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Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / In This Archive: 64
Posts: Total: 2429 / In This Archive: 1700
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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29 Dec 2013
Love / Rejected - Rafal thought I was ugly? [85]

Rafal thought I was ugly?

he's trying to get his sh!t together and will call you when he gets a phone
* he's trying to get his sh!t together and will not call you when he gets a phone
* he's a worthless bum that says whatever comes easy
* He forgot or has more pressing issues

You shouldn't have to even think about it you should feel it and see it when you're with him. Hate to burst your bubble but no matter what people may say looks are most important. A good looking person is all of the sudden super funny, fun, interesting and everything else positive. While an unattractive person can be the funniest smartest, nicest person in the world and it will still do him/her no good.
5 Dec 2013
News / Poland progresses in PISA ranking. 5th place in Europe and 14th in World [16]

None of this matters though as the countries that are lower seem to be the ones that are richer.

It matters because the countries that are on top just a few years ago were on the bottom. The poorer countries are getting richer, richer getting poorer. Who would have thought years ago China or South Korea would be where they are now.
5 Dec 2013
News / Poland progresses in PISA ranking. 5th place in Europe and 14th in World [16]

Merged: Poland educational powerhouse?

Poland has moved up the PISA rankings to the 14th place in the world outranking countries like the U.S (36th place), Spain (33rd), UK (26th), France (25th), Germany (16th). "Poland -- that ex-Warsaw Pact world-beater -- continued its run up the charts of the last decade, earning spots in the top ten in reading (10) and science (9), and turning in a strong performance in math (14). It outperformed much wealthier countries, from Britain to Sweden, across the board, and even nudged out the Canadians in science. ".


2 Dec 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

Well the SM-3s wont be Poland's just stationed there and the MEADS system would be part of the Polish Armed Forces. You can't compare the MEADS system to the SM-3 IIA which will have a much greater range, altitude and anti-missile capabilities. The MEADS system will have a range of 120 km and a ceiling of 30 km, capable of shooting down short-medium range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, UAVs and aircraft. The other option Poland is considering is the French Aster-30 which is rated very high, perhaps even more than the MEADS.

  • SM-3 missile variants
2 Dec 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

The SM-3 IB (intended for Romania) has proven itself in a recent test. The missile successfully intercepted a target in space and will move forward into production stage. Meanwhile construction has already started on the Romanian missile site which is to be fully operational by 2015. Raytheon has also moved from designing to building the SM-3 IIA version which will be based in Poland said Wes Kremer, vice president of Air and Missile Defense Systems at Raytheon Missile Systems during a conference in Warsaw. raytheon.com/newsroom/feature/rms13_sm3_poland/

22 Nov 2013
USA, Canada / Returning to Poland! Has anyone seen this influx of people from the US? [27]

Many Poles moved out of Chicago to other parts in the US.

There's good and bad parts in any major city. It depends what he does for a living white or blue collars jobs, with the later it's gotten worse. Even union's take in anyone who's willing to work for less or give more of an output for their buck. I think the majority of people moving back are retirees or younger entrepreneurs who saved money in the US and wanna open up a business in Poland.
1 Nov 2013
News / Quality of Life Index Poland 4th on a list of 10 European nations [18]

More important than ranking of the countries is real result. And here foreign investments per capita in Poland are lower than

I'm not disagreeing or arguing with you, I simply meant that those rating are meant for future prospected investors. Poland in general shows greater appeal because of all of those various factors. No one dreamed years back that South Korea or Ireland would be where it is today, but it happened. Poland is is a great (sometimes disastrous) geopolitical position in the heart of Europe between it's two largest economies.
31 Oct 2013
News / Quality of Life Index Poland 4th on a list of 10 European nations [18]

That's only because Poland is few times bigger than Czechs and Hungary. If you checked direct investments per capita then it's actually lower than these countries.

No that's not what I meant. Poland on a 1 to 6 point system scored almost a 5 in attractiveness for investment (large market, low labor costs, lower transportation cost... overall more appealing)
31 Oct 2013
USA, Canada / Only one county in the USA has more Polish-Americans than any other group! [38]

The picture there of "Polish" immigrants don't look very Polish at all, do they?

No they don't Delph. More like Ukrainians. Looks like prewar immigration so most likely immigrants from eastern Poland.

Only one county in the USA has more Polish-Americans than any other group!

Well there's a lot more German or Irish Americans as you yourself know. It's irrelevant America will look like Brazil anyways.
31 Oct 2013
News / Quality of Life Index Poland 4th on a list of 10 European nations [18]

Which other countries were in the index?

