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Posts by Doverguy  

Joined: 14 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Sep 2008
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From: England
Speaks Polish?: I get by
Interests: Photography, Meeting People

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6 Feb 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Of course unlike If some guy selling choclate would leave Poland... That would be disaster...

Grzegorz_ I disagree!!!!!!!!
If Michalki wasn't available in the UK, THEN THAT 'Would be a Disaster!!!' But my dentist loves me eating them, as it keeps him well employed ;)

God Bless Wawel....and ALL they produce!!!
I can never eat more than one layer at a time (18).... But since the credit crunch they have reduced the layer to 15!!! OOOoooooooooohhh Nooooooooooo!!!!! :(
The thing that gets me is I HATE Plain Chocolate... and I'm sure they ARE plain chocolate!

Can any one tell me when Polish Easter is please? (As I think the dates are different to the UK Easter)..

Only 2 more left to go, and that's this layer done.... :(
(Only 2 1/2 boxes left to go.... How will my poor dentist cope if I give them up..).
redundancy looms him in the face :}
Darn it.... Time to start on the bottom layer.... This is ALL down to the Americans for starting a credit crunch. It's put me and my chocs all out of sync now! ;)

Nuke them I say!.... Nuke them!!! How dare they mess up the fine balance between me and my chocs!!! LoL
Cheerfull Batter Hurts No One..
31 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

The fact that his English skills are, to be fair, rubbish,

Dodgy ground Osiol.... One person may have very good skills, and another may pretend to have them....... I think that's the same in any country, not just the UK. For example, I've worked with some Polish people that were excellent engineers. But I've also worked with others that have needed more help than you would have expected. It's the same in any country.... It's life...
31 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

What does Juerk make of the "British jobs for British workers" situation in Lