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Joined: 18 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Oct 2017
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 174 / In This Archive: 105
From: Dagobah System
Speaks Polish?: A little
Interests: varied and to many to list

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15 Mar 2019
UK, Ireland / How to export a car from Poland to the UK [13]

Just fill the online NOVA form in and send it with the proof of insurance,MOT,and the orig Polish reg document.
23 Nov 2016
Life / Swimming pool/swimspa manufacturers in Poland, private pool regulations, lakes safety [5]

I would certainty think twice on purchasing a swimspa. They are very hit and miss.I work in the industry from manufacturing to repairs and servicing,sales.If you decide to go down that route insist on a wet test first.And please please DO not buy anything from the far east (China)The acrylic shells suffer from blistering and the equipment they use is some what dodgy.A hydropool swim spa will cost a fortune but are well made.

There is a European manufacturer called Wellis they are made in Hungry and their manufacturing plant is state of the art.
Depending where in Poland you are there is a spa dealer and pool builder in Nowy sacz
28 Jan 2016
Travel / Behavior of Polish travellers on Planes. [72]

In your opinion they are not rude

Yes my opinion.

yet they are still partaking in illegal actions which is a criminal offence,

It was never mentioned once that there was a no drinking policy in place on the coach.And ill preempt you reply about drinking on a coach.You clearly have never been on an Army V Navy rugby match or attended a football game via a coach
28 Jan 2016
Travel / Behavior of Polish travellers on Planes. [72]

If you ever traveled to PL on a bus you would want a few drinks.Yes they drink and have irritable kids with them,but rude NO
28 Jan 2016
Travel / Behavior of Polish travellers on Planes. [72]

I hope you don't have to travel with a returning British stag party.

Been a witness to them a few times.Normally they have sunk a few shandy basses before the flight then think they are way superior to others on the flight.True gentlemen!
28 Jan 2016
Travel / Behavior of Polish travellers on Planes. [72]

I fly 5-6 times a year and have for the last 10 years mostly with Easyjet from Gatwick to KR and have never experienced that behavior.Yes the overhead lockers are limited on space and are used more these days.My last flight was with BA and the alcohol was free.Try the bus with Eurolines next time then you will certainly have something to gripe about.Irritable screaming kids,alcohol being consumed and the stink of farts
23 Oct 2015
Classifieds / Coming to Poznan in December - Looking for some girl in Christmas times [33]

I should add of course that the initial moisture content was caused by irrepressible passion, not 'humor'...:)

So you skipped the damp stage and went straight to moist.Oh dear oh dear.What must seo_stan be thinking.Hey ho I am sure he will have fun in December. seo_stan don't forget to pack your shorts and flip flops Poland is graced with the finest of weather in Decembert
23 Oct 2015
UK, Ireland / Sugar tax in the UK. Polish friends addicted? [55]

Why should I be taxed on sugar because some over weight lazy gits and irresponsible parents who allow their kids to stuff their faces with products full of sugar?Its the most ridiculous thing I have heard for a while.What next meat tax because to much red meat is no good for us?
3 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / How to export a car from Poland to the UK [13]

No need to splash the cash straight away on headlights etc.I have imported a few vehicles from Germany and reg'd them here in the UK.Granted they are not as new as a 2014.

Things you don't need to do
The speedo does NOT need to read MPH
You do NOT need to change the mirrors
Now to save a few ££ you can just use beam deflectors for the MOT if you don't want too spend money on replacement head lights straight away.

You will have to swap the fog light over to the other side.This is easily done.Put the bulb in the light plate and run a link wire over to the correct side that being right for the UK. DVLA will like to see UK insurance and MOT (even if the car is so new) Along with the cars ownership documents and a certificate of conformity (even if its from the EU)

Now the real PITA is getting insurance,Because you will not have the UK reg unless they will insure on Polish plates and change your document when you get the new reg number.

If not they may do it on the chassis number.And will only do a 2 week cover whilst you are going through the process and they will try and charge you £200 upwards for the privilege.Hunt around for a company that will do cover for the full 12 months on the chassis number

The process to reg a car takes around 5 days.
Good Luck
14 Apr 2014
Law / Bringing a brand new car from UK to Poland [22]

I assume a v5 is a regestration document?

Yes that's the one.
Snaps,If you get stuck with a mechanic in Sidzina or Sucha I used the Bosh service centre garage in Bialka to fit air con pump,re gas and test.They were spot on but a little more expensive than 'Fred in a shed'.
26 Mar 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

Cant see what the issue is with RHD cars in Poland.Ive driven plenty of times around Europe and Poland never had issues.Ok hands up Mc D's drive thru is a problem.Why do people have problems over taking?You should always leave a good space so you can get up to speed for the overtake which gives you a good view of the road ahead.

I have two LHD drive car in the UK and its no biggy.I guess if you cant reg a RHD car and the other half wants to move back to PL I would be gutted by having to sell my MK1 Golf
13 Feb 2014
Law / Starting a car junkyard in Poland [27]

At my local scrap yard most if not all the VW and Audi diesels are put to one side as there are a few few Polish lads who pick them up on a transporter and take them back to PL.With regards to the oil keep it yourself as you can use it on an oil fired heater.My friend breaks cars here in the UK and heats his unit up for free with the old oil.He even gets given it by other local garages as they would have to pay to dispose of it.

With regards to the batteries he keeps them and a local metal scrap man gives him a few £ to take them off his hands.
The only issue he has is with aircon gas and brake/steering fluid.Its a win win,money for the parts and batteries and weigh in the shell once its stripped
7 Aug 2013
Life / What do I need to do when I arrive in Poland ? [13]

I don't think I'm far from the government buildings that deal with these things (Sucha Beskidzka, malopolska)

You're not far,The offices are on the main high street on the left hand side (that's if you come in from Makow Podhalanski side of town)

What will you be doing there to earn some Zl? I have been going to Skawica ( a 10 min drive away) for nearly 8 years and I think I would hang myself as not a lot to do if you want a night out.There was a good bar by the rail crossing where they hold the market and a rough and ready bar on the corner near the square but they had gone last time I was there at Christmas.
6 Aug 2013
Life / An Englishman wanting to watch TV in Poland [51]

you want to watch other paid channel, google "cardsharing

Unfortunately Sly are clamping down on this.Ive been it doing for sometime now and the rumours were that Sly had been working on it for some time to block it.They have done it Australia and it was meant to be getting blocked in June 2013 not only on Sly UK but across Europe.How ever its still working fine but who know for how long.

Plenty of chat about it on Alsat web site.
27 Sep 2012
Travel / Driving to poland from the west midlands [11]

If you are driving in the winter months winter tyres are compulsory in Germany.Strange that they are not in Poland but you would be a fool to not have them.I would also sort out breakdown recovery.My car broke down on the autobahn some years ago driving back to the UK from Munich it was the best money I spent as they sorted recovery all the way back to Dover and from Dover to home as well as sorting a hotel for the night in Germany.
21 Sep 2012
Law / Fags going up 60 groszy [13]

I see fags in Poland at from 10.50 to 11.50 zł. What are they in the UK?

Uk prices

20 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish TV channels in the UK [95]

I wish it was that simple.Its not a plug and play system.Setting up a linux box in it self can be at the best of times frustrating but worth it in the end.The code you refer to is known as a C line.I currently run a Dreambox 800HD coupled up to a motorized dish so reap the reward of many satellites.The only down side I found is that if the providers server goes down and they are on holiday there is no TV.How ever using a cheap server say at £8 to £10 per month its worth getting two lines.What box does your GF use?