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Posts by johncardwell  

Joined: 3 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Aug 2009
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 110 / In This Archive: 27
From: Czech Republic
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14 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

ShelleyS: Oh well, that said it all.
Good night, I'll leave you to your wet day dreams about losing your virginity.

I'm bet you lost your virginity at 11 or 12 years of age, yes?
Nothing but trash talk from you.
What else should I expect from a bitter British Girl.

Like I said before, I don't come to Polish Forums to speak to people like you.
I am interested in Polish and Catholic Culture and how it is changing.
Especially at the relationship level.
Not UK trash culture.
The problem is that in your culture people like you are allowed to be rude without a stern repercussion.
That is one reason why UK is such a cesspool.
Because of people behaving like you.

So leave it.
And please don't talk to me any more.

I have no interest in anything you have to say.
14 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS: can't get it up these days can you, but i do love your excuses ha ha

If you only knew the whole truth about my secret past life.
But you never will.

JustysiaS: i am not fascinated by the UK culture, i'm just an outspoken female. nothing to do with my nationality or where i live.

So you are in your element then.
UK is a great place for outspoken females.
And so is USA.

For that matter UK and USA are great places for outspoken males.
That is, as long as it is politically correct, yes?

My point is, that what is good for you is not necessarily good for other Polish Girls.
And many Polish Girls would not want to be like you.
So maybe you should be more thoughtful toward them.
14 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS: read: want to score as many innocent naive virgin village girls as possible :)

Once again a subpar analysis.

For a guy my age, who has had as many girls as I have had.
I would have to actually be paid by the girl to participate in the sex.
I have no interest in this stuff.

If she wanted it, she would have to chase me and tie me up.
Or pay me.

Can you tell me what is the fascination with the UK Culture?

Because this inferiority thing make life very difficult for me and my old Polish Lady Friends.

And I want to understand it.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS: what do you know about me to make that statement? you just can't handle it and you're trying to find every way imaginable to upset me. my parents are proud of me and love and support me, i bet you have no one in your life who feels about you that way. your mother must've hated you from the day you were born, hence the ill attitude to relationships with women. boy are you screwed up.

No offense, but in my opinion this analysis is a little immature.
I think you should try to be a little more objective.

I must admit.
It really offends me that you seem embarrassed to be Polish and have embraced another culture.
I have run across this with several Polish Girls and I really hate it.
I don't understand it.
But I want to.
Why does the UK have a fascination for you?
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]


Listen man, no offense, but I am really done with Western Culture and Western-Thinking People.

I wish them no ill will.
But I don't want them in my life.


That is why I am on a Polish Forum.
And not on an American or British Forum.
I love old Catholic Polish Culture and I want to experience the remains of it before it is completely gone.
And it is going fast.
Another couple of years and Poland will probably be like another US State.

I will make an exception for someone like Zimmy because he is brave and different in his thinking.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

SzwedwPolsce: Wow, you actually read what I wrote. You say you're unhappy with your past life in the US. But you are not going to be happy anywhere with your attitude. But when you realize that it's probably too late. You will see that no country in the world is like you want it to be. The world is changing, and it's not in the direction you want. Don't blame us when you get disappointed.

What is this?
Who said I thought any of this stuff?

I basically like my life.
Maybe too much.

Are you Polish?
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS: i think he would just cramp southern's style lol

What happened to you?
You moved to UK and now behave like a ladette?
And I don't think many Polish Girls would want you to claim that you represent them.

Is that claim fair to them?

If you were my daughter I would be very disappointed in you.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

In my opinion Southern is probably the most normal, honest, non-politically correct guy on this forum.
He says what he thinks.
It is refreshing.

And you.
You think you can dish out trash but not eat it?
Because you are a lady?

It is a fair world.

How about that introduction offer for a man?
You sound like you need it.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

SzwedwPolsce: johncardwell lives in his own little world. He does not read what other people write. So basically, there is no point trying to discuss anything with him. When he starts to respect other people, and what they think, then we can give it a try.

Who is "we" in your opinion?

That is right.

But you are correct in one way.

No need for "you" to try to discuss anything with me.

Nice try Barrack.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

southern: Outside Poland.

Then it is no problem.
As long as she never returns again to Poland, that is.

If she does, emancipate her out of Poland again.
And since she likes African Guys so much.
Emancipate her to Africa.

What do you think?
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

southern: I saw today a black man obviously of UK origin with a beautiful polish girl and I felt sick.

Which city if you don't mind my asking?

Or if you don't want to say.

Inside Poland or outside Poland?
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Or American Law and Society, or some of both.

What is your point?

