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Joined: 11 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 461 / In This Archive: 99
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Working out, mountain biking, basketball

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13 Jul 2010
Travel / How much PLN to take with me on my trip to Poland, Wroclaw? [10]

Instead of taking cash with you, why not just ask your bank to wave the $5 transaction fee for a month so you can just use your bank card to withdraw money as you need it. I do it every time i go to PL - very convenient and safe.

200zl is probably a good estimate but it depends on a lot of things. Give us more info.
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

For most people learning polish is a waste of time. But for those livin in Poland it would probably be a good idea to learn polish.

The problem with this is that anglophones generally have a "language learning" problem. There are Brits on his forum who have been living and working in PL for +5 years, some like wroclaw even longer I think and still can't speak polish! I'm sure pride also plays a role - wh would a proud Brit learn another language when he can just expect others to speak English o him?

The only Non-polish PF user that I can think of atm who speaks polish is seanus - but he is a smart man and should probably be doing greater things.
5 Jul 2010
Travel / what are the average fares to Poland from USA? [10]

Try lot.com, they often have promotions for NY-Wawa round trips. I saw one recently for about 800USD. Depends on time of year too (and other factors).

I always use lot to find tickets. The key is to look often and from different internet connections (different times of day, days of the week etc.). Prices can sometimes vary as much as 100-200USD just by searching for the same flight using a different internet connection (work, neighbour, etc.). i think airline websites keep track of activity.

edit: just did a quick search, i found a round trip: NY - PL for $628 USD (incl. taxes/fares).
30 Jun 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

TW I am sure he is not English.

I think he is from OZ. Don't mind him, he is just a little grumpy aussie failure who had to resort to teaching english grammar as a career. His only purpose on this forum is to **** on poles because it makes him feel superior. He's quick with wikipedia though:)
21 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

Britain entered war with Germany because wanted for her own reasons, not to help anyone, so shouldn't except gratitude.

What reasons are they then oh master historian?

Well according to limey author r.a.c. parker, britain went to war because they were concerned with the growth of german power disrupting the balance of power in europe.
23 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

As we know, Israelis from a young age are being taught that the polish state is anti-semitic, and that polish people are responsible for what happened to jews during the war in Poland. There are many documentaries and news articles on this. Just watch one of them called "Defamation"

It's far too long to watch it all but i skimmed through it and was utterly digusted!!!!!!!

Prior to departing for a trip to auschwitz, this particular group of israeli youngsters is taught that all poles are neo-nazis and are desperate to kill jews. Therefore an israeli secret service officer accompanies the group and spews joseph goebbels style racist propaganda against poles (and others) whilst the group is on their trip. He also ensures that no one from the group comes into any contact with anyone.

Watch how a couple of jewish girls, armed with their israeli style goebbels propaganda, interact with a couple of local elderly polish men @ 18:37.

In another part, they decribe polish officials at the airport as looking like & behaving like SS soldiers.

All in all this group is being put through similar propaganda as young germans/hitler youth were subject to in the 1930s. I really hope that not all israelis kids are indoctrinated as such to hate everyone not jewish.

Harry would love this "documentary."
18 Mar 2010
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

I didn't see a post regarding this so here it is:

Three jailed over Auschwitz sign theft: report

Their sentences ranged from 18 months to two-and-a-half years, and they were also fined 10,000 zloty (2,580 euros, 3,560 dollars), PAP said.

Jail time for theft? Is this common in poland? Or did they get jailed because of the significance of the sign or maybe they had previous run ins with the law?
16 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

why do you choose to stay in poland? it's fairly innactractive country, is it only women or ancestry you're after? what can you find here that is better then somewhere else?

There are many reasons why people move to poland:

Some people go there for an adventure, while others meet polish women abroad and are lured to poland because their lady wants to be closer to her family.

Sometimes companies will send their employees to work/train @ their branches in poland while self employed internet entrepreneurs may find the cost of living in PL lower than their home countries.

Others (I've met MANY) studied something useless in uni, such as the humanities, and only after graduation have they realised that they can't do **** all with their B.A. in their home country so they decide go abroad to teach english.

And finally, it is much easier for western men to find "love" in poorer countries.
29 Jan 2010
News / Polish Priest checks fingerprints for mass attendance [26]

Even before I click on the link to the story (which read Priest checks fingerprints for mass attendance) I knew it was a story from Poland:


WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish priest has installed an electronic reader in his church for schoolchildren to leave their fingerprints in order to monitor their attendance at mass, the Gazeta Wyborcza daily said on Friday.

The pupils will mark their fingerprints every time they go to church over three years and if they attend 200 masses they will be freed from the obligation of having to pass an exam prior to their confirmation, the paper said.

The pupils in the southern town of Gryfow Slaski told the daily they liked the idea and also the priest, Grzegorz Sowa, who invented it.

"This is comfortable. We don't have to stand in a line to get the priest's signature (confirming our presence at the mass) in our confirmation notebooks," said one pupil, who gave her name as Karolina.

Poland is perhaps the most devoutly Roman Catholic country in Europe today and churches are regularly packed on Sundays.

29 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving from Canada to Poland? I'm fluent Polish and could teach English. [24]

I had to get my citizenship so at that point I had dual citizenship but here's my question... Does it expire?

Never expires. As long as at least one of your grandparents has polish citizenship you do as well.

registered at an address

I heard you don't need an address anymore...?

Unfortunately yes,

I think i'd rather live in afganistan whilst hitting my head repeatedly with a house brick.

If you dislike living in poland so much, why don't you move??
29 Jan 2010
Love / Do you think that Polish should stick to Polish? [128]

It would atleast make my mother happy!

always been told I should find a nice Polish man.

I've heard that before (err replace man with woman:) )! I think you should do what you want to do and not worry about making somebody else happy.

But if I were to end up with someone from a different culture/nationality it would be hard to mix the two together and teach them possibly two languages and cultures....

It's not hard. There are plenty of people in canada that speak french & english.

I feel it's strange that I'd rather live in Poland than Canada

Well try living in PL and a see how it goes. I think you'll come back soon though.

Your children would also already have disadvantages.

They would find work easier in canada.
26 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

The qualifications are not recognized abroad.

False. Many qual's are recognised, although i think a polish masters degree is only a b.a. in other countries. Some qual's (like medicine) need to go through a special process to get certified (in canada at least). Others (like law) are obviously non-transferable.

There is not enough jobs for people educated in the same fields as one another.

I somewhat agree. It's not uncommon to see a shopkeeper with a masters degree in some useless subject area like travel & tourism, english lit., etc...

To be fair, this is common here in canada as well. Such people either work at walmart or go abroad to teach english.
26 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Google for 'sick british citizens deported from poland' and you will see. Mostly neo-nazi stuff...

Stormfront and bnp ... so that is where harry gets his information regarding poland.
25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

but a Brit in Poland with the same disease gets deported.

uhhh where is the url to back this up, a$$hole??

(and yes i'm genuinely interested in this story)
18 Dec 2009
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

Try reading a bit more and step into the real world son,

You are telling me I need to read? bahaha you are such a hypocrite. You don't have the slighest clue as to what harry (or anyone for that matter) talks about in polish historical/political threads.
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

Why can't polish Workers make things that last or do a good job of things and why do they have such a half arsed attitude towards quality?

This is how they ensure that they will have work in the future.
Goes back to the commie days.
8 Dec 2009
Life / Levi's Jean Size U.S. - Polish [20]

These are US/canadian sizes used for tops: t-shirts, sweaters, jackets etc. - sometimes even pants (but not jeans).
3 Dec 2009
Life / Levi's Jean Size U.S. - Polish [20]

Does confirm a 38 is size 10 in the U.K. but no Poland.

Poland doesn't have its own sizes. Clothing in poland is in uk/german/french sizes.
3 Dec 2009
Life / Levi's Jean Size U.S. - Polish [20]

I just checked google for a conversion tool, don't know how accurate it is:
