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From: Florida

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26 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Now, the real reason why some people do not want to admit that poverty breeds crime is because such people need an excuse to blame the ones they're treating unfairly, so that it seems justifiable.

Poverty is an excuse to avoid the reality of the genetic component. Humans are an evolving animal and you mistakenly assume that all self awareness in humans is equal. There are degrees of self awareness, some such that even those who are deprived of food and shelter will still not commit crime. To say poverty breeds crime is to make an indirect claim about the genetic awareness level of the human beings one is discussing.

This whole subject has been studied intensively worldwide, and it's been proven. Get over it. Your magic trick doesn't work anymore. People don't commit more crimes just because they're black.

Again, it would help you to comprehend humans as a biological organism. Black refers to race, which is a genetic classification of certain humans. The claims are that certain genetics create higher propensity for behavior which is characterized as crime.

"The best environment can't help the worst genetics and the worst environment can't stop the best genetics - we can see this everyday" - Kazimierz Dabrowski

People commit more crimes when they're poor. You can deny this all you want, but you can also look at statistics. Poor people commit way more crimes than people who are wealthy. None of your theories and none of your comments can disprove this simple fact of life.

You're not making any comparisons here. It appears you're using the word "people" to refer to humans overall. Without comparing different genetic groups your claim is fairly moot.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in the "drunk Pole" stereotype :)

The internet is filled with individuals who respond to claims of "(human group) is/are (adjective)" with "Not all of them!". I call these people the "Not all of them police".

Claims about human groups are probabilistic and therefore do not require a disclaimer of "I'm about to make a claim about so-and-so human group, but please keep in mind that I understand this claim does not apply to all humans in that group."

The "Not all of them police" don't comprehend that it's the differences in probability distribution coupled with comparisons that underlie all claims about human groups.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

This fill-in-the-blank comparison does not work as an attempt to show how my claim is in absurd because we can make legitimate claims by filling in the blanks. If you believe nationality labels do not mean anything or that they do not reflect any fundamental human differences then you're begging the question.

It's odd how those who promote "diversity" end up loosing their fish, geese and swans from the rivers and lakes, have Polish drunk drivers causing accidents,

You've got some non-sequitur issues here.

You think your post shows my statement to be ridiculous only because you believe your fill-in-the-blank mirroring of my claim is ridiculous. Your error is that your example is not ridiculous. Again, you can make legitimate claims by filling in your blanks.

Get a life, you little frusto.

Here you throw an ad hominem and attempt to delegitimize my view with the claim that I'm frustrated and have no life. Of course, even if I am frustrated and had no life that is not a valid reason to argue against what I say. But you would have to be educated about logical reasoning to understand that. So I don't blame you for saying it.
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Let's hope Poles have the backbone to deport all these Africans and vote out politicians who allow them to enter Poland. If not, Poles can look forward to all the social problems that accompany blacks and the destruction of their unique Polish identity. It's odd how those who promote "diversity" end up creating the exact same type of populations everywhere.

This has been in the news lately. What is the big deal? He was breaking the law, a scuffle broke out, tried to run away, there was aggresion towards the police, the guy got shot. No surprises here. Nothing news worthy, either. Next thing you know it will be arms across Poland for this poor black guy who got murdered by the cold blooded, racist Polish police. wtf

Looks like Poles are not immune to the bleeding heart anti-racist syndrome. The fable of the Scorpion and the Frog entails this mindset well.
5 Feb 2007
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Poles aren't a race so the term can't be racist.

erm ok, what do ye call yourselfs? we all say poles, or polish

like we'd say irish or celts (though celts is really rare and really trying to glamor it lol)

not a racist - just curious LOL

WOOO free speech!!

Hi there. I don't mind clarifying why I said that. I call myself a Pole. Culturally I'm American but by birth a Pole. I'm not an expert on anthropology but here is how I understand the break down to be:

Race: Caucasian (also goes by Caucasoid)
Ethnicity: Slavic
Nationality: Polish

This is just a rough categorization.
5 Feb 2007
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

it is rubbish question.

There are thieves everywhere.

I disagree. The question is vague, but sensible. There is also a valid answer to the question. See post #42.
5 Feb 2007
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Poles aren't a race so the term can't be racist.
It is a derogatory term for a nationality, although it has morphed into carrying the same insulting "punch" as using racial epithets.
5 Feb 2007
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

...cough... cough ...I am a living proof. I Left US several years ago and have never regreted the move.

I am headed in this direction. I have two more years left to finish my college degree and I will seek employment in Poland. The only problem will be paying of some of my school debts on Polish income. How have you fared on the income situation ?
4 Feb 2007
Genealogy / Is tallness common among Polish people? [201]

Such questions create even more silly stereotypes about Poles in general. How can one answer such a general question like "are Poles tall?". How would one answer the question "Are Poles fat"? It's all subjective opinion and the answer should be: "It depends - some of them are, some are not."

It's objective actually because height can be measured. First you measure the height of all 39 million Poles and then all we need is a height to compare to and we can determine if tallness is common in Poles. Simple.
4 Feb 2007
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

I got ripped off again at Polish construction supply center. Today my ladder was
missing last time it was some lumber before that was my bungee cords. They even
once stole my magnetic business signs. What would they want with my signs? I dont think its Polish beople that are born here but mainly the immigrants.
This doesnt happen to me when I am shopping in other neighborhoods.

Round and round in a circle we go, where the answer to this question lies nobody knows! Unless.... we just examine it from a dry logical perspective.

So your question is: Do Polish People steal alot?
The question is a bit vague. Are you asking do all Polish people steal alot or just some? What kind of gauge are we going to use to determine "alot"?

Maybe we can rephrase your question? How about:
"Do Polish people have a disproportionately higher or lower rate of thievery per a randomly selected sample."

Now we need to select a gauge. What will we compare this rate to? How about we compare them to a hypothetical group we will call "X".

First, we determine what the rate of thievery is for group X, then we determine what the rate of thievery is for the Polish group and you have your answer.

Practically speaking, the reason Poles have a stereotype of being thieves is probably because a higher proportion of my people do engage in thievery then the group of people you grew up in or are used to living among. Pretty simply stuff. Not that hard.

Does this offend me ? Not if it's true. I wouldn't want you to go around stating that all Poles are thieves, but if you were to be more cautious around Poles with your possessions I would think that a prudent decision.

How prudent? If you engage in simple theft prevention techniques you should have no problem. Use a lock on your ladder, lock your car door, don't leave valuables in plain view..etc.