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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 17 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2211 / In This Archive: 458
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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29 Dec 2019
Real Estate / Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score? [15]

Medicaid system, you need to be on a seriously low income by US standards to qualify for it,

Yes, A lot of ppl that are on medicaid also receive food stamps as well.

His whole plan is nothing but a pipe dream without any money. He should stay here, find a decent paying job and save up for 10-15 years and then decide what to do.

He said in one post that's he's getting old and in another post he wants to have children, makes me wonder if he's just trolling.....
28 Dec 2019
Real Estate / Home loan in Poland based on my US credit score? [15]

You don't have a plan, or anything even resembling a realistic clue a

He cant afford his own health Insurance in the USA nor less a down payment on a house and he isn't going to get any free benefits in Poland either.

I don't understand how person who cant earn a decent living in the USA thinks it will be easier in a foreign country?

School up for a real career.

This is his best option!

Stay in the USA and make your money here, our yankee dollars go a lot further over there:)
29 Oct 2019
Life / A big guy controlling parking spaces in Warsaw [5]

he didnt have change or refused to pay or something.

What about pepper spraying him right in the eyeball next time? Im surprised someone hasn't given him a beat down yet......
8 Oct 2019
News / Poland one step closer to visa waiver by US Senate [59]

A big shiny new wall along the Mexican Border:)

I don't care about getting anything in return from Poland and other Americans don't care as well. Its not a green card or citizenship, so big deal.

Poles in Chicago are happy, but still suspicious of the govnt.
4 Oct 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

really hope that the sorry asses of climate change deniers will be drowned by ocean waters

We " 90% of America" Have been hoping! " The Big One " would hit right along the San Andreas fault line for many years now, so you west coast freaks, that try and hold the rest of our country hostage, with your socialist values, slip into said ocean forever:)
29 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

You should try to use your head occasionally, Joker.

The uS leads the way in emission standards, you should know this living in CA with those cars that have 4 different mufflers and going to smog stations.lol

What about clean coal compared to Europe? The EPA would jump all over some place spewing that sludge into the atmosphere. In fact, we have some of the cleanest air in the world......


Hey, remember the smog cloud that used to hover over LA back in the 80`s, its gone now, right?
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Poland does rely too much on coal.

They are in the process of retrofit improvements and switching to natural gas, sure its going to take some time, but are putting in the effort. Now Germany is another story......

Germany burns more coal than any other country in Europe, and has done little to reduce air pollution from its coal plants.


All this pollution drifts right into Poland!
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

"\President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people".[

Was this right after Obama went on his worldwide bowing to our enemies tour or the horrible Iran nuke deal lol. Trump should get one for NK or surely after this deal!

Right off to pick some mushrooms now

Pick some magic ones:)
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Simple question: What did Barak Obama actually achieve to deserve a Nobel?

different opinions than angry old American guys or Russian trolls who are paid

Sounds like another polak conspiracy theory from the red apple early bird special.

Who's being paid around this forum..lololol
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Must have something to do with global warming.

Because it never snows in the mountains lol

Global Warming is a back door for Socialism!

Power: As evidence discredits global warming, resistance to such facts by green elites reveals their real aim is bringing socialism in through the back door.



This is what its really about, Johnny.


It already did. Twice. After Obama - the peacemaker and Gore - that fat disgusting lying sob.

No kidding, The Nobel prize should be changed to "Libtard of the Year" award, presented by CNN.

Greta dared play her 'righteous angry girl" act on Chinese soil she'd be in prison faster than you can say "....what?"

Unless the worlds largest polluters (China/India) join in, nothing we do really matters.
25 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Any Poles in Texas! [61]

Every few years you'll have an oppressive heat wave for a few weeks then it goes away:) You can ride your motorbike all year around down there also.

When you say Dallas you probably mean Ft.Worth, thats where all the action is. Its a very clean city with lots of nightlife and really good BBQ. One place is can say "Not to Go" is.....Houston,TX
23 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

You want China to stop polluting? Stop buy Chinese gadgets and make them here.

I try and not to buy anything from these lying cheating thieves already. Im glad Trump has put on tariffs and hope the chinks never make a deal as well:) Phuck em! We don't need them!

No thats why its pointless to tax the crap out of americans

Thats why AOC is a total idiot and anyone that supports the New Green Deal is just as stupid as she is.

I rather pay a few dollars more for American or European quality instead of some cheap plastic junk from China. Any tool that you buy from China risks breaking off in your hand, perhaps causing injury. Not worth saving a few $$$. Remember when they sent us poison Dog Food, Drywall/Sheetrock laced with formaldehyde? Not to mention all the fentanyl they produce and illegally ship to try and destroy the country from within.

