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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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30 Sep 2011
History / Are Poles grateful to the Russians for winning the war? [120]

are you guys saying that the Soviets would have won that war without any help? Don't be ridiculous.

This one is actually the truth, Russia would have won without any help, the war would last a year longer but they'd win allright.
24 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Sorry to say this, but you don't understand the character of the HRE.

The character of the HRE was changing throught the ages, you admitted as much yourself so i understand the situation very well.

the Habsburgs as emperors were not

Says you, what history says is that Austria as the seat of HRE effectively stopped any german state apart from Brandenburg from attacking Poland during the Deluge, thats a pretty good indication that untill XVIII century Austria was rocking the game completely.

since the power of the emperor was gradually reduced, while the states became more powerful.

Legally maybe, the reality was if you had the most money and the biggest army that made you lord of the ring as Emperor thus Habsburgs had all the leverage in the world and a bit more.

Do you actually know what "elector" means when it comes to the HRE?

Yes but you're talking about the legal team of the Collegium, i'm talking about who did the choosing actually, reality as opposed to legality.

They also voted out the most powerful king of the HRE, so...

The most powerfull king of HRE was at the time incomparably less powerfull than the Polish king, in XV alone for example Poland had a GDP larger than Germany and Lithuania combined, for over 100 years Poland was in a position to literally buy and sell any seat of power in the HRE at leisure.

You can use the books used there...

What for? I spoken of the mobilisation potential of the HRE and you gave me what amounts to the federal army, those are two completely different subjects and its not my fault you have comprehension issues.

Haha the Poles did not give a damn about the Saxon king and his army. They did not even help them in the war with Charles the Swedish king...

They gave quite a bit of damn David, if you're referring to the War of Polish Succession thats a different story alltogether.
24 Sep 2011
History / Polish bombers over Berlin in 1939? [19]

olish radio anounced for example that on September the 6th the French achieved a breakthrough on the western front in several locations

That report was given to polish authorities by the French, the Poles at the time were unaware that it was bollocks.

ews about Polish bombers raids over Berlin were of equal worth and from the same motivation

There were no such news.

Polish bombers were for the first week of the war busy bombing various targets of opportunity, afterwards they were grounded or destroyed by the vastly more numerous Luftwaffe.
23 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

The emperors of the 12th century can't be compared with emperors of the 16th century since they lost power with every new election. This "Wahlkapitulation" was even institutionalized in the 15th or 16th century. Looks like I read some books.

So you mean Austrian Emperors had no power at all being the most powerfull german state?:)))

Poland couldn't enter the HRE "as an elector"

But it could enter via Duchy of Courland, Duchy of Brandenburg, Lithuanian Radziwil Branch who were already electors, and it did several times, back to the books for you.

Emperors moreover could get voted out of power if they acted against the empire.

I'd love to see german states vote out an Emperor who had the polish army and the polish coffers behind him.

I'm sorry i dont use wiki nor do i use it as a source

The first Wetting King in Poland would have been able to turn Poland into a strong centralised state if it werent for the Polish Golden freedom that turned the king into a puppet in the hands of the Szlachta.

The Wettins, all of them were never interested in Poland as anything more than a revenue source, it was not the so called "Golden Freedom" as the Wettins had 30.000 strong Saxon army and 40.000 strong Polish army behind them, for those times this was a very real fighting force with which any king could p*ss on nobilitys opinions.

Wettins even tried to partition Poland so no the german kings never really wanted to do much.
23 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Quite the opposite David, it was the first time Germany ever truly influenced Poland and Saxon rule while it had its highlights was by and large disastrous for Poland.
23 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

The emperor of the HRE had no real power.

Barbarossa for example had plenty, there were many who had, dont try to discuss history with me when you havent picked up a book on your life.

He couldn't stop a German state like Prussia from attacking a third country like Poland.

IF Poland entered the HRE as an elector there wouldnt be Prussia to speak off, expading westwards meant eventuall annexation of Brandenburg and Teutonic States.

So getting a puppet on the throne of the HRE would have made no difference anyway

Except for having a direct link to Saxony, Bavaria, Switzerland and a number of other states which made any action by any german state against Poland a military and political suicide.

On the other hand, when one state of the HRE was attacked by an outside force the state and HRE was defended by the Imperial army (30.000-120.000 men) + the army of the state.

The grand total mobilisation capacity of HRE was around 120.000 men so you're inflating it, also no the HRE did not have an "imperial army" the imperial army was the army of the state from which the emperor hailed which is why it was for a long time Austria, the most powerfull of the german states.

Pick up a book sometimes it'll stop you from humiliating yourself again.
22 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Well, Moscow was always a thread to Lithuania

Not at all, untill XV century Moscow was struggling to break the Mongol (then Tatar) dominance which it did.

Moscow was a natural enemy of Lithuania

And Poland, after conquering Lithuania Moscow would inevitably invade Poland and Poland without the wealth of the eastern grain fields and populations would have fallen.