Exactly seems like just a good title for an article. Just like Poland is the number one Central-Eastern European nation for German foreign investment, ahead of Czech Rep, Hungary, Russia... Sure Poland is developing and infrastructure is being built but there are other factors which bring in investors. A large (39 million) market, cheaper labor costs, less competition.
10 Oct 2013
Food / Is Domino's Pizza popular in Poland? [18]

Are they any good? I always feel like I can never be blown away or too disappointed if I go with a chain.

I live in Warsaw. I've seen them around. Kind of shocked to see some low end US food chain gain traction in Poland.

I've seen a few Pizza Huts.. As for taste I think it definitely tasted different than in the US but not necessarily worse.
24 Sep 2013
News / American soldier saved Polish officer's life [13]

Thanks for bringing this to our attention mate. I think nothing less than the Virtuti Militari is due and owing to this heroic soldier. May he Rest in Peace.

You're welcome. I read that him and the Polish soldiers who were wounded or died with him showed exceptional courage. Not too many people in the world like that, may he rest in peace.
23 Sep 2013
News / American soldier saved Polish officer's life [13]

Poland's Ministry of Defense has posthumously honored Staff Sgt. Michael H. Ollis, the American soldier who died shielding a Polish soldier from a suicide bomber in Afghanistan last month.

Ollis, 24, of Staten Island, N.Y., was awarded the Polish Army Gold Medal, which recognizes service by a foreign soldier or civilian.

After news broke of Ollis' heroism, Polish Minister of Defense Tomasz Siemoniak said Wednesday through Twitter that Ollis had received the award Sept. 4, which is just days after the attack.

28 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

People like them.

Who? Young yuppies who didn't live through communist times and wanna get in touch with some history? lol. The ppl are paying for location Warsaw and especially downtown...

  • ujplota2.jpg
10 Jul 2013
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

How come Poles like Russians but not Germans?

I don't think that's true I think Germany and Germans are slightly ahead. Poles say what bad things both nations did but Germany is look upon with envy and as a model, successful nation. According to the new stats Germans like Poles more than Russians. " The social acceptance of Poles in Germany has increased substantially. 79 percent of Germans would be willing to accept a Pole as a colleague at work (65 percent for Russian.), 77 percent as a neighbor (60 percent Russian.), 62 percent as a citizen of their country (47 percent Russian.), 57 percent as a friend (41 percent.), 53 percent as their boss (38 percent.), and 49 per cent a son-in law (a Russian in this role is accepted by 33 per cent.)."

Germany view more favorably Poles than Russians. According to a report by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Institute of Public Affairs old stereotype of the Pole-thief still exists, but only approx. 15 percent of Germans. Pole is accepted - as a colleague, neighbor, boss, friend, or even ... in-law. This is - contrary to the stereotype of a backward muddler - friendly, hard working and enterprising.

According to a report by Bertelsmann and ISP only 47 percent. Germans welcomes German-Russian relations, and as much as 70 percent. praises the Polish-German relations. This is an increase of 24 percentage points. since 2008,., when only 46 percent. Germans positively evaluated the relationship between Warsaw and Berlin.

The social acceptance of Poles in Germany has increased substantially. 79 per cent. Germans would be willing to accept a Pole as a colleague at work (65 percent Russian.), 77 percent. as a neighbor (60 percent Russian.), 62 percent. as a citizen of your country (47 percent Russian.), 57 percent. as a friend (41 percent.), 53 percent. as the head (38 percent.) and 49 per cent. a son-in (Russian in this role accept 33 per cent.).

8 Jul 2013
Life / Immigration in Poland and being surrounded by a monoculture? [134]

it can't really be like in the countries you mentioned (Germany, France, UK). Especially for France and the UK

Why does the UK and France have so many immigrants from the former colonies? Did they feel obligated to let them in because of the past?
15 Apr 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

So the US has abandoned the final stage of the US missile defense in Poland. The final stage called for placing Block IIA long range version of the SM3 missile in Poland, now it's been downsized to the shorter range IB which can counter medium range missiles. The US has assured Poland that it's not a move to appease the Russians but to deal with the North Korean thread. Yeah right, even if the North Koreans can threaten Alaska, Putin or was it Miediediev waiting for a response from Obama on the matter got a reply "wait until I get reelected"

31 Mar 2013
Life / Hey, Nice Airport Wrocław! Or! Day #1 for an American Ex-Pat in Poland. [128]

Everyone knows the Japanese take off their shoes when entering theirs or someone else's home. I had no idea the Poles were just as inclined.

Yea you were slippers once inside. Some see it as backward, i think it's not. Keep the floor clean longer, nothing wrong with that.
3 Mar 2013
News / Poland's population on the rise [24]

Poland's population picked up and stood at 38.3 million in 2012.

Yea but is this due to natural increase, more babies born, or Poles returning home from abroad or immigration to Poland from other countries?
3 Mar 2013
USA, Canada / Polish Americans on TV [14]

Adrianne Palicki from Red Dawn

  • AdriannePadrianne.jpg