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Posts by derek trotter  

Joined: 10 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Dec 2009
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 203 / In This Archive: 39

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derek trotter   
21 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I got this joke, it was made not so long ago:

- You see these buttons?

- Yes.

-They are made from the bones of Jews.


-Yes, you know, somone dug up the bones and made them into buttons. These. And then he smiled proudly.

dont know who made it but definietly not Poles
derek trotter   
21 Dec 2009

If you dont see polonofobia in USA then you are blind

read some from here:


focus more on 'discusion' tab
derek trotter   
19 Dec 2009
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

I wouldn't be surprised if 'the sign' will appear some time later in...Yad Vashem in Israel
Just like some wall paintings of Bruno Schultz were stolen in 2001 from Drohobych in Ukraine
derek trotter   
13 Dec 2009
Life / Pictures of Poles [Everyday Life in Poland] [100]

mc coy, thanks for your photos made by gazeta wybiurcza ( trockists ), we dont want them in Poland. Take your pictures and send them to some trockist forum. Che guevara

Ps there is some freak who would be friend with you here. Lodz the Bahai I would call him.
derek trotter   
2 Dec 2009
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

On your blog you have mention your status in UK
There is only one problem with it, you can't call yourself an Ex-pat, you are an ordinary immigrant from Eastern Europe. Didn't you know this term is reserved for people from western countries ?
derek trotter   
2 Dec 2009
News / What is wrong with Poland that Poles emigrate? [167]

To begin with, lots of people immigrated after world war 2 because they had friends and family in england and Britains economy was a lot stronger than the Polish.

what a dumb statement!
dont want to be rude but you certainly need some education in this field
derek trotter   
22 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

do expats living in Poland speak Polish ?

do they speak Spanish when the live in Spain?
answer is no, only few of them, most just knows a couple of phrases like una birra per favore
just like they do in Poland, only 'piwo prosze' or 'ladna dupa'
derek trotter   
3 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Today, 20:02

Poles in UK probably struggle as well, particularly when he/she has to make a call to outsourced call centers in India :)
derek trotter   
28 Oct 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

ginger girls freak me out but I wonder if the child would be ginger girl - fine, if a bhoy ? hmm, really dont know

am I eugenist?
derek trotter   
28 Oct 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

maybie fair lookin pale guys could be attracted to some ginger girls who dont like red skin look? just wonder
derek trotter   
28 Oct 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

thats interesting thing why somebody without even meeting some "polish" in guys in person is attracted to them or its culture. whats all about?

we know she is attrected to so called polish work ethic. whats that?
derek trotter   
16 Oct 2009
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

seanus would you mind to explain me what is different between ordinary fry fish and chips which you can buy in any shop and magic British fish and chips which you desire from Lidl?
derek trotter   
16 Oct 2009
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

are they starting to be a good quality cheese producers? no way
they are already good cheese makers ( already means always )
you mention yellow things - tesco basic yellow crap available in UK or everywhere?
derek trotter   
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

here you have a post form honykkk

hello everyone

Im Polish live in uk and i have iranian(persian) partner for two years now. We getting married.He had english girlfriend before me ,they didnt married bec he didnt love her.Thats why i think he doesnt need girlfriend to get visa bec he could do it long time ago.

As some of you probably know there are two groups of musilm Sunni and Shiite ... im not sure if eaveryone knows the different? If not , please read more about it.

He is not strict at all. I can go out with friends withouth asking him for permisson.
People told me it wont be easy relationship but after 2 years beeing together we are very happy and strong. We can talk even all night about everything.We discuss everything about our future and kids.

Before my persian partner i had polish guy for 8 years... he changed, he beaten me up and he was horrible thats why we broke up.

I dont care now what people say about our relationship. I told everyone that i have muslim partner. Im not gonna hide him because Im proud that I have such a good guy and I dont have to be afraid that he ll beat me or kick me out.

I know few polish-muslim couples - they are happy.
All the best for polish-muslim realtionships.

is she really Polish or some muslim freak trying to play a nice scenario here

look at it


see honeykkk