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Joined: 13 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Oct 2009
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3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

When I say there is little information on the subjedt,

Actually that is not true either, what you said was:

As it stands, there isn't even a wiki entry on it.

and yet there is a wiki entry (or two :-) on it!

And now you have agreed to create an English wiki page it will prove to be invaluable in telling the story of the Polish children's concentration camp to the widest audience. Look forward to seeing it :-))
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I certainly will make an entry and will write USHMM to straighten out their nonsense.


Action speaks louder than words!

Don't forget to post the link :-)))
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I just did. Your awareness has been raised and now you know of a real Polish concentration camp so you can pepper various threads with it.

So I take it that you won't be creating an English wikki page for Polen Jugendverwahrlager Litzmannstadt.?

i thought not. Polish children in a German concentration camp are not worth that much to you after all—not even a couple of hours to translate a page of text to make up a wiki page in memory of Polish children in the Holocaust for the the milliions who are not on PF! You prove you are just background noise!!
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I get 523,000 results for "turd" and don't think they are all websites about you.

I get 1,490,000 for Polish Anti-Semite. So what?

Still doesn't negate the fact that there is a wiki entry for which you said:

As it stands, there isn't even a wiki entry on it.

Maybe you can translate the German or Polish wiki page into English and do a great service to Poland with just a couple of hours of your time? That would be something tangible you could contribute to raise awareness for people like me of this concentration camp for Polish children. Somehow I think you will not undertake this small task? All bark and no action :-))
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

As it stands, there isn't even a wiki entry on it.

Apart from this one :-)))


Polen-Jugendverwahrlager Litzmannstadt in £ódź for Polish youths (established 1942 to prevent mixing of Poles and Germans in the same camps) Camps for Germans children too??

Google Results: 926 for Polen Jugendverwahrlager Litzmannstadt.

* * * *

Some estimates put the number of camps in Nazi occupied territories at 15,000 here is a list of some of them.

The most comprehensive list of the Nazi German camp system is still found in:

Martin Weinmann (ed.): Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem (CCP Catalogue of Camps and Prisons in Germany and German-occupied territories, 1939 - 1945)

However it is not updated as many small prisoner camp records have been lost to history and may only exist in the living memory of survivors. The list is taken mainly from the ITS records.

Given the huge number of prisons and camps in the Nazi sytem it is no surprise, to me at least, that many camps are not well known.

It should be remembered that we know infinitely more about Nazi camps than we do about the Soviet camps of WWII which are still shrouded in secrecy (or forgotten) for the most part, and for me that is the important story that remains to be told-by serious historians not propagandists like Snores!!
27 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

However, what pisses me off is the way the article is written, it implies that people with Jewish ancestry in Poland keep it secret out of fear of being persecuted by everybody.

However you would prefer it not to be, this does seems to be a recurring story.

But if what you are saying is that the situation is Jews in Poland do not fear persecution these days? Then have any serious studies been done on this in Poland to support your claim?

You failed to mention that a lot of catholics hate baptists too.

Do Baptists in Poland feel the same fear of persecution in Poland as this particular, now Jewish, woman and her Catholic husband seemingly do? I think not unless you have evidence?

Of course she is still Polish and why would she not be?

Maybe she also has experience of Poles using the word 'Jew' in a derogative sense as happens all the time in the microcosm of Polish attitudes on this Polishforum. From reading many of the posts on PF one oftens see this attempted put-down by calling a dissenting poster a 'Jew' as if this is some ingrained Polish attitude of negativity in being a 'Jew'.
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Sad for Poland, indeed. Now everybody's gonna think that we're a country were every person with the slightest connection to Judaism is publicly stigmatized and probably chased with pitchforks.

Why, of course the woman is lying... what has she to worry about?

"My husband is Catholic," Barbara says, "He didn't want the girls to know. His own family didn't like Jews. He didn't want the girls to have problems.

Sad for Poland, indeed, that one woman who lived her life not being a Jew finds out she is a Jew and is now afraid that her in-laws will find out if she tells her children because ....

"And my mother-in-law doesn't like Jews. As for my husband's grandmother, she hates Jews."


May seem like that to you but obviously not to her and her Catholic husband! Maybe if you are a Polish Jew yourself you might have more positve experiences to share?
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I just read this article.

To me the tragedy of this story is that this woman feels she will now be hated as a Jew by her own in-laws, and that she feels her children's life might also be adversely affected by the revelation.

How sad for Poland :-((
25 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Stanislaw Szczyglinski - Holocaust Victim.. [9]

so is it possible he worked for the Polish Underground

For records of Polish A.K. you could try:

Dr. Krzysztof Stolinski - Chairman
The Polish Underground Movement (1939-1945) Study Trust (Polish:Studium Polski Podziemnej)
11 Leopold Road
London W5 3PB
United Kingdom
Tel./Fax: +44 (0)20 8992 6057

They hold most of the Polish undeground movements records in their archives.

