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Joined: 14 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Sep 2011
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 35 / In This Archive: 17

Speaks Polish?: very little

Displayed posts: 21
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18 Jan 2012
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

How Foreigner Friendly is Krakow?

Interesting read as Krakow and Poland as a whole become more Foreigner Friendly / Multicultural :)

29 Aug 2011
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

To be honest as an outsider looking in I have to say my most favourite POLish beer with the BEST after taste is Leżajsk! I’ve been enjoying this for many years and to be honest I have had all the major brands and I do like them. But for me there is something about POLish beer, and for me it is Leżajsk. I’ve been going to POLand for many a year now and this year was extra special one for me as a very good friend got me a tour of the Leżajsk brewery (private of course), they have no official tours. Was an amazing experience, as I have been to many different breweries. BUT this was extra special! Did you know Leżajsk is the ONLY brewery in the world to have its OWN water source on-site! YES! All the water comes directly from the well below it and is tested multiple times a day. One of/ if NOT the most expensive parts of brewing beer is water, regardless of where is comes from and how famous it is, water is the MAIN ingredient. Leżajsk has this on-site, no truck, unlimited, and fresh . Now being owned by Zywiec yes they do brew other beers but this was special for me. I have many a more memories of this brewery which I will not put on this forum but I have to say Leżajsk tastes SO MUCH better having the experiences I have had. Every time I open a Leżajsk, I know the history and exactly what is involved. BUT to be impartial I have to say the Czech beer has the best taste hands down of all Europe. The German’s are known for beer and so are the Belgian’s, but the Czech’s make a wicked beer! There is something about the taste that goes into their beer that makes such an experience of drinking it, unlike any other beer. With all this said, most people who haven have never been to POLand or have just HEARD of POLAnd think instantly vodka. AND to be honest there are some great vodkas out of POLand, even though I am not a huge vodka fan. BUT POLish beer is seriously under rated on a world scale. So next time you think of having a POLish beer, personally I recommend Leżajsk!!!
21 Jul 2011
Law / Three cities battle for IBM service center - In Poland [3]

Three cities battle for IBM service center - In Poland


"Katowice, Poznań and £ódz are competing as the potential location for a new IBM service center, Puls Biznesu reports. The new center would employ 1,000 people.

No city representative wished to confirm their participation in the competition.

Next week, IBM will shortlist two cities, where it will send delegations. IBM visited Szczecin and Lublin as well, but the cities fell out of the running, allegedly due to poor communication. Rzeszów was seen as a decent candidate, but only for a smaller center.

IBM employs 2,000 people in its Wrocław center. Last year, the company received a government grant of zł.31.5 million and a zł.85 million EU grant for the development of a new center, where it could hire between 1,600-3,000 people, including as many as 2,850 with higher education."

Who do you think will get it? Rzeszow :) !!!
31 May 2011
Travel / Water parks / theme-amusement parks in Poland [13]

I believe there is a water park close to zakopane, I saw the signs for it when I was there. Then again it might have been in Slovakia, which is not that far away.
10 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]


been away this weekend and again I had to pleasure to travel on the train, which by now I have to admit is loosing its appeal.

The lack of fresh air (the heat was ON) made me think that many Polish men are afraid of catching cold. I asked one to open the window, which he did, but once the train started moving, he almost jumped up and closed it.

Apart from the amazing ability to lift suitcases (mine included) by Polish men, I have nothing else to report on train traveling at the moment.″


You made me laugh

Polish people are afraid of 2 things. Russians and DRAFTS ha ha ha.

Kills me.

You can’t get a cold from a draft… OR WIND… or a breeze. Yes the cold air lowers your immunity and can make you more vulnerable to getting a cold but it can’t give you a cold. A cold is a VIRAL!....

Thanx, I’m done
27 Apr 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

Morgan Stanley To Open Office in Poland

"Warsaw is fast establishing itself as a leading financial centre in Central and Eastern Europe. As it opens up to global capital markets, there is considerable demand from Polish clients for investment banking and capital raising solutions, and Morgan Stanley, with its global franchise, network and capabilities, is uniquely placed to deliver such solutions,"
9 Apr 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

GREAT read, from a different point of view ;)

Is Poland Too Cocky About Its Economy?
The Eastern European giant's relative success during the global economic crisis may have bred a dangerous complacency about its real fiscal prospects


Perhaps being named European finance minister of the year has gone to Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski's head. After Poland's stellar but slightly lucky economic performance in 2009, some economists say Rostowski is dangerously downplaying risks that could weigh on the country's prosperity, undermining the credibility of his government's fiscal-deficit reduction efforts and narrowing Poland's path to the eurozone.

Civic Platform, Poland's senior ruling coalition party, is clearly hoping to avoid painful reforms before the presidential election this autumn and the parliamentary election in 2011. It also wants to ensure that the public-finance deficit is cut from over 7% of gross domestic product to below 3%, as required for adopting the euro.

7 Apr 2010

Poland could become major gas supplier



Poland, April 5 (UPI) -- Oil and gas experts predict Poland will become a major natural gas supplier with enough reserves to make it self-sufficient in the near future.

One firm, Wood Mackenzie, estimates Poland has 48 trillion cubic feet of reserves in areas deemed unconventional but accessible through an extraction technique developed in the United States that now produces 50 percent of the U.S. natural gas output.

The technique of hydraulic fracturing allows energy companies to extract natural gas from tight rock formations, The Times of London Online reported Monday.

30 Mar 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

What goes around comes around in Poland


The less sensitive in the media have described it as the third invasion over the past 100 years. Ouch. But tragic events of the past aside, it is beyond mere passing interest that Germans are once again streaming into Poland.

This time, it's for jobs. That's right. Even though Germany remains Europe's richest country as expressed by GDP, the economic downturn and resulting unemployment has scrambled up the old order somewhat. Last week, British newspaper stories reported 2,500 German job-seekers are registered in and around the Polish port city of Szczecin with more than double that figure expected as the vise tightens in the old country

14 Mar 2010
Travel / LOT Polish Airlines - Baggage Change / Liquid Restrictions! [5]

LOT - Baggage Change!
lot.com/Info/EN/aspx/Content__Luggage.aspx?menuId=001&subMenuId=0 01001

IMPORTANT! Tickets issued on or after February 15, 2010 allow one piece of luggage in economy class

The fee for a second piece of luggage in economy class on flights to / from the USA and Canada by weight to 23 kg

from Poland 165 PLN
from other European cities 40 EUR
from USA 50 USD
from Canada 60 CAD

10 Mar 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

No country is perfect and there are bad policies in every government, but you got to admit they have done something right... It's not like this awesomeness was just handed to them.

Poland Is Far From Lostonline.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704869304575109312944174170.html

With the Obama Administration working overtime on remodeling the U.S. economy after Sweden, ca. 1975, formerly Communist Poland remains one of the world's last free-market champions. Unlike most Western governments, Warsaw refused to blow its hard-earned zlotys on futile attempts to pump-prime the economy and is the better for it now.
15 Feb 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

The 'Secret' of Poland's Success


Poland is the only country in Europe to have come through 2009 without recession. What is more, growth was about 1.5%, which is the trend rate of the euro-zone countries, though well below Poland's own potential. How can we account for Poland's success, and what lessons should we draw from it?

Several factors account for the country's performance: strong institutions, a resilient economic structure, and well designed economic policy during the crisis. High levels of trust in the government ensured that statements by politicians about the strength of economic fundamentals and of the financial system were believed. This trust was partly based on the success of Poland's institutions and economy over the last 20 years, during which time the country has had the highest sustained growth in the region-real GDP has doubled over this period, while increasing only 70% in Slovakia, 45% in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Estonia, and not increasing at all in Russia and Bulgaria.

22 Oct 2009

Liquefied natural gas

I can't find the news article but I know Poland has signed NUMEROUS contracts with countries such as Qatar for example to import liquefied natural gas. I also can't find the article I read which was talking about Poland frantically trying to finish a massive liquefied natural gas refinery in the north (near Gdansk). So they can begin excepting shipments from oh I dunno..... other countries that ACTUALLY want to do business with them, instead of playing Russian Roulette (no pun intended).

I know old habits die hard buy if Poland follows through and gets nuclear power plants installed/up and running in the next 20 years, people could begin using electricity for more things as it would be cheaper. Thus not having to rely on Russian/foreign natural gas.... And when I mean "use electricity for more thing", I mean a stove instead of natural gas. I know electricity is expensive in Poland most parts of Europe and natural gas has just been more common. But just like here in Canada, and I am sure across Europe, energy monopolies are everywhere.

Just in case you were wondering the majority of houses in Canada are heated by natural gas, and a good portion of stoves use electricity not natural gas.
1 Oct 2009

My two cents ;)

I find it interesting that a Chinese company won a contract in Poland to build roads; I mean I think it’s great actually.

The world is changing so much and it was just a matter of time until a contract like this was signed.

I know there are probably a lot of Polish people upset over the fact that Polish people are not the ones building the road let alone won the contract. The world is in recession and Poland for the most part averted it, but it would have been nice to see the jobs go to hard working Poles

Which I guess brings me to my next comment.

Now cheap labor is always in demand (Anywhere) and this contract was obviously low balled. I read COUNTLESS threads about Brits being pissed about the 600,000 Poles in Britain and how they are for a lack of better words “taking our jobs”. My point being now that Poles have seen someone else take there jobs, they thought they were entitled to get in their own country is the definition of IRONYYYYYYY

Amazing when the tables are turned, isn’t it!
26 Apr 2009
USA, Canada / Southern Ontario (Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo) and Polish Women [32]

Glogowski Euro Food (Kitchener)
403 Highland Rd W, Kitchener N2M 3C6, Ontario
p: 5195847190

Nougat (Kitchener)


Starsky's (Mississauga)


Good Festival's coming up this summer ;) (Polish and Non-Polish)

Polish festival (Toronto)


Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Festival


Jazz festival (Waterloo)

19 Feb 2009
UK, Ireland / The mystery of Ireland's worst driver "Prawo Jazdy" [37]

The mystery of Ireland's worst driver


"It was discovered that the man every member of the Irish police's rank and file had been looking for - a Mr Prawo Jazdy - wasn't exactly the sort of prized villain whose apprehension leads to an officer winning an award.

In fact he wasn't even human.

"Prawo Jazdy is actually the Polish for driving licence and not the first and surname on the licence," read a letter from June 2007 from an officer working within the Garda's traffic division.