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Posts by GoDfaTheR420  

Joined: 2 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Mar 2009
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 43 / In This Archive: 7
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Football!!!

Displayed posts: 9
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29 Dec 2009
Law / Settting up ''self-employed'' status in Poland [9]

Can anyone direct me to website (English) that could give me information on how to become self-employed here in Poland. Im a British national..so is it even possible?!?

Cheers guys

Happy New Year
30 Apr 2009
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

Perhaps you should live here for a lot longer before trying to change the way of living.

If I waited and lived here longer before I tried to change things then maybe I'll develop your defeatest attitude.

By the way I'm not and ex-pat!!..I still have my British Passport! ...Who still gets his full English Breakfast, which is very much enjoyed by my wifes family, every Saturday before the football!!..

So what if I have the attitude of a Brit!...I'm sure there was a topic on here like ''Poland wake up to a multi-cultural world!!''

Cheating is deeply ingrained in the national identity. For better or for worse, it's accepted in Poland and while Western/Northern Europeans might see it as alien and strange and unacceptable - it's perfectly fine for the Poles. Leave them to it - it's their culture, not ours.

Ever heard of change!!...maybe Polish people want change!...maybe they just need a little push!...Hey if women thought like you then they still wouldn't have any rights!

A privilege and an honour? Are you living in cloud cuckoo land? Given the lack of job security and poor working conditions in many schools, it's certainly not an honour or a privilege. Even if you view it as that - you should be looking at why people are paying your wages. They're paying you to keep students happy - and if they have to cheat to be happy, then it's not an issue.

What the hell has any of that got to with it!!...Have you ever heard of Morals! I didn't study 5 years to be a sell out!!

You really don't get it, do you? Private education in a language school is a business, not a vocation.

Business or not...teachers still have a responsibility to TEACH!!! How do you not get that!?

Actually, this is where your ignorance is shining through. It's actually arguable that as many teachers coming through nowadays tried all the different ways to cheat, then it's much harder for the children to cheat in school

Actually, this is where your ignorance is shining through!!...these teachers are proffesional ''cheaters!'' ...they actually make cheating easier for the children!..I know ..I have seen them do it!...They know what to do....and how to do it. The worst thing is how blatant it is..as if they have no regard or understanding of the damage they are doing!

How do you do this, bearing in mind that you don't speak the language? I'd be very careful before slandering the medical profession in Poland, given that they often do an excellent job with a lack of resources. Or are you judging them on the basis that they don't speak English, like so many stereotypical ex-pats?

I left this till last....go to hell..I know a lot more Polish than I let on...( I have my reasons!)..but I never judge or stereotype people!

The people I'm talking about are the people who work in everyday jobs...banks...government offices...police...hospitals.....I have seen a level of incompetence that I do come usually come across....I only asked the question that if cheating is accepted then incompetence may also be part and parcel of the culture.....again I'm not an ex pat!..

Hey I'm getting my dual passport soon...still no an ex pat!!!......If i lived in Poland 200 years I'm an individual and so are my views....so stop stereotyping me!!
30 Apr 2009
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

copying asnwers in tiny tiny writing onto a tiny strip of paper and inserting into a biro, writing on leg under skirt,

Hey thats nothing....the ''NEW FCE'' exam was being distributed outside the British Council Warsaw the day BEFORE the actual exam for 100zl!!!...this is being investigated as i type by the ''Never cheat'' police!

The exam was taken a day before in Columbia, South America...and some clever sod faxed it over to Poland and made a killing!
30 Apr 2009
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

That's their choice to do so. If it makes them feel good, great - it's entirely their choice if they want to cheat or not. Certainly as paying customers, they have the right to cheat if they so want.

What you or I think about people cheating in private situations is neither here nor there - it's entirely a matter for the individual.

''If it makes them feel good then great???''....are you having a laugh!..Whats great about cheating!

These same people GET qualifications...these same people GET jobs due to these qualifications...these same people are usually the incompetent people that we all often complain about on here!...Sometimes I look at a doctor and ''man!.. are you a real doctor ...or did you cheat at medical school!''....some of these people even become teachers...and so the cheating culture goes round and round!!!......''they are paying cutomers and have the right to cheat![/b]''...oh give me a break...do you really want this country to be based on and around cheaters!..I think not!

And what you and I think does matter....teaching is a privilege and an honour...private school or not...its not acceptable!...The individual could be the next President.....Poland has enough problems with the current one...hmmm wonder why!

Hey delphiandomine please go ahead and bury your head in the sand...but in my remaining 2 years I'll be damned if I don't try and change this!

I have a lesson now..but I'll be back with more examples...I will not...cannot let this rest!

You foster a cheating culture with kids certainly it carries over into adulthood with corruption and bribes.

Absolutely agree!

What are you doing here is creating another ugly myth about Poland, please don't do that.

This is not a myth....its true..it happens..take off your blinkers!!...and I WILL bring it up until the problem is under control!!

''Cheating isn't accepted in Poland! Please, don't make such unfair generalizations - you are implying some „cheating culture” and trying to explain it, there is no such thing as „cheating culture” in Poland. It's true that some students try to cheat, but no more than 5-15%''

^^ Nonsense...I'm sorry if this hurts but it IS part of Polish culture....Football..Politics...Construction....Government Benefits etc! ....but Cheating in schools is the worse..,....the cycle will never stop unless you stop it at the source..Polish schools!

As for 5-15% ....try 50-65% and you will be nearer the correct number ( source British Council Warsaw)
29 Apr 2009
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

Why oh why is cheating accepted in schools??

I'm a teacher here...and some of the things I have seen have shocked me beyond words...eg..Teachers allowing students to go on a ''toilet break'' ....then following the student and passing on the answers!!!

My wife does ALL her younger brothers homework for him...not help...but actually completes the exercises!!!!!....and says its usual!!!

You can ''pay'' for better exam results!

Even private students that I teach cheat....they actuall pay for lessons....and CHEAT!!!

I have seen many threads on here....how to improve Poland etc...well start by stopping the cheating culture~!
25 Mar 2009
Life / British sky satellite TV in Poland [87]

BBCi (including Match of the Day!!) will be available to license paying Brits ,who are abroad, via the internet. You must declare your IP address and sign some copyright/privacy crap! oh and prove you have paid for the license!!

looking forward to it!
25 Mar 2009
Life / Good place to live in Poland (if you want to move on)? [66]

I have been all over the world....my top 2 places to live would be:

1.Enlgand (palce of birth)
2. South of Spain (lifestyle is better than anywhere in the world!)
3. Poland...(no 2 days have ever been the same!)....well except when I was arrested and kept in jail for 2 days for having a ''Fake British Passport!!''!...stupid police!
20 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

ummm....does it actually matter!?!?

Being classed as white isn't all its cracked up to be!

Being classed as Polish/Russian or non-whites isn't the end of the world!

I'm a British Asian ( white Mother/ non white Father!!!) so I'm classed as what!!!....seriously i couldn't care less!!!

move on dude...America is huuuuuuge and there are way more important things to do there than worry about colour!!!....I spent 3 years there and the subject of colour never ever came up!!!

ps...I've been here for 1 year now....i have seen blue eyed, blond polish people...i have seen polish people darker than me!!!...what gives!

pps took the day of work today.....ate waaaaaaay too many dougnuts yesterday!!...strange tradition...why...who...when was this started!