Also you should try the Polish Red Cross who you can contact directly.

Or you can try Der Internationale Suchdienst (ITS) in Bad Arolsen

The International Tracing Service


If you live in the US you can ask the USHMM to access the ITS archives as they have recently be granted access this might be quicker that ITS in Bad Arolsen, it took me two years to get a reply from them as they have so many requests.

If you contact the German camp archives you most likely will have to prove you are related to the person you are seeking information about, this is quite normal and they usually will only send paper copies of any information found to your postal address. But you should also bear in mind that many camp records were deliberately destroyed (so as to hide evidence of their crimes) by the SS ahead of the advancing Red Army or Allied forces so records are incomplete. If a camp was liberated by the Red Army then quite often the surviving camp records were removed to the USSR after the war. German archives are usual very prompt in replying. You will get a reply quicker if you can write in German. Also write in Polish if contacting the Polish Red Cross.
24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

I can assure you, as much as you try to deny it.. to a true Brit descended from Normans you are, and will always be, a pollack.

Thank God you are not Polish as there are enough dumb Pollack jokes as it is!!

The Normans were not English, just invaders from where was it? Oh yes, Normandy. Maybe that is why in British history it is called the Norman Conquest of 1066 !!! Where is Normandy? Oh, yes Normandy is a region in northern France!!! Wouldn't that make me French and not British. LOL.

I really am done arguing this point with you sjam.

Promises! Promises!
24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

I have no idea where you get this stuff from.

Polish citizenship law.

I believe there are over 10 million Americans of Polish ancestry but that doesn't make then Polish only Polish-Americans. This is simple concept is obviously too difficult for you to comprehend.

My English mother had Scottish ancestry from about 250 years ago. That doesn't make me Scottish!

My EU passport is clearly stamped UK citizen so guess what that means? Yes you got it! I am British. So how can I desire something I already have?

However about 8 years or so ago I was informed by the Polish Embassy in London that I do also qualify as a Polish citizen under Polish law as the Polish state recognises that my father was still a Polish citizen when I was born even though the Polish communist illegally revoked the citizenship of the Polish Armed Forces that refused to return to Poland after the war.
24 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

They are not doing themselves any favours are Hamas.

I think you really mean Hamas are not doing Palestinian mothers and children any favours.
24 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

It didn't work, did it? For mass murder, very little has been done. Is that what they wanted?

Hamas want world attention and they got it through their cynical rocket attacks that were only designed to bring down the expected overwhelming IDF response on the alestinians. It is not as though Hamas did not know what response the Israelis would apply to Hamas provocation, is it?

Hamas launch their rockets soley to provoke the Israelis to respond with their usual robustness to gain world attention, so yes it did work, at the expense of Palestinian mothers and Palestinian children... as it does so every time.

Hamas have no qualms about killing their fellow Palestinians they fought a war against fellow Palestinians to gain control of Gaza. Why is that? Nothing to do with control of aid monies going into Gaza I guess??
24 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Those rockets were like flies, yehudi. How many deaths did they cause?

All those Palestinian mothers and babes in arms for a start!!
Hamas bear equal responsibility for the death of those killed by the IDF.
Did they not expect the IDF to come in with overwhelming force? Of course they did, it is their cynical game for world attention. Works every time.
24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

yeah so why sjam is trying to insist I want to be a Polish citizen is beyond me.

It seems you want to insist that you are Polish and not Amercian! However without a parent who was a Polish citizen at the time of your birth you will always remain an American and not a Pole unless you actually go and live in Poland for a few years then you will have what you so desire.

The last time someone gave me an eeew when I said my family were Polish

Maybe they just thought "Ah, that would explain everything". LOL.

he didn't want them in his volunteer army, as they would have bad influence on the army morale!

Seems that the bad influence on these particular Polish-Jews in Scotland was anti-semitism by fellow soldiers in the Polish Armed Forces.

The Times | April 12, 1944

The Press Association states:-
It can now be disclosed that 100 Jewish soldiers left their Polish army unit in Scotland in January and set out for London to protest against anti-Jewish views in the Polish army. Twenty-two of them were arrested by Polish military police at a Scottish town, but the others reached London, where they denied that they were deserters or that they, were trying to escape military service. They saw representatives of the Polish Government and asked to be transferred to British army battle units. A spokesman for the men stated that the Polish Government had conceded most of their claims.

24 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What did those innocent Palestinian mothers and kids do to deserve being massacred?

Maybe you should ask Hamas that same question?

No one deserves to be killed but at the moment it still suits Hamas for this to continue.

