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Posts by Mystic  

Joined: 11 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 48 / In This Archive: 12
From: United States
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Horses, horseback riding, reading, geneology, Slavic boys... :)

Displayed posts: 14
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16 Dec 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

Western women use a similar point system
1.Western men

'cept me. :) My list is:

1. Slavs
2. Western

...and the rest I wouldn't consider. I hardly consider western men as it is. It makes finding boyfriends difficult in the US. :p

As for stereotypes... I just ignore them. I'm told lots of things because I'm Polish (supposedly I'm unintelligent despite being an Honor student and a member of the National Honors Society, I have a big nose -which I do, but I'm ok with it-, I'm not white, etc.). People are judgemental; it's human nature. It makes things interesting too.. I love being able to defend myself with solid rebuttals. :)
12 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

It's not that we're being called black. Race isn't just black or white to me. My friends believe Slavs in general are their own UNIQUE race. Not black or white. :) Even though I'm freakishly pale... my mother thoroughly enjoys calling me a vampire frequently, lol.
12 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

I am one of the palest people you will ever meet, lol. So when he told me I wasn't white, I was just like "Are you smoking something?!" My mother likes to call me a vampire all of the time because of how fair-skinned I am!

Yet some of my friends, despite how pale I am, don't believe the Slavic or Nordic people are white... they believe that they are their own race..?
12 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Not to resurrect an old thread, but I've been told by some of my friends too that I'm not "white" because of my Slavic blood. I live in the Northern US too, so it's not just a southern thing (I was born in the South though lol).

My one friend in particular told me he doesn't consider Slavs or Scandinavians white.. It really doesn't bother me, but I just find it a bit amusing.
12 Dec 2009
USA, Canada / Where to buy Polish food in New Jersey? [157]

I'm going down to the bakery today if anyone lives near Parlin (I know it's predominantly Polish up there). ;) And I -think- I start working there next Saturday... =]
24 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Szczyglinski Sluchaj, possibility of being Russian? [33]

Get over myself? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. I'm incredibly self-conscious and hate how I look in photos. I just posted a handful to see if anyone had input on my facial structure.
24 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Stanislaw Szczyglinski - Holocaust Victim.. [9]

I found out that a likely ancestor of mine (since my true Polish surname is fairly uncommon) was killed in the Flossenburg Concentration Camp. His name was Stanislaw Szczyglinski. Is there any way to obtain more information on him? All I know is that he arrived on Dec. 11, 1944 and died on Mar. 19, 1945.

I doubt he was Jewish since my family has always been predominantly Catholic, so is it possible he worked for the Polish Underground? I read that around 1500 Poles were sent to this camp for being involved with the whole underground thing. I just wish there was a way to learn more.

I'm very fond of history and genealogy so any websites or input would be very much appreciated. :)
24 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Where to buy Polish food in New Jersey? [157]

My father co-owns a Polish bakery in New Jersey. It's either in South Amboy or Sayreville (where he grew up). I know there are quite a few polish delis and restaurants around there. Most of my Polish ancestors settled there. :)

Royal Bakery (Chruschiki & good cakes & babka)
3290 Washington Rd, Parlin, NJ

That's my dad's bakery! I may start working there on Saturdays if anyone wants to stop in. :D
21 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Szczyglinski Sluchaj, possibility of being Russian? [33]

Thank you; I found your post quite interesting. :) I really wish I could find out more about my ancestry, but my 100% Polish grandfather passed away when my dad was a young teenager, so I never had the opportunity of meeting him.
20 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Szczyglinski Sluchaj, possibility of being Russian? [33]

Thanks for the replies.. I know this guy isn't a Russian, I'm just wondering about the likelihood of him marrying a Russian.. or any of my Polish ancestors marrying a Russian for that matter.
18 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Szczyglinski Sluchaj, possibility of being Russian? [33]

To start, I am a "mutt." I'm approximately 60% Polish with the rest being English, Danish, French, German, Sicilian, Irish, and possibly Dutch.

However, according to Ellis Island, one of my ancestors came from "Sluchaj, Russia." I understand that Russia had power over a portion of Poland for quite some time, so I'm wondering if that leads to the possibility of me being Russian via some interbreeding. I'm absolutely fascinated by the Russian culture and by their history (and I only date boys born in Russia, lol), so I'd love to find out if I have some Russian blood.

Boleslaw Szczyglinski Sluchaj, Russia 1906 42

That is the proper spelling of my last name prior to it being changed in America to Seyglinski.

Here are a couple of pictures of me.. I know I've posted on another thread regarding my Polish features, but do I have anything that could be considered a Russian feature? I apologize for the photos... typical myspace/facebook shots, haha. These were back when I had blonde hair.. I'm a light brunette now.

A semi-profile shot with my mare that I recently sold. :/

Another profile shot, but I'll post this as a link since I'm kissing my ex boyfriend in it. My nose is scrunched up, but otherwise it's my normal profile. i49.tinypic.com/orv4ol.png
14 Oct 2009

not sure about australia but in the US many, many poles dropped the ski or changed their names to make them easier in america.. some, you'd never even know were poles..

I know this was from a while back, but I'm not sure how true this is. Most Poles I know (I live in New Jersey, USA) have "ski" at the end of their last name. My surname in America is Seyglinski, but in Poland it was originally SzczygliƄski. I wish I could find more about it, though.. I've searched quite a bit and it's evidently quite rare.