China is the planets enemy! (cough cough)
23 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

like China and India will start having a very short life expectancy do to pollution from toxins.

It seems like an act of war by "Them" polluting our air/water for the rest of the world. They don't have any regard for the environment, just greed and profit at the expense of the planet. Meanwhile, other countries like the USA have high emission standards and were trying to clean up past environmental damage. Its doesn't make a bit of difference with these rogue countries that don't care at all.
20 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

It certainly is an interesting city to take photographs...... Might as well have a few beers too:)

19 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Krakow series.

Keep the series going, where and what is this?

Its easy:)

15 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Pawian, have you ever been to this castle?

  • C0EBA02BA79E48578.jpeg

  • 7214AF169BF84958B.jpeg
15 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

It's by jezioro Tarnobrzeskie and they were part of the old sulfur mine, before they flooded it.
14 Sep 2019
Polonia / What are qualites of Germans? [60]

This moron reads the titles of the threads and tries linking his propaganda to them. He's too daft to figure out nobody here gives a rats ass about his crappy mess of a county. 😂
12 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

Fair enough. The greed of the airlines is forcing ppl to pay for an upgrade or suffer the consequences. I'm not tall or fat either. It used to be fun flying, not anymore. I don't feel like coming home either ;)

Wasz kraj jest piekny!
12 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

I take back every nice comment I mentioned about LOT! I just spent 8 hours on their new Dreamliner, but it was more of a nightmare! They pack you on the plane like sardines and my legs were falling asleep.
23 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Beautiful women in Polonia, WI [18]

Do Polish beauties still ride in convertibles on Pulaski parades?

Chicago has an annual Polish Constitution Day Parade around the 3rd of May. New York may still have a parade, but not sure.

I have been to Polonia WI. I dont think there are may Poles left besides the ones in the Polish graveyard. Most of them moved to the bigger cities for better employment, its all dairy farms, paper mills, potato and corn fields up there.

Oh yeah, and fat chicks! lol

20 Aug 2019

Babbel, and so resign yourself to that fact!

Just because your are incapable of learning from language programs doesnt mean everyone else is. Maybe, you should find some ppl in New Jersey to help you practice?

I dont need Skype, I have a Polish wife and usually around ppl speaking Polish.

Go for it and Powodzenia!!

Thanks, Mr. gloom! lol
20 Aug 2019

Rosetta, Pimseleur, I found most inadequate,

I agree. I didn't try Pimseleur because it looked the same as "Polish in 4 weeks" Its a book and a CD, yeah right! Perhaps, 4 years...lol

Rosetta as a possible pendant or accompanying course

Im sticking with babbel. Ive had it for a few months and its definitely the best one so far, for me.

Another tip might be to label various household objects

Babbel has an app for that:)

Watch Polish movies on YouTube with subtitles or if you get TVPolonia?
19 Aug 2019

I've used Rosetta Stone in the past and it wasn't very good, for words it was ok , but not sentence creation at all. I like Babbel. I found this program much easier to use and the price is pretty cheap compared to the other programs. Polish is difficult to learn and it really helps to have someone to talk too. Watching Polish movies with subtitles will help piece the puzzle together:)
19 Aug 2019
Life / Air shows in Poland are annoying [23]

Every year theres one in chicago i make sure to go every year

I just got back from there. No big crowds because of the rain this morning.

Lot actually has one of the best safety records.

Ill be flying on LOT again in just a few weeks time.:)

are very well maintained for obvious reasons.

Im just kidding, they arent as reckless as Randy Rhodes flying around only feet above the ground:(


18 Aug 2019
Life / Air shows in Poland are annoying [23]

Perhaps, Doug is correct if untrained pilots are flying too low it becomes very dangerous to the spectators.

It appears that they use old junky planes also.

Polish pilots have a horrible reputation around the world as well.
17 Aug 2019
Life / Air shows in Poland are annoying [23]

Then the airshow should have been cancelled

No way! Airshows are great and matter of fact were having our 61st annual show this weekend.


This has become a summertime tradition not only in Chicago, but in the Midwest. Ill be going tomorrow, over 2Mil ppl will turn out. They do fly over the city, but mostly over the Lake.

The Blue Angles and The Royal Air Force Red Arrows will be the finale:)

Show is presented by the City of Chicago and is the largest free show of its kind in the USA

Many Polish ppl will be there too:)

12 Aug 2019
Travel / English cigarettes - where to buy in Poland? [41]

, I smoked for most of my adult life, gave up 6 years ago.

Ja Tez, I cant stand the smell of those nasty things now, totally gross!

Its 2019 and with all the scientific research available, only idiots still smoke:)