* * * *

Say such a thing again and I'll make sure that you are.

"Woe implores: Go!"
24 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Hezbollah are more likely to be buying pharmaceuticals for their hospitals and health centres.

Be honest, I think you'll agree I wasn't talking about what Hezbollah is buying with their drug money only their control (and profits) of the drug trade.

I think Dan Gillerman summed up what I am saying rather succinctly:

"One who goes to sleep with rockets shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up in the morning."
23 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Hezbollah were more than their match

Is that why Hezbollah became drug-lords instead of war-lords ????

As usual, Israel had no regard for civilian casualties

That could equally be said for Hezbollah, be honest, Hezbollah rockets weren't being fired at military targets were they??

Hezbollah was responsible for thousands of Katyusha rocket attacks against Israeli civilian towns and cities in northern Israel.

23 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

And for Israel's :) You'd find Hezbollah (remember them?), Hamas and other Muslim groups laying siege on Israel.

Israel has always been surrounded and laid siege to by the Arab states and Musilim terrorist groups. Surely no need to remind anyone how Israel deals with these threats—so far it has crushed the Arab states in each all out war between them. Nothing to suggest anything will change on that score in any future conflict.

Hezbollah? Do you remember what happened to them last time they fired their rockets at Israel—must be some graphic images out there in case anyone does need reminding?
23 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

Kind of difficult to erase a person's ancestry sjam. But you sure are working hard at it. Any particular reason for that?

How can anyone construe I am trying to 'erase a person's ancestry' apart from you. I have a long line of Polish ancestry out there somewhere (Poland that is) I was born in the UK so I am a British citizen, thats how nationality laws work here. This doesn't mean that my Polish ancestry has been erased because I am a British citizen or maybe it does in your Martian world?

Is one of your parents a Polish citizen? If so you are Polish if not then you are not. I didn't make this rule, I am too busy stopping the Soviet Story getting out to the mainstream media to have much to do with Polish citizenship laws... but vote for me in the next MEP elections and I will see what my other sinister associates can do. Oh no, you can't as you not Polish yet. Catch 22. But maybe I'll win that MEP seat without your vote. LOL.

Look if you feel inferior being an American rather than Polish just go and live in Poland for five years(?) and become a Pole if that is your want. Just go do it— you will be happier and Poilsh. LOL.
23 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

he didn't want them in his volunteer army, as they would have bad influence on the army morale!

You have obviously never read:
Harvey Sarner: Anders and the Soldiers of the Second Polish Corps
in which he discusses Anders attitude to both the recruitment of Polish Jews and 'deserters' from the Second Polish Corps in some detail. He also details the material support given by the Second Polish Corps in helping Irgun and his empathy to the Jewish fight for a free state of their own.

Interesting. Then Polish people outside of Poland have no ancestry?

Only you can draw such a stupid conclusion. [quote=sjam]This is my understanding of Polish citizenship:

If you were born outside Poland to a Polish citizen then the Polish state considers you a Polish citizen also. If neither of your parents were Polish citizens at the time of your birth then you are not Polish although you can reside in Poland for a qualifying period and become a Polish citizen.

If neither of your parents were Polish citizens at the time of your birth then you are not Polish. If you were born in the USA to non-Polish citizens then you are only an American.
22 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Attacking Iran would be a major mistake.

IMO Iran being allowed a deliverable nuclear weapon would be an even bigger mistake.
22 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Why then doesn't Israel carry out a pre-emptive strike?

The US pleads for Israeli restraint:

In May, CIA chief Leon Panetta was sent to Israel reportedly to warn Israeli leaders not to launch a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities without permission from the U.S., though he offered no proof the U.S. had an effective strategy to stop Iran from getting the Bomb.


Hillary Clinton refused yesterday to rule out a pre-emptive Israeli military strike on Iran. It was the first time that a senior member of the Obama Administration had openly discussed such a possibility.

So fingers crossed.
21 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

Maybe when people here say to polish people living in other countries 'you're not polish!' it's actually the soviet indoctrination speaking.

If your not a Polish citizen you are not Polish nothing to do with Soviet indoctrination.

If you were born outside Poland to a Polish citizen then I believe the Polish state considers you a Polish citizen also.

I think it is also true that if you are born in Poland that does not automatically mean your are a Polish citizen unlike in England (and maybe the USA?) where you become a citizen even if your parents are not UK nationals if you are born here.

the soviets disenfranchised all the poles overseas who wouldn't return.

I think you will agree it was actually the Polish communist government—who were not all Soviet.
20 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Rhodesia and India were all British colonies that were considered safe havens for Polish civilians who had been taken out of USSR with Anders as was New Zealand and Australia. Poles also were sent to South Africa, Argentina and Mexico for their safety. So it was a logical choice :-))

There is still actually a small Polish community in Nairobi, Kenya. Some of whom I met again on a return trip a to Kenya a couple of years back. They made a good life there during the time when Kenya was British and stayed on after Kenyan independence in the mid-1960s. I also lived in Nairobi (and Malindi near Mombasa) as a kid, and my father would buy Polish foodstuff from a downtown Polish deli which was run by a lady who was a former Siberian deportee.

Most Poles who were sent to African refugee camps got to Africa via boat from India having been transferred there from Persia/Iran.

Poles in the British mandate of Palestine were clothed, fed and looked after by the British government and the British Armed Forces and funding from Polish givernment-in-exile, not by local Arabs. Whilst his forces were stationed in Palestine Anders allowed hundreds of Polish-Jews that had enlisted in the Polish armed forces to 'desert' to join Jewish organisations involved in the fight against the British for a Jewish state in Palestine. Anders refused to arrest or help the British to find and arrest these 'deserters' whom Anders thought of as freedom fighters-as were the Poles at that time.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

This survey:

A survey of one makes that 100% not your claimed 95%-unless her right hand disagreed with the rest of her body... LOL.

This just proves it was just another of your ingrained and ubstantiated opinions which seems to be quite a Polish tradition of yours.

Polish underground had many reports on these agents. AK sources.

Can you link to one AK report?

Your linked PDF does not mention any AK reports in the Bibliography.

But not surprising that the first main sources indicated are Jewish not Polish:

397 Ruth Altbeker Cyprys, A Jump For Life: A Survivor's Journal from Nazi-Occupied
(New York: Continuum, 1997), 39: 'In the midst of all this bustled the Jewish Gestapo
men, well fed, well dressed, wearing officers' top-boots. These were the notorious 'Thirteen', a sort of militia ... Collaborators of the worst kind ... we were much afraid of 'The Thirteen'.' 398 A. Rozenberg, 'Trzynastka,' Bleter far Geszichte (Warsaw), vol. 5, nos. 1-2 (1952): 187-225, xxxiv- xxxv (English summary), and vol. 5, no. 3 (1952); A. [Adam] Rutkowski, 'O agenturze gestapowskiej w getcie warszawskim,' Biuletyn ˚ydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego (Warsaw), no. 19-20 (1956): 38-59 (this study also refers to the Gestapo connections of the Jewish Ambulance Service [˚ydowskie Pogotowie Ratunkowe]); Abraham Lewin, A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto (Oxford and New York: Basil Black in association with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 18; Yehuda Bauer, Rethinking the Holocaust, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001), 145-46; Barbara Engelking and Jacek Leociak, Getto warszawskie: Przewodnik po nieistniejàcym mieÊcie (Warsaw: IFiS PAN, 2001), 220-33, 714, 729-30.

Proving plenty of original Jewish memoir sources and studies on which Polish sources have quoted. Which kind of supports my point:

We only know about the gypsies also in the Warsaw ghetto from original Jewish testimony not Polish sources or from anyone else.

19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

That's because you don't read Polish, you idiot. We know plenty about Jewish Gestapo cells from Polish sources.

Which Jewish sources would they be based on?

Not only but, we do know that 95% of Jews today have not taken the time to read the journals themselves,

What survey evidence can you provide to back this wild claim up with? Or is it just another of your ingrained and ubstantiated opinions which seems to be quite a Polish tradition of yours. LOL.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Very few Jews know what really went on in the ghettos,

What a really stupid comment.

In fact we only know what really went on in the ghettos from those Jews that were in the Ghettos and survived. Not from Poles who were never imprisoned in the Ghettos and could not know what really went on. Karski's day trips into the ghetto only gave a brief snapshot of conditions as that of a visitor.

We only know about the Jewish and Polish blackmailers from original Jewish testimony, we only know about the infamous 'Thirteens' from original Jewish sources... not Polish or other sources. We only know about the gypsies also in the Warsaw ghetto from original Jewish testimony not Polish sources or from anyone else.

For example in the Warsaw Ghetto the only Christian Poles inside were converted Jews ( who were helped by the pre-war anti-semitic catholic preist at All Saints Church who was allowed to take mass at the church duiring part of the Ghetto period) and the Polish 'Bluey' Police on the gates of the Ghetto. There were also a few Polish workers in a few factories within the ghetto early on but they were fortunate to be able to leave every day.


Remember also that people in occupied countries didn't exactly have a huge range of choices.

No but they did have some choices.

The French certainly chose to help round up thousands of French Jews and send them directly to their deaths at Auschwitz; the Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians chose to murder tens of thousands of Jews.

The overwhelming majority Poles did not chose to do this—despite a culture that was as anti-semitic as the rest of Europe, if not more so.