I hope you are not another competitive boy-biotch trying to strut your peacock tail and show off for the young girls on the forum.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]


I think you would less unhappy with a nice atheist, submissive, American Man who would want to listen to you and think it is his duty.

If you can't find that, try another girl.

Many American Women go this route and they less unhappy than they are with a man.
13 Aug 2009
Love / Berlin vs Poznan - fashion of Polish women [36]

Justysia, where is your boyfriend?
Don't you have your boyfriend to attend to?
Why are you so hostile toward me?

I must admit, I enjoy being stalked.
But only by girls without boyfriends.

Yes,they tell things like ''I like the sense of sperm inside me'' etc.

And maybe a baby and some alimony to go along with it!
11 Aug 2009
Love / Berlin vs Poznan - fashion of Polish women [36]

southern: Yes,one czech lover told me recently her female friends have had on average about 100 boyfriends and lovers each one.I guess it is a difficult coutry for virgin hunters.

And here is another little secret.
The Czech Girls don't count anonymous encounters.

Anonymous meaning they can't remember the name or they only had sex a few times.

So if a girl says 15 partners.

She could mean something like: 15 (significant by her standards) + ? (anonymous)

Always use a condom when having sex with a Czech Girl.
Even if she is your wife.

Many times they will insist that you don't for many strange reasons.
But wear one anyway.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS: oh my bf is alive, just about. i'll let him live another week cos i need to come up with an alibi. i'll just flutter my eyelashes and everyone will believe me anyway.

Oh my God.
The poor man.
He must be an angel to be able to bear this cross.

He must have infinite patience.
I think he should be made a saint.
11 Aug 2009
Love / I want to meet and date a Polish man [77]

Good choice.
If I had a daughter I would tell her to check them out.
In general, good, solid, dependable people.

Sometimes a little macho but that is no big deal.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Don't you have some young guy to torment and dominate?
I thought you had a boyfriend?
Where is he?
Did you kill him?

You are right.
I like submissive.
So leave me alone.

Your posts for me are like flashbacks to a horrible life I had in the USA when I was surrounded by American Girls like you.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

southern: I have wrote in your threads that polish girls are the same with czech girls in a different cover.Everything is the same apart from minor details.Get real man.We talk about slavic girls here,what differences do you expect?

Not the same.

But probably with time as religious convictions are cast aside will be almost the same.

And after Krakow I have more experience.

For a representative sample.
Polish Girls Vs Czech Girls:
Much better communication skills
Better educated
More physically healthy
Much better workers
Promiscuous but not as much as Czech (but I think this will change in the future as religion and guilt are cast aside)
Inferiority complex but not as much as Czech Girls.
Physically bigger than Czech Girls.
Less tattoos.
Less silicon.

For now I think a typical Polish Girl would definitely make a better wife than a Czech Girl.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

SzwedwPolsce: So, all Polish girls are the same? All kinds of personalities exist in Poland, as well as in all other countries.

For sure no.
She is just like no other that I have ever met.
She is super-americanized.
What a waste.

Tymoteusz: This thread is super-harsh. Is this some sort of European mating ritual that I am unfamiliar with? (takes cover... waits for barrage.)

Don't worry.
This is like a small collision between old-patriarchal and new-matriarchal ideologies.
So a little volatile.
It will pass.
And besides, it is good for the ratings of the forum...
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

I forgot to emphasize one thing.

That in four years in Prague and many years in the USA I never had such good conversations that I had with Polish Girls.

Art, Music, Literature.

Conversations on many topics.

It was excellent.

A real intellectual connection.

The problem was the inferiority thing lead to strange emotional reactions.

And also unknow to me, some of these girls had boyfriends.

And this information was dumped on me at bad times.

So of course I had to leave the situation.

And it caused me to lose trust and confidence in the group.

Too bad.

But my experiences were with only around 10 girls outside Poland.

This does not really represent the country.

And of course for a guy who spent most of his life in the USA, Polish Girls are a big step up in looks.

That goes without saying even though I said it.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Berlin vs Poznan - fashion of Polish women [36]

Southern, your posts are always good.
I like when the Polish Girls dress in used clothes.
And when things don't match correctly.
For me it is turn on.
As long as she showers and washes her underwear, I think bad fashion is Ok.
I really like to see a little fat on the stomach hang over the jeans.
And some stubble under the arms.
Nice and real.

Unlike the Italian Girls who wear those stupid expensive jeans and sunglasses trying to look rich.
Probably a weeks salary for them.
It shows their frivolous character.
11 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

JustysiaS:i don't think i want to move back to Poland

JustysiaS, I have an idea. why don't you stay in UK.

In fact, why don't you divide your time between the USA and UK.

You are perfect for both of these countries.

Loud, arrogant, feminist, irrational, uneducated, obnoxious.

You could even claim persecution by Poland against you for your feminist views and the USA might take you on in their political asylum program.

They do this for persecuted homosexuals from other nations, they might do it for you.

Poland is just not right for you.

Why even visit?

In fact, why even be on this forum?

Does anyone care what you have to say?

Does anyone care what kinds of guys you like?

Have you thought about that?

Your problem is that you have become a consumer.

In your case, a consumer of alcohol, attention, men, and forum bandwidth.

I will make you a deal.

I will trade you my US Citizenship for your Polish Citizenship.

I was much happier when I left the USA and moved to Czech Republic.

I think I am even going to be happier when I move to Poland and live with the nice Conservative Catholic People.

I think you will be happier living in a place like say, New York where there are more people like you.

What do you say?
1 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

southern: Of course not because polish girls want the sky with the stars.(They have unrealistic expectations and commonly absurd).

Exactly. Absurd to the extreme. A product of fairy tales, woman's magazines, television, movies, etc, etc.

And it could get worse because they are relatively new to the methods of mass media.
1 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Hi nextweek.

Great topic.

When expectations don't meet reality, unhappiness is the result.

I have around 10 experiences that are personal and they are almost all negative.

But on the other hand, I have around 50 professional experiences and they are almost all positive.

And whenever I get a chance, I will have a conversation with a Polish Girl because I am interested in how Polish Society is changing.

Positive Personality Traits
1) Hard-working and very professional in the work place.
2) Educated in the book-sense
3) Good conversation

Negative Personality Traits
1) Inferiority Complex
2) Conflicted
3) Promiscuous
4) Naive in the worldly-sense
5) Unstable and irrational

I would like to introduce you to Magdalena.

1) Magdalena is over 25 years old and from Poland.
2) She expected to be married and have a baby by age 24.
3) She had this expectation because this is what she saw in her own family.
4) She heard that people in the UK were rich and so she thought she could move to the UK and not only make lots of money but maybe even meet a rich UK Guy who would treat her even better than some poor Polish Guy.

5) Now imagine that Magdalena went through a very Catholic Educational System that taught her year after year that it is wrong to have sex before marriage.

6) And imagine that her culture has now decided that a woman should be very successful in a career as well as be married and have a baby by age 24 whereas in the past the career was not emphasized.

7) Imagine that when Magdalena lived in Poland where she had lots of contact with family members on a regular basis through Sunday gatherings, dinner parties, holidays, etc.

Magdalena's Current Reality:
1) Magdalena lives in the UK.
2) She lives with her UK Boyfriend and is having sex everyday with him.
3) Her boyfriend is poor like her.
4) It is possible that this is the 2nd or 3rd man she has lived with and the 7th or 8th she has had sex with.

5) She is not married.
6) She does not have a baby.
7) And she is making low money and so does not feel successful in a career.
8) Her boyfriend treats her about the same or maybe a little worse than a Polish Man would have treated her.
9) She has mostly phone contact with her family and when she talks to her mother her mother asks her if her boyfriend has proposed yet.

10) Her boyfriend might propose to her in five or six years or he may not ever propose because marriage is becoming a thing of the past in Western Europe. Also, her boyfriend has seen his friends pay huge sums of money in the divorce courts and lose access to their children so he is averse to any legal contract and children for good reason.

11) Magdalena may never even have one baby.

1) Do Magdalena's expectations meet her reality?

2) Is it possible that there is a conflict with what Magdalena was taught in Catholic Education Vs how she has chosen to live her life?

3) Is it possible that Magdalena is going to leave this boyfriend if she "believes" there is a new man that can meet her expectations and meet them quickly, especially as she gets older?

What you are witnessing could be something like Old Eastern European Catholic Values and Social Norms colliding with the Modern European Way (not that the modern European way is good or better by any means and maybe worse).
10 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

I believe it.
Many times the US starts playing games with visas.
Could have something do do with the missiles.
They use visas as a leverage tactic.
Who knows?
Quite frankly, in my opinion, the US not even a country worth visiting.
It is crime ridden with many unfriendly border officials.
They make visitors feel like terrorists.
And the average US border guard would not be able to tell you which continent Poland is on.
My Czech Friends who visited the USA got their suitcase locks broken and ruined and all cosmetics and tooth paste opened and poured out.
Polish people might consider visiting some South American Countries instead.
Or Central American Countries.
There is a little corruption, but mostly the people are friendly, and don't think they can dictate to the world what to do.