Maybe they were not imminent threat but they were threat nevertheless.

We need to look at Polands situation, in 1410 Poland a relatively unknown and small kingdom utterly massacred the most powerful military in Europe, suddenly Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire, Hungary and Ruthenian states all noticed Poland.

For Poland to move into Germany was too dangerous, despite its considerable military power Poland had only a third of the HRE population, Moscow on the other hand was an emerging power as well but far less wealthy and weaker militarily so Poland chose to expand eastwards, a wise decision that gave Poland 200+ years of utter regional dominance that no one including the Holy Roman Empire could challenge.

Poland did fall but that was due to a series of events, otherwise even in the late XVII century Poland was a power that equaled unified Russia in military prowess.

Yes they did, but you have to remember that at the time we would have carried some clout in the marriage, and would have been their equal at the very least. On the negative side we would probably have become entangled in the internecine conflict between the German sates, and the political chaos that was the Holy Roman Empire. However with a union of Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia-guess who would hold the greatest sway?

That was completely unneccesary, yes Poland should have entered the HRE around 1520-50 and would totally dominate it but marrying into it was unnecesary.

Between 1450 and 1600 Poland has the kind of military, political and financial leverage that it could enter the HRE or simply support an elector and have its own way, that Poland did not dominate Germany at this time is a grave error that cost us our prosperity for the next 300 years.
22 Sep 2011
History / 1920 Battle of Warsaw - English trailer and film [55]

Can't wait either! I hope it comes out in Norway! If not... I AM BUYING A AIRPLANE TICKET!!!

It'll be uploaded on a movie site, i'll pm you a link when its on.l
20 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

How did it weakened Poland?

Yes, they were pests, an alliance with Russia would be a good thing.

You're a retard and a troll.
17 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Prussians do not exist and Latvians and Estonians were not converted by force, my "rant" is based on history and yours is based on what?
17 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

The Teutonic Order didn't have the mandate to annihilate Lithunia but to convert pagans to Christians.

Stop being such a faggot, the Teutonic Order depopulated entire regions, i don't care about the paper what they historically did was genociding the f*ck out of Lithuanians.

What wiped out old Prussians saved Latvians and Estonians. It's therefore pure speculation to speak of "complete and utter destruction".

No its not pure speculation because both the Teutonic Order and Muscovites historically did murder everything that walked on two legs, only the involvement of Poland stopped said invading forces from depopulating all of Lithuania.

Its not speculation it happened historically, they did not stop because they wanted to, they stopped because Poland introduced them to Pax Polonica the hard way.
17 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Unlikely, both Muscovites and Teutonic Order had Lithuania targetted for annihilation, only the military might of Poland applied in a series of XV an XVI century campaigns saved Lithuania from complete and utter destruction.
17 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

actually up until the end of the 19th centuary Vilnius had a Jewish majority, even in 1939 it was 30 % Jewish and 65 % Polish lithuanian facists only made up 0.8 %.

I'm sorry but Wiki is lying, Jews constituted 19% of the population.

If we wouldn't have Commonwealth, Lithuania would have all of that territory, or atleast half of it.

No, withouthe Commonwealth Lithuania would be overrun by Russia during the 1515-1522 war where Poland provided 70% of all troops and won saving the Duchy of Lithuania at the Battle of Orsza, at Orsza all of artillery, heavy cavalry and 2/3rds of infantry was Polish (24.000 out of 35.000 troops came from Poland).

In all the subsequent wars with Russia it was Poland that provided the bulk of the forces and enabled the continued survival of Lithuania.

And for these saying that Lithuania couldn't survive - we have been powerful and great nation , until we have been so stupid to ally with Poland

You had your armies massacred and your territory taken apart by the Teutonic Order, the first stone castle was built in Lithuania only 80 years before Grunwald Battle and plate armor, artillery, crossbows, siege engines were unknown in Lithuania untill Poland introduced them.

Lithuania was a state 200 years behind Poland or the TO, its large territory had few cities and sported a small population, without Poland either the Teutonic Order, Novgorod or Muscovites would destroy Lithuania in the late XV early XVI century.

Poland is the sole reason why Lithuania today even exists.
10 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

That would appear to be about right, Sok.

And thats small to you? Both countries doing wrong things for the right reasons, essentially their survival and thats f*cking small to you? I guess the pathetic excuse you call scottish history is big then?
10 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

It all started when Lithuania sided with Soviet Russia, it did so because it believed Poland would lose and Lithuania would fall with it, another problem was that most of the industry, schools and other such were in the hands of Poles who were to put it simply ones who got Lithuania going.

When Poland did win the war Lithuania gained an enemy.
10 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

Really? First Lithuanians betrayed Poland by allying with Soviet Russia, then Poles took Lithuanias capital, then Lithuanian SS murdered Poles by hundreds of thousands, then Poles attempted to detach from Lithuania in the 90s.

I dont know whether you're an arrogant twat treating our history this way or are you simply ignorant but the conflict is far from "about nothing".