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Posts by BevK  

Joined: 20 Mar 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 248 / In This Archive: 77
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Not yet!

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18 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

Well in my local shop I got to know all the ladies in there - and they were very patient of my poor Polish. Then one day... they all disappeared and I mean ALL of them.

The next lot also did...

Now this newest lot are used to me but I fear they too will disappear in time (I will be back in the UK by then, for reasons of the heart not reasons of wanting to leave Poland). My colleagues at work have asked me if I have noticed lots of cheap tinned meat products there!
18 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

Thing is that they should WANT notes not counting up. I think they just want to be on Sesame Street really. "One gr... TWO gr.. hahahahaha".

They are a lot nicer to you, though, if you make an effort to pay exactly - so long as these are shops you use often and they remember you anyway :)
16 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people moving back home from the UK? [68]

So it's right to judge an entire nation by the (alledged) misdeeds of some? By that light, all English should be locked up and not allowed anywhere near alcohol ever for their (well documented) behaviour in Kraków (as well as all over the rest of the world).

I came to Poland rather than sit on my backside claiming the dole I am more than entitled to in the country of my birth (that would be England, to an English mother and a Polish father who was with the 1st Polish Paras and had no CHANCE to go home). I am going back because there's someone (also English) who wants me there but there are some people who have told me that I "no longer deserve" to live in England cos I went to live abroad. Funny, this was someone who would rather sit on his backside claiming benefits than go look for work.

Note: it amuses me that there is an advertisement on here for skilled migrant workers to Australia... lol

@Matowy - really? you REALLY believe that? Go read some books. Unless you are being ironic, in which case I withdraw my comment to you!
16 Jun 2010
Law / Can I come to Poland with my girlfriend on the student visa as a dependent? [40]

You got me there cms, I am indeed an English teacher and my Polish still needs much improvement... but I am able to claim Polish citizenship by blood not for migration purposes.

There are other jobs but I don't know anyone (self included) who would be crazy enough to apply for a job here which they might do in the UK unless they have been transferred by a UK company because the wages are so terrible.

To the OP: people are trying to help you be realistic here. No it is not nice when people say negative things about your dream but Poland is not an easy place if you have no command of the language.
2 Jun 2010
Travel / Best Hotel for 4 nights in Warsaw? [9]

The Rialto is really nice for the same sort of money as the Metropol or the Polonia. Not QUITE as central as is is about a five minute walk down the road.

Everywhere in Warsaw you have to be aware of beggars. Doesn't mean the area is crumby per se - that said, the station is scuzzy!
18 Apr 2010
News / Poland back to reality after Sunday ? [30]

Of yet another day of soulless TV transmission.

I actually watched it, mostly, cos this is history in the making. However, the lovely sunshine has been very welcome as I did a load of work at home, and people walking past seemed much more relaxed even as the air raid sirens were blaring again.
17 Apr 2010
News / Poland back to reality after Sunday ? [30]

He should be buried in Warsaw, and his lasting legacy be that he made Katyn known worldwide. His life was here, not in Krakow.

Heroes? Regardless of the cause of the crash, it was a plane crash.

I'll be glad when we're allowed some more colour in the media, to be honest, I personally feel that the constant repetition just desensitises people.
17 Apr 2010
Life / brother and sister relationships in Poland [14]

I'm broad minded pgtx but I don't think I want a civil partnership with his Polish girlfriend!

(Plus the Yorkshire half of me always ruled my relationship with my brother. He ain't no boss of me!)
17 Apr 2010
Life / brother and sister relationships in Poland [14]

yeah, = unsexy she says

I'm sorry but she's right - and don't forget to trim your toenails!!

To the OP (sorry mate but I am not calling you master, lol) family relations in Polish society are a little hard to grasp if you are English. I had it from both sides, my mother is so "Well if you are happy I am happy" Yorkshire pragmatist and my dad drove me crazy in all the ways which are familiar to many of us (like trying to make me wear a coat and scarf in June... and asking when I was getting married the day after my 16th birthday).

If you are serious about her then you have to put your jealousy and insecurity aside (harsh maybe, but true). Her brother was a formative part of her life before she met you and he is part of what made her so if you love her then you have to love that part of her too.

Bottom line is that family is irreplaceable, you can only add to it. GL! :)

<edit> OK I got curious and looked at the thread history for the OP. Lemme guess. She is stunningly beautiful and a princess yes?

Looks aren't everything if the personality doesn't match. I think the answer really still lies in the insecurity - well, given the history here I think I agree with the other posters on that thread. The real question is, then, why are you posting here instead of putting some firm boundaries in place and then ending it if she tramples on them and shows she doesn't respect you?

Either that or you aren't demonstrative enough. Polish guys quite often show their affection for all the world to see... you really need to TALK to her and sort it out once and for all.
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

@Filios1 - maybe if you want people to take your comments seriously you might be less egregious in your responses. There's more than one way to be disrespectful at this time (and before you call me a nothing, I fully intend to be cremated and add the nitrogen in my ashes to some plants somewhere. It doesn't matter if I am a nobody, sorry to spoil your fun).

I've heard people express sorrow at the loss of Maria Kaczynska, of many people on board and the general loss of life. I've heard disbelief at the fact this happened 70 years to the day after Katyn. What I have not heard one single person here in Warsaw say is that they think Kaczynski deserves to be buried at Wawel. I'm making sure to keep a very open ear (and mind) for this comment but I am not expecting it any time soon, if ever.

Especially if there is further evidence that the pilot was hectored into landing, as there is a known track record of.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Marrying Polish Woman in UK/London [100]

Actually no,some people genuinely aren't bigoted. Not even towards the stupid, crass and bucolic. REGARDLESS of where they are from and yes he will get hassle here for his skin colour.

Torq, you're right, forgive me, I should be demanding all priviledges and then complaining about them. :)
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Marrying Polish Woman in UK/London [100]

It's OK these morons will get this thread locked too. Just imagine having these as your neighbours. What a happy community!

Torq I half count and don't want any special priviledges :)
28 Feb 2010
Food / Cream of Tartar (Warsaw) [7]

Thanks for your replies guys, thread got buried I think. I am making various baked goods and one recipe for crumpets (this being Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's) mentioned cream of tartar. Not Tartare Sauce guys, lol, that would make pretty disgusting crumpets!

Ah well someone will bring me some back I'm sure, or bring it when they come see me. :)
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

People like you make me sad. Jealous of what? Just jealous, bitter and bigoted in general.

Still, what goes around comes around. I guess the signs saying "No Irish" in Liverpool were as much before your time as they were before mine.
28 Feb 2010
Love / English girl moving to Poland with my Polish boyfriend for the first time [69]

Really does depend where you are going. Best bet is getting a job in the UK where you are willing to relocate but perhaps your boyfriend just doesn't want to be back under the yoke of his family etc.

I loved it here, though I had the homesickness kick in (not helped by having to go back to the UK several times) and immersion into the language isn't that easy. Equally said, some people never learn a word of Polish and they get by (I think that's an insult to your host country regardless of where you go but each to their own).

Before you move anywhere, make sure your relationship is solid. One thing breaking up with someone on home turf, doing so in the back end of nowhere would be far worse than in one of the larger places with expat communities but even that will be unpleasant. On the other hand, get used to resisting pressure from Polish families. Imagine how much WORSE it will be when they are right on your case (or right up your arse and pushing if in a supermarket).

EDIT: sorry the above was a joke. Maybe they haven't GOT a supermarket in a place with 400 people.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Ha, the joke is on RN anyway. He won't be here for Smingus Dingus (and I won't be out of the house on Smingus Dingus). No doubt if he was a miserable git when he was here he'd have not got a happy reception, or he expected everyone to fawn on him. Tough **** kiddo, you want a nice reception you have to make some effort yourself.

Seanus, thank you, but Kielce is not on my planned touring when this semester ends. I'm going down Balkan way (and I have no option but to show my face back in the UK, I guess, or I'll get complained at).
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Exactly. And just to put another perspective on it, there were Poles around in my teenage years complaining about black and Asian people (I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to use the hateful words they did) and *I* used to say to them "Well, that's here, if you don't like it go back to Poland" but slightly different context when these are people you are related to. Also, Polish people are well aware that they are not the most tolerant country themselves and I've known a fair few people say that society must change.

That reflects the socio-economic situation of many of my students as well as a level of intelligence and an ability to think beyond the end of their nose. I just tell them not to judge that the UK is anything like a tolerant or accepting society because it never was. Not seen drive by shootings here, or kids carrying knives etc.

28 Feb 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

The worst was when I was coming back from Edinburgh at Xmas. In plain English, she told them to stand back but they were so eager not to lose their place in the queue that they just ignored her. It was like bydło (cattle), nothing more and nothing less.

I think this is why Wizz Air staff are so very very surly on the Warsaw-UK route... it's hysterical. SIT DOWN!!!!!!!!