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Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 25 Jun 2024
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Posts: Total: 679 / In This Archive: 202
From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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6 Aug 2019
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Spot on mafketis!

I don't know why people on this site keep always banging about Russian corruption and how Russia is corrupt as a state. Certainly, in Russia there is corruption which is however mostly contained at the lower levels of government.

In the US it is not only possible to buy your local Congressman who will then lobby for you in Congress to change a certain law as per your desire (in case you are an owner of a big multinational corporation i.e. to lower the taxes for the rich) or as in this case to blackmail Poland, but you cannot even imagine how high up the level of corruption in the US goes, during the time of Bill Clinton and his deranged wife Hillary it was possible to even buy the President!

In Europe something like this would be a scandal, and there would be a public outcry while in the US such practice is considered as completely normal.
16 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Ah yes, JudSüß... A country that prides itself as the country of Goethe and Schiller, yet it also produced such filth.

The film is based on historical facts. How come you do not mention Richard Wagner and Martin Luther among those greats as well? Could it be that their views that are well documented about the "chosen" would not be politically correct?


Protestantism is a religion most closer to Judaism from all other Christian denominations, because it is based more on the Old Testament instead of the New Testament.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

@Bratwurst Boy


We were wrongly taught in school that some crazed nutter Adolf Hitler suddenly awoke one day and started hating on Jews.

The truth is the Jewish question is much older, it began centuries even before Adolf Hitler was even born. This is what official history books that have been censored won't tell you.

Here is one example of how & why the Jews were expelled from Württemberg in the 1700's.

1 Mar 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

If he wanted a lot of territory and resources

The reason that Germany launched its Drang nach Osten campaign was because the Germans had already been too late for the plundering of the world, or as the Brits like to say: "a just division of the world's goods."
3 Jan 2019
History / Give Poland back it's lost land ! [132]

For those who understand geopolitics, this what the West is doing to Russia is called "Anaconda Strategy".
3 Jan 2019
History / Give Poland back it's lost land ! [132]

During the 1990's the Russians actually looked up to the West and had high hopes of being partners with the West and in the future even had ambitions of eventually joining the EU.

This all changed after this event when all such illusions were broken:


The West never had any real intentions of being partners with Russia, they always looked on Russia as a rival and an opponent, they only have one aim and that is to encircle and eventually to destroy Russia.

One of the leading Neocons Zbigniew Brzezinski even stated during those times that Russia should be divided and broken up into 4-5 smaller states (that would be easier to control). US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said that Russia has no right to extract and utilise the vast resources in Siberia that these belong not only to them but to "the World".

It was the statements such as those of these 2 leading Zionists that eventually woke Russia up to their real agenda.
6 Oct 2018
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]


"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell, 1984

4 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

It was Tacitus who once again repeated the tried and tested lies & propaganda and he received a proper answer.


"Danke Deutschland"

It was not the West who forced the Croats and others to declare independence.

Without German "assistance" the Yugoslav crisis would have been resolved like it was recently in Spain, the reason we did not see similar scenes over there was that there was no foreign power and its secret service that would arm the Catalans.
4 Oct 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Crow, the dissolution of Yugoslavia happened


French General Pierre Marie Gallois- Truth About NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia 1999

He explains in detail the role of Germany in arming the separatists & in the the break-up of Yugoslavia.
22 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Top economic growth in Europe in 2018:

Poland 5% growth
Serbia 4.9% growth

Only Ireland has a higher number but that doesn't really count because of Apple, Google, Facebook ect, if Poland had done the same what Ireland was allowed it would have been booted out of the EU a long time ago.

PiS must be doing something right. :)
18 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]


"Dublin boys" break into Lidl in the middle of storm and steel safe with digger they stole


Footage of the aftermath at the looted Lidl store in Dublin.

Another thing to consider is if the citizens of Ireland would voluntarily pay for your refugees.

Most people think so, until they feel the reality on their skin. Slowly but surely Ireland is going on the same path as Sweden and Holland... or better said Swedistan.


West Europe is done for. The only thing that saves us East Europeans is that we are poor. The richest countries in Europe (for example, Germany) are the most affected by immigration. In a strange way the Commies wrecking our economies, at least they did something right. :)
8 Sep 2018
News / Poland's "historical path" is that of "fascism" (Jew attack alert) [43]

Germany, Berlin / Goethe Institute


Marc Siegel is leading a discussion between International Jews from Germany, Poland and Israel about how to take over Poland. Fascism, Totalitarianism, Supremacy in pure state. All of these people make their careers and money out of their supremacy and destruction of Native Populations.
8 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]


German girl and her mom that were sexually assaulted by Muslim migrants in Cologne on New Year's Eve accuse German police of attempts to conceal this crime.

