offended. This is what proves him wrong.

It's a nationality. Don't act dumb.

nation is a synonym of race.

having a curiosity in your ancestry does not mean you have some idiotic pride

Very true. But it doesn't disprove it either. Pride is shown in different forms it could be as strong as fighting aganst ones enemys or it could be as small as honoring your father or mother by carrying on some tradition passed down. Or I believe in the case of finding out about one's heritage so it can be passed down to further generations.
13 Mar 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

1.) Poles are not a race.

Would you classify it as a religion???? (sarcastic)

2.) Having a curiosity in your ancestry does not mean you possess pride.

Little Jimmy Mcgurk in the 4th grade when he called me a dumb Polock and ended up on his arse with one tooth missing would disagree. One week detention but never heard a word in school again. It was worth it.
13 Mar 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

No, I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that people are usually indifferent to what their ancestry is.

This is why ancestry dot com is making millions. Wake up. And personelly I have never heard of someone Polish being ashamed of thier heritage. If you are you are not of Polish descent. We are a proud race that others tried thier best to eradicate and failed.

The creation of the European Union was the final nail in the coffin

This is the prime reason that immigration has died down. After 9/11 it isn't as easy to get in either.

If they hide their Polish ancestry it simply means they have a reson for it.

12 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]


When anyone refers to NYC they are referring to Manhattan. No one that lives in Brooklyn /Queens says they live in NYC. They live in Brooklyn or Queens. And yes prices in Brooklyn/Queens are about 50 % cheaper than in the city. I agree OP probably lives in the Bronx or Queens. My parents grew up in the Bronx. There was a lovely Polish church there. My grandfather owned an apartment buildng there.

which is, yet again, why i am doubtful of her getting off the plane and walking into a 10K/month salary. all this talk about her "stellar corporate experience" we keep banging around, yet not a peep from the OP about just how extensive this experience really is.

12 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Listen I am in no way trying to offend anyone here, but her first post seemed more like a resume than asking for advice after reading further posts by OP. There is a wide range of colleges in Ny not to mention how broad the stellar NYC corporate experience statement was. Sounds to me like she is more of a secretary/personel assistant than a corporate executive.

Lets be honest with ourselves is a manager in a corporation going to ask for a teaching job if successful. Not trying to bellitle teachers in any way I feel thier job is harder by far. It is the pay scale that I am eluding to.

There s no right or wrong here. It is just advice. I am giving advice based on what I have read here and my personel experiences living here in USA that is all.
11 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

What is wrong with wanting to go back and live for one year in Poland???
Since when one must own a business to visit a country of his/her ancestors? She may meet a successful Polish businessman and get married in Poland - her single years are over :-).

There is nothing wrong with it at all. I don't think Fuzzy is saying that there is anything wrong with Poland. I think Fuzz is saying if you don't like the city move elsewhere first before diving in head first in another country (albeit her homeland) that has changed significantly since she has been there last. From what I have read on this forum it is cheaper to live in Poland but the pay scale is also severely reduced. It may be a shock to just move to Poland and try to get a job as some have suggested here. I think Fuzz is giving some very down to earth and common sense advice that I happen to agree with. If PO decides to go I wish her the best and stay in touch with the forum to let the rest of us know how you are fairing.
11 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

I personally have not had the pleasure of visiting Warsaw yet I will in the next couple of years, but NYC is not what it used to be. It has become outrageously expensive to live there. I personelly work both there and in NJ as well and would choose not to work in NYC if possible.

I'm a Jersey native, have Polish family in Poland and the tri-state area, spent 4 years in Wroclaw teaching ESL (2007-2011) and married a (native) Polish girl.

Applause. I would like to hear more as my relatives are also in Poland about 70 miles northeast of Warsaw. I would love to here about the city or area sometime.
10 Mar 2012
Love / Do Irish / British guys like Polish girls? [138]

I've never met a single irish person here.

You may wish to find an old Irish pub in your area an attend on monday though wednesday....Do not go on the weekends or on St paddys day. You will never find a true Irishmen wading through the wannabees.
10 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

If NYC has grown old for you........move to another state! You've got the entire country at your disposal.

Agree 100 %.

For me, it is certainly NOT the ultimate place to live, especially Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens or the Bronx.

I am curious why you say that. If you are living in the city and don't like it simply move to the suburbs. It is a much more relaxed lifestyle. I am not aware of your situation so I can only speculate. If you are concerned about money move south. Things are a hell of a lot cheaper in the south and is a slower pace as well. Personelly based on your experience you may wish to try just outside of Atlanta. Atlanta has boomed ever since the Olympics but has retreated a bit in recent years so you can get a real bargain for a house. Florida is another great option move just outside of Orlando and work in Orlando. I spent a couple years here after college and it was the best few years of my life. I currently live in NJ and understand about the hussle and bussle of the city. I wouldn't want to live there either.
9 Mar 2012
Love / Cultural misscommunication, or is he trying to send me a message? Working with Polish dude. [34]

So I now feel that he's totally in the closet, and it's because of his family and culture. At least I know he digs me, and slowly but surely he's sending me a message that he wants to be more then mere friends...

I don't think its slowely but surely..I think its quite simple the dude thinks your gay and has been been giving you the green light for some time.

Europe is much older than America. I think we have come a long way in a short time. Spitting on the sidewalk is a jailable offense in NYC but it is never enforced. Point being thier are alot of silly laws still on the books doesn't mean thiey are truly enforcible. Hell sodomy is still on the books in 70 percent of states but that is no longer enforced either.Turn the clock back 20 years or more and there is a large change in attitudes towards being gay. I am sure it would be harder growing up in the bible belt though.
5 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

Did you even watch the show? Yes Archie berated Mike almost every show but every show but not becuse he was Polish it was because of the times and the hippie movement which is what his character was portrayed to be. Hippies were often portrayed as unkept and lazy. They were against corporate America and following the herd. Which is what Archie's character was supposed to portray but every program Archie is the one looking like a fool because of his bigoted ways and old school mentality. Mike was a non conformist but also just. He is often portrayed as a conflicted man...on one end he is pro women's right but he is also masciline and proud of it. I am confused how you only see the bad in his character and automatically assume that is because he was Polish???

Of course the Anti Defamation League would say that against the show it is thier montra. Apparently everyone doesn't know that because my take as a American is quite different. I found it entertaining and saw the show as a turning point in Americas prejudice and lead to shows like the Jeffersons and later the Cosby Show. Which are also filled with racism but showed how the other side sees the world. These shows opened the eyes of America to how the other half lived and felt also in a comedy format.

This Archie Bunker guy is FICTIONAL

But represented the blue collar worker at the time. The show marked a passsage of time...from and old way of thinking to a new. It had 2 extreme ways of thinking in it. The old school waspy view of the world and the hippie view of the world constantly colliding and finding out that neither was perfect and often had to compromise.

CBS started "All in the Family" when it saw how NBC-TV was going crazy making various shows pushing ethnic insults, mostly at Poles.

Can you site some?
5 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

I will agree with the Polish slurs, the show was full of slurs of every ethnic origin. My point was Mike the Polish character was portrayed as a loving husband to Archie's daughter and it was Archie that looked like the bigoted jerk for making fun of him all the time.

Mike got on my nerves sometimes and Gloria was one of the most annoying characters of all time.

I really did enjoy the show though, and in fact I credit this show for some of the reduction of racial slurs in America today. The show was so over the top it was entertaining.
5 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

The most insulting show of all time was All In The Family. Did that premiere on NBC?

No that was cbs and was the show that I was going to show mocked everyone including the Jews. In fact if you watched the show although the acter who was Polish was often called Meathead by Archie, he often was portrayed in a positive light and Archie was often the butt of the jokes .
4 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

Yes and yes. Learn to read.

Sorry but you are the one contridicting yourself in a single sentence not I.

We have another idiot.

You mean an American who watches tv and SNL and doesn't see the BS your spewing. SNL is a satire. It is not the news or "real" media. It is designed to make light of everything and has done so throughout its existance. It in no way targets Polish or Slavs directly... it makes fun of everyone and anything that is current news.

It is the conditioning. People are conditioned to think and connect Poles with adjectives such as "idiot", and "failure". Read a little bit on psychology you uneducated moron.

Conditioning....Whaaaaaat???? This is not a weekly occurance or repetitive in nature. I will say this over and over here I can not remember the last time I remember hearing a Polish joke other than this one you brought up.

That is not the point you insignificant moron. Which of these groups is still portrayed like this, like Poles and Slavs are?

Have you ever seen the show "Jersey Shore" which is by far more detrimental to Italians than anything you have portrayed so far.And that is supposed to be a reality show not a satire like SNL.
4 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

Just because he did not explicitly say anything bad does not mean that he did not say anything bad

Well that makes a whole lot of sense.

Polish jokes propagated by movies and tv shows in the states in the 70s and 80s.

You make it sound as if the 70's and the 80's were devoted to Polish jokes are you an idiot? It wasn't only Polish jokes but Jews , Italians, Chinese, and African Americans. Please do not try and make the American media out to be anti Slavic because it isn't. America is the biggest melting pot there is...we have a lot to make fun of.

Well jason NBC-TV for 5 decades has been pretty much making ethnic slur jokes about Polish people

As well as others.

Maybe this article was not intended as such, but its nevertheless a good example.

So do you think its a slite or not or am I not reading this statement properly.

These anti-Polish joke slurs in America in general declined significantly since the 1970's because the broadcast of these anti-Polish "joke" slurs declined significantly as more Polish Americans complained about them.

The reduction of ethnic slurs have reduced in general across the United States it had nothing to do with Polonia complaining about them. We have become a bunch of pansies afraid to say anything derogatory about any race. IMO the awareness that racial slurs can hurt people is a good thing but the ability to say what you feel no matter how retarded should be always encouraged.

Do I really need to explain to you that jokes can make people think negatively of others?

Yes but there is a difference between a joke and blatant racism. The KKK obvious blatant racism. A joke on Saturday Night live is...a joke not some subliminal message designed to malign ethnic slavs.
3 Mar 2012
News / More anti Polish sentiment in western media ("Apple is worth more than Poland") [110]

I think it’s dangerous to ignore it, as the authors who write this sort of BS are often of certain extraction with a definite agenda behind it. It’s not an oops, IMO.

First of all the article is in no way a dig at Poland or any other country mentioned. Apple is one of the most powerful corporations in the world. The author chose countries that fit the revenue scheme that is all. Why Poland is mentioned in the title? Perhaps the author was trying to be symetrical as Poland is in the middle as far as size of countries mentioned. It is not as if Apple is worth nothing and Poland was compared to that. IMO the OP is being hyper sensitive drawing conclusions out of thin air. The object of the article was to showcase how large and powerful Apple is not how poor the other countries are. Being compared with argueably the most powerful corporation in the world is no dig it is a compliment.
21 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

Why do you go so deeeply into relations Theory will be always stay a theory. How smart I am. I really am.

What exactly does this mean???
21 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

If it turns out the ex is back and she doesn't want to try because of this or any other reason, I can feel like I can move on having tried to fix it like a man. This whole "one mistake and I'm done and moving on" just isn't my thing.

I would agree. I have seen too many people let the one they thought was the one get away. At least you would know the truth either way.
19 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

She is keeping her options open

I tend to agree. Just like she didn't stop communicating with her ex while with you. Perhaps she was using you to make her ex jealous and keeps and open dialog with you to keep him in line. This is worst case scenario though. It seems you might have grabbed her on the rebound. You seem like a prince on a white horse coming to save the day but as soon as she had time to evaluate her life she may have decided to slow it way down to avoid getting hurt. Chin up dude there are more women out there. If you are interested in finding out the truth invite her out for drinks with another women and see how she reacts. This is manipulative and of course not the best course of action if you are not prepared for bad news but will possibly reveal the truth and give you closure.