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Joined: 5 Nov 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Apr 2009
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27 May 2009
Genealogy / Knew I was Hungarian, but my DNA came back Polish? [23]

What's going on here? R1a1 is common in Eastern Europe. There's no need to panic. It means people are more mixed than they realize ;) But everyone is still a caucasion anyway.
16 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

It does get confusing because not everyone from Africa is black tho most are. I'm not sure but you might be able to check "African American" even if you're white, it's just that most whites don't want to. How can someone prove you didn't have a black great great great grandfather? You can always say you had one and check "African American" even tho you are as white as a marshmallow.

Freebird, I've heard people describe the color of certain areas of their bodies as "pink" but never their entire personage.

Come to think of it, I think I do hear "African American" male on the local news these days and not "black". I am going to pay closer attention next time to be sure.

The most challenging of all are the ones who can pass for both African American or Caucasian but aren't really either. If anyone paid close attention and saw them, they would wonder "Is that guy really black" or, "Is he a white dude? He can't be a white dude!" Those are the ones who fall thru the cracks. If someone is expecting to see a white bread type they will be surprised. A darker skinned African American might think he's too mixed and might not be impressed either.
16 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Where I live in the US, people still say "white" and "black". Hardly anyone ever says "African American". I live in a mostly white suburb and people here tend to associate being white not only with skin color, but surname too. To them "white" means having a last name like "Smith" and having ancestors who fought with Ethan Allen or owned a plantation in Alabama. That's their definition of "white". Some of them don't think of Europeans as "white" just "foreign". It's really strange how backwards some are.

I know where Pennboy is coming from with this. It's true, to some extent.
13 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

A link would be nice...

I was going to give you a link, BB, but since I am so nice and Mein Kampf is against the law in Germany, I did the polite thing and spared you!

BTW those photos you posted are creepy, lol. That style is weird.
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

That is crap because the leader himself didn't look like that...
He meant the germanic/nordic race where this look is just one variant!

That was in Mein Kampf, I do believe. I have a theory tho. I think he was trying to satisfy a German demographic so he praised those who fit that demographic in his book. He must have known what he was doing because it worked, for a while.
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

The Germans WERE picking and killing anything that wasn't white, that probably inlcuded wasps as well

If you mean anyone who wasn't the Aryan Ideal, that wasn't as much about whiteness as much as it was about an ideal person. Tall, athletic, fair skinned, blue eyed with blond hair. This person was supposedly genetically superior and was associated with noble character traits.

Adolf Hitler spoke of this ideal in his book Mein Kampf.

That's because birds are stupid.

Birds are not stupid. You think animals that can do what they can are stupid? You ever try flying without a plane?
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

The ones who think this way tend to be white and in the southern part of the US. There aren't a lot of catholics in the American South, except for Florida or New Orleans, but not so much there, either. Most are protestants.
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

hey girl you made my day. I'm having a great time reading your posts LOL

Well, yeah, I know it sounds funny but some people actually believe all this. In the southern US, racist wasps are on the lookout for people who might be mixed with black. Since they don't always know the family tree, they look for traits like thicker lips, slight tan and curly or wavy hair instead. They don't want to do business with them or marry them.
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Welsh would fit their definition, too. The idea being, you have to be:

1. a protestant (not catholic, Catholicism, to them, is a weird pagan cult that worships the Pope)

2. have a name that's identifiable as anglo saxon (their idea of anglo-saxon). Jones, Smith, Campbell, Graham, Lock, Williams, etc.

3. You haved to have light skin too, lol, thin lips and your hair must be straighter than a board. They believe any curls or waves means you are mixed with negro.

Freebird, there are plenty of people in the US who do not consider Italians to be "White".
11 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Americans do have this strange concept of "white". It's generally Americans raised in the south of scottish and english descent who believe this. Their definition of "white", is a white-anglo-saxon-protestant. You need to have a last name like Smith, Jones or Campbell to qualify.
7 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Same goes for you; not being able to understand Polish politics, why are you voicing your opinion?

I was asking Seanus if the US meant he lives in the US. I wasn't commenting on his right to comment on threads.

As for this thread, it DOES have the word AMERICA in the title. I live in the US and you cannot stop me from commenting on it. I have just as much right to comment on it as you.
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

that is why Poland would want American troops on our soil in the first place

Considering Poland's the one who wanted to be a part of NATO, you would have to ask them. Apparently they thought it was necessary at the time.
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

you're naive Bunch :)

gumishu, you sound like a pessimist. The reason for NATO is to thwart aggression from Russia. If Russia attacks a NATO country, it's like they are attacking all of us so we are all committed to respond.
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

a ping-pong match between America and Iran,

Well, there's talk now of befriending Iran. America is trying to take the diplomatic route and queen Noor is leading the way.
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

if you have little influence on their policies.

We have more influence than you think.

One question I have for forum members:

Why is it topics about Poland end up being about Israel? This thread is about Poland being a puppet of the US suddenly someone HAS to bring up Israel. Why is that?
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

I said that some think that way and I didn't count myself as one of them.

Seanus I never said it was you. Why did you automatically think I did? Hmm? I was refuting the ones who accuse the US of being Israel's puppet. We are puppet of China, everyone know that!
6 Apr 2009
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Some think that America is a puppet of Israel, a growing number in fact.

I HAVE to laugh. Seriously, that is one of the most laughable sentences I have ever read. America is NOT an Israeli puppet, if anything it's the other way around. LOL. Why do you think the arabs are so pissed at the US? They see Israel as a western invasion into holy sacred Islam. They see it as an American foothold in the region.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Didn’t Sokrates also advocate the murdering of babies only because they are Jews and had the misfortune of living where he didn’t feel they should? Why, yes, I believe he did. He called them “viable targets”, among other things.
Nah, that’s not anti-Semite. Why, that’s just silly…

I believe all those are in the Gaza Holocaust thread...
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Ok so if i and i alone advocated all of these things(which i did not) that puts your comment about "many Poles posting anti-semitic comments" in an odd perspective.

Yeah but the impression you made was that you represented more than yourself. Now we know better. It's your perspective.