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Posts by Juche  

Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 292 / In This Archive: 91
From: Pyongyang, DPRK
Speaks Polish?: Korean, Engrish
Interests: Spread ideas of North Korean glory and self sufficiency

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13 Dec 2010
History / Effects of Living under Communism in Poland [58]

I am interested in hearing how living under Communism has affected others

it has in the past glory days of socialistics made most peoples better as it has prepared them for life as belonging to one mass organism, and people speak and thinks as one. This is of course most revolutionary and desired. The Polish working folk have left the cadres, alas, and headed straight for the shopping mall in an effort to become Homo Consumericus.

waitaminute, what the hell happened to my Kim Jiong-il avatar??
13 Mar 2010

all Polish must avenge disgrace Polish joke for it is proof of poor socialistic and lack of awareness of proper mindset bent on dislodge the power of imperialist lackeys plus Polish is nothing to laugh at for they are true guarantors of Juche ideal, self reliance and ingenious.
11 Mar 2010

Poles have to be the only culture around that can't laugh at themselves.

they do all the time, they just hate it when others do it.
10 Mar 2010
Life / Doctors taking bribes in Poland [76]

I have heard of people, in the far East, paying doctors when they are healthy, so when they are sick the docotor looks after them for free.

how is this different from the concept of health insurance as we know it?
13 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Poland flat tax issues - real estate - 10% tax [6]

the answer has not changed since you last raised the question

I keep asking becasue I keep getting different answers - even from govt stiffs...:(
12 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Poland flat tax issues - real estate - 10% tax [6]

Fo r the love of Pete can anyone finally answer the question of whether or not someone who bought a flat in 2006 will have to pay 10 percent gains tax after selling (assuming some of the money from the sale will be for paying off the home loan)?? Cannot get a stgraight answer from anyone around here......
12 Feb 2010
Australia / Just got home to Australia, but I miss Poland! [47]

just got home to Australia. God I miss Poland! I was just starting to learn the language, etc. Australian girls are nowhere near as good as Polish ones either, in every respect. :P

this is all too common with men of Pole extraction, just enjoy the sweetness of the visits. Some make the mistake of settling here for good (after being lured by the women and tasty food) and then once you have your first ruin-in with Polish bureaucracy then you realise that you have make a tragique mistake.
6 Feb 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

So - neither geographically nor politically that map doesn't make much sense.

never mind the arbitrary divisions and fashions of the day, countries like Poland are east of Europe's core so in terms of relative location they are "Eastern" Europe in the consciousness of most Europeans. Get over it. There are parts of South Korea farther north than certain parts of North Korea but that does not make them North korea. Thank you.

By the way this whole silly discussion is similar to when people from Ohio are lumped together with the US eAST coast but to people from Arizona, for example, they are very much "easterners"...whats the big deal?? Poor Poles, it hurts so much when they hear themselves refered to in the same category as Belorussians and Ukrainians. Ouch. Be tough that is the Juche way.
6 Feb 2010

Hey, I'd prefer Poles over Mexicans obviously. But the Mexicans just sneak in..

they sneak in because there is only a stretch of desert between the US and Mexico. If Poles could make it on foot instead of crossing a vast ocean, you don't think they'd be sneaking in just like the Mexicans?? Pleeeeease...
3 Feb 2010
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

speaking of crosswalk etiquette a dude almost ran me over on a crosswalk yesterday:( again. these people are like big children with big toys...
30 Jan 2010
News / The Economist: time to rethink old notions about Poland [67]

"OUTSIDERS often have fixed ideas of Poland: a big, poor country with shambolic governments, dreadful roads and eccentric habits..."

LOL, some of us disagree thaT a lot has changed! OK maybe its not so poor anymore but the rest fits.
28 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

It always makes me laugh this thread

thats why so many of us are more than happy to contribute
28 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

I would hardly call Poland a developing country these days, and calling it a third world country just seems completely ridiculous?

though there is that third world mentality that many of the local folks seem to have...
28 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Anyone have any ideas?

well looks like you have two choices before you: let her go hang out in Poland for a while or go with her. have you ever been to Poland on an extended stay? Tell her that if you can get a job here you will consider hanging out with her for a while. You may love it and decide to stay. Or you may both finally decide that it is for the dogs and escape back to the USA....stranger things have happened, my friend.
27 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

steal a roll of toilet paper, you get thrown in jail. steal someone's retirement pension, and they give you a bonus check and a promotion. Funny world we live in!
26 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

this doesn't mean we are a third world country and definitely does not reply to the question if you were to compare PL and Ethiopia, would you find it similar. If you would, than I reckon that this is because you've never been to a 3rd world country.

the paraphrasing (gleaned from a newspaper) was a suggestion that the OP, although a bit of exagerational nature, was correct in his polemic that Poland is an land where the peasant toils mercilessly while his puppetmaster profits shamelessly from his crushing labour as he whips his sweaty back, much like in the lesser developed and socially astute lands. This is according to the Hay Group report and also socialist dogmatics of class struggel.
26 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

but I feel that Poland is a first world country, it is probably not as developed as Canada or the USA but it is quite developed, so if you were to compare Poland with a country like Ethiopia, you would find them similar???

in today's paper: "In Poland differences in salary levels between executives and workers are similiar to what they are in Romania, Ukraine, Turkey, India, Egypt, and Panama. In the EU only Romania has worse disparity in income levels and salary, etc. according to latest Hay Group report..."
26 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

They demand the right to shove their "Jesus" into your face, regardless if you are religious or not

next time they ask you if you have found Jesus yet, reply with "I didnt know he was missing." Just saw this in a film, and a good answer for these intrusive boobs.
22 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

anyone who says I am
close to god and steals must have got their morals mixed up

no doubt
22 Jan 2010
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

what? :D lol

this happens to be the minister of health (who smokes a pack a day LOL) but most guys in Poland prefer these fancy Dan glasses
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Are you not located in North Korea?

no, I am based in Warsaw, here on a special mission.
22 Jan 2010
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

people here really hate to sit with their back to the engine. Must be a reason.

they like to see where they are going, not where they have already been. That is the Juche way.
22 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

He said he beat his daughter with a belt and his hands plus she told me the same thing.

maybe the key is to bite the young'uns when they are just toddlers whenever they get out of line, just to show them who is at the top of the food chain in the house. Just play biting of course, but just "serious" enough to let them know you are the boss. Growl a bit when you do it. Animals in the wild do it, maybe this new thinking will revolutionize child raising. I suggest you try it - it works.
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

That is another general perception made from news and previous experience.

maybe, but a new automated system used in central Warsaw to tell passangers when their trams are coming (looks all sleek and modern, the standard EU funded fanfare) is rarely accurate. whenever I stand under those dumb digital signs and they are way off (or they are 100% down) how can I not shudder and think to myself "these twits can't build anything properly." Its not just the A4, buddy. Its everything we see around here, including the way that snow is removed after a heavy snowfall. And what's the excuse? 50 years of communism? that ended 20 years ago....