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Posts by Ja Przybylem  

Joined: 11 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Apr 2009
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Ja Przybylem   
19 May 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

many idiots in America think that Polish people, and not just them but ALL foreigners from Europe are not white, simply Polish, or German, or Russian etc. that u have to be an American to be white

Yup, another reason why I find Americans (those X removed from their heritage) to be retards. At this point it's at a level of compounding.

I was born in the U.S., but my parents are immigrants. I was raised in Polonia. My first language was polish. I am know all of the traditions and cultural aspects. Half of my family lives in Poland, etc. It wasn't until I 'grew up' that I began to cherish my heritage - prior to that I was as American as they come. Now embracing my culture, I am not an American (to them).

It is racism, albeit it's subtle. It exists because they can get away with it. Nobody would dare say stupid stuff like that to a minority of a non-white skin color as they'd never get away with it. To me though? What am I going to do? Who will I complain to? I can rant all I want and people will look at me and think:

- You are white
- You have blond hair
- You have blue eyes

How the F are you being discriminated against? But it happens. I've spoke about it with my brothers and parents - we've all experienced it in some way, shape, or form.

All minorities are cool with me, and some Americans are, but the narrow minded, 1-dimensional ones are retarded. They've been to 2 major U.S. cities so they've 'seen the world' and they've tried sushi so they know 'ethnic food.' Clueless.

Never let it get to you. Think of witty comebacks if you want to make things fun.
Ja Przybylem   
16 Apr 2009
Love / Are 98% of young Polish girls emotionally unstable and mood changing? [191]

Ok, so you are 28, educated, and live in Excel everyday, and then you wonder why 18-24 year old girls are flaky? This has nothing to do with ethnicity or heritage.

Go to clubs in any country and focus on that age range and you'll discover the same thing over and over again.

As a guy who was once that age, I 'fell in love' with a new girl every other week.
Ja Przybylem   
13 Apr 2009

Happy Easter.

Zur for breakfast.

Dinner was the usual many items: ham, pork, sausage, potatoes, saurkraut, potato salad, red beet salad, bread, etc., with beer and wine.

Then the fruit & pastries to finish us.
Ja Przybylem   
26 Feb 2009
Life / Why do people think that I'm Polish ? [92]

I'm almost certain though that their hair is dyed, as I've yet to encounter a Pole with naturally occurring coarse black hair.

It's dyed. Black hair was very much in style not too long ago, and so many women were walking around with jet black hair. Some looked so freaking sexy with it though...