Of course, they are not lonely in this, in the same way governments of Western European states are hiding from the public the massive epidemic of rapes committed by Muslims on European girls. Concretely in Denmark, Germany, in Sweden or in Great Britain where there is a similar affair, a whole chain of Pakistanis (Muslims) massively raped and then used as prostitutes and as victims of sexual abuse English teenage girls.





So these are different cases, in their political nature but not in substance of one alienated government authority which in accordance with its own ideological determinants manipulates the public and hides the true state of affairs from it.
5 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]


Slovenian politician Zmago Jelincic on EU Immigrant Crisis


We can see from this clip where this economic migrant (not refugee, as a refugee is a person whose priority is to reach safety in the first neighboring country) clearly states their aim is only to reach Germany where they can live off more than generous social welfare programs without having to work.
5 Jun 2018
Travel / Poland - never again [593]

I think that the problem arose in the first place because some of you on this forum have become too intimate with each other.
4 Jun 2018
News / Poland, The Starbucks report. [42]




for the



7 Mar 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

Warsaw...how can anyone be proud for that?

I would really like an explanation what does classic (antique) or neoclassic style got to do with modern Greeks?

These are "achievements" of today's Greek architecture which made Athens one of the ugliest European capitals (only Tirana and a few eastern European cities can compete with Athens for that title).

The fact that you have built this monstrosity on the same location where once ancient greeks built their city doesn't give you any right to usurp their architectural and other achievements.
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]


Aleksandar Makedonski remains an enduring fascination. They portray him in all sorts, they portray him as a Greek. I personally think that he was not a Greek, that he was a Macedonian of Slavic blood - by no means Greek. We know that he with the Greeks often spoke through an interpreter. Also the Greeks in his army and vice-versa when someone adresses Greek troops he does that with the help of an interpreter. His army seemed to have around 37,000 soldiers out of which only approximately 7 thousand were Hellenes (Greeks) the rest were Macedonians, Thracians, Illyrians and so on. And with such a relatively small army, you know 37 thousand people, which battles for 12 years more or less in the same composition, he succeded to conquer all those kingdoms and empires and create one state. However, considering how it quickly formed, after his death it seems that it also quickly fell apart on 4 parts his Empire, and so on. One large star which is even mentioned in the Bible through a verse Aleksandar Makedonski is mentioned as a Unifier of the World, as a Master, an Emperor over Emperors.


please stick to the topic everyone
25 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

But well always have brits claiming they helped poland even though they didnt send a single battalion or larger to poland, refused a military loan to poland, and simply did not honor their mutual defense treaty.

Ironside is right, it was foolish on the part of the Polish government to believe that the English would actually honour anything that they've signed.


Especially considering the Queen's brother was a Nazi sympathizer.


25 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

To be sure, ALL Poles, Croats, Russians, and Ruthenians suffered big time under Hitler





10th April 1941 - Nazis enter Zagreb.

Croats seem to be "suffering" terribly according to Lyzko.

24 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

Regardless to this topic, I was listening to RT this morning, some guy from USA says that the biggest problem of racism are precisely the societies and associations dealing with stopping it. He says they get big money to fight against racism. When there is no racism, they do not have a job and they don't get the money, so they are looking for racism there where there isn't any. The same can be said regarding NGO's against "antisemitism" in Poland.
20 Jan 2018
Off-Topic / Is anyone in Poland planning a trip in Croatia? [26]

What is the Serbian government doing to counter the aggressive Croatian propaganda in Poland? Which is presenting to the Polish audience a very biased and one-sided view of events surrounding the war in ex-Yugoslavia.

16 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

There's more of that:

Anger, sadness over fabricated Holocaust story

On Saturday, Berkley Books canceled Rosenblat's memoir, "Angel at the Fence." Rosenblat acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread. The book was supposed to come out in February.

Rosenblat's believers included not only his agent and his publisher, but Oprah Winfrey, film producers, journalists, family members and strangers who ignored, or didn't know about, the warnings from scholars that his story didn't make sense.

And they do not worry now about that they've been screwing the world, their only concern is that no one will believe in other stories. o_O

"I am very worried because many of us speak to thousands of student each year," says Sidney Finkel, a longtime friend of Rosenblat's and a fellow survivor. "We go before audiences. We tell them a story and now some people will question what I experienced."

16 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Another jewish deception uncovered:

Fragments of a fraud

"Christopher Hope called it "achingly beautiful"; the New York Times said it was written "with a poet's vision; a child's state of grace"; Anne Karpf in this paper described it as "one of the great works about the Holocaust"; all were agreed it was a masterpiece. There is just one problem - Binjamin Wilkomirski's memoir of surviving as a Jewish child alone in the Nazi concentration camps of Majdanek and Auschwitz was a fabrication, invented from beginning to end, one of the great hoaxes in publishing history."
