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Posts by Karinka  

Joined: 3 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 14 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 28 / In This Archive: 10
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: nie
Interests: fencing, biking, camping, pets, good wine and cognac

Displayed posts: 14
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23 Feb 2011
Food / Paczki - Receipe for polish donuts [19]

Merged thread:
Paczki recipe

Good day,

I did do a "search," but for some reason, I can't get to the "link."

So, forgive the repeated request. But, does anyone have a good Pączki recipe? Or, can you provide a new link?

Thank you kindly,
25 Jul 2010
History / POLISH MEMORIES OF CHERNOBYL...April 26th 1986 [32]

Thread attached on merging:
Poland and Chernobyl

Good day,

I'm currently reading Life Exposed-Biological Citizens after Chernobyl. It's a disturbing, heart breaking read about the social/political/health after effects of Chernobyl. Poland is mentioned with respect to the radioactive plume hovering over the area initially after the "event" and possible "after effects".

To those of you living in Poland, how do you feel about the "event?" Are you concerned?

With respect,
12 Jul 2010
Life / "Oh the Strawberry, Raspberry, Good wine that I drink......" Polka song request - need a good recording [11]

This is just my preference, with no offense intended to anyone's preference....but I just don't care for the "German type Oompapa" Polkas....I prefer the Polonian polkas Polonius3 mentioned...doing the "polish hop"....etc. That is what I grew up with and love dancing to.

Thanks for the link Raph. I too grew up listening to the Sunday Morning Polka Party! :)

11 Jul 2010
Life / "Oh the Strawberry, Raspberry, Good wine that I drink......" Polka song request - need a good recording [11]

Good day,

No harm intended....so sorry if I offended you.

Both sets of my Grandparents are from Poland. Both emigrated to the US.

I grew up attending/living the large Polish weddings with the live Polka bands,food, post wedding "Open Houses" with more food and more music!, etc. This song inevitably was always played. For some reason, I always loved it. I had no idea it wasn't "liked" in Poland.....

My apologies....I just remember the "good times"....

30 May 2010
Life / Help...any Polish remedies for hives? [17]

Thanks Skysoulmate....

I AM doing the "exercise thing" as well. I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I fence 2 to 3 times a week. Usually, the exercise helps. But, lately, it isn't enough. :( (Things have been more than tough lately. Hence, the request for "HELP" from the forum)....I've used "Polish remedies" for colds, infection, etc. in the past with great success....so I thought I'd ask for advice for "stress"

Again....thanks....you have all been so kind and helpful. :)

30 May 2010
Life / Help...any Polish remedies for hives? [17]

Can you get rid of the third party?

I wish it were that easy... :) Thanks for the laugh. You made my day. I SO wish it were that easy. (Long, LONG, story...no need to bore you with the details.)

THANK YOU ALL, SINCERELY, for the replies.

I realize I need to deal with the "trigger". But, right now, that isn't as easy as it seems.

I'm doing the antihistimines...but it appears, too late. I will start using them as a prophylactic BEFORE I have to deal with the "third party".

I'm also doing Tai Chi. (My doctor recommended it as a form of "natural" stress relief. He knows I don't want to do the drug route.) It does help calm my mind....but my body still "reacts" with the hives.

Thanks again everyone who responded. Great tips and encouragement. Something I SO NEED right now.

Dziękuję bardzo,
29 May 2010
Life / Help...any Polish remedies for hives? [17]

Good day,

Hope someone can help. I've had several attack of stress induced hives. It appears the related stress isn't going to dissipate anytime soon. :( With each attack, the hives come on sooner, are more in number and last longer. The last attack required prescription steroids to alleviate the discomfort.

I'm in the throes of another bad attack. And I just don't want to go on steroids again. While offering relief from the itching, the other side effects were horrendous.

Does anyone know of any "natural Polish remedy" ? (The simple answer of "reduce stress" is out of my control. It's being caused by a "third party".)

I've done web searches and they all suggest either antihistimines (which I do take, but they offer little relief) or the steroids.....

Thanks in advance if you can help.
3 Apr 2010
Food / Lazanki recipe request please.... [12]

Good day,

I am looking for a recipe that includes a type of noodle, cabbage, bacon, butter (and can include sausage). I know the name of it...unfortunately I don't know how to spell it in Polish. I had the dish when I visited Poland last year. I have such a craving for it lately. :)

Thank you in advance for your help!

Kind regards,
15 Feb 2010
Food / Simple recipe request.... Polish carrot salad [6]

Good day,

OK....it's been over a year now since I was in Poland. While there, I had "salads" that consisted of a combination plate of shredded carrots, beets, etc.

I loved it! Especially the carrots...there seemed to some sort of seasoning/dressing with it, mild, but noticeable.

I've looked everywhere for a recipe for this and the other items on the "salad plate"...on line, books, etc....and can't find anything that replicates what I had in Poland.

Is it anything special? Maybe, it's just that everything was so fresh compared to what is served in the States.

Thank you kindly in advance for any help.

2 Jan 2010
Love / Opinion from Polish men on this please (Polish men so 'spiritually' romantic?) [43]

And Polish grammar is much more difficult than French or Spanish.
It's probably one of the 5 grammatically most difficult languages in the world.

Ugh! I am trying so hard to learn this language. I already have a "small library" of "Learn Polish
CDs and books. By the time I figure out "who you are talking to", what "case" you are in, what "ending" the word has, whether the situation is "formal or informal", and the context of the conversation.....I'm exhausted and frustrated!

I studied the French language in High School. That was easy compared to Polish!

But...the determination is there, so hopefully, I'll have some grasp of the language before my next trip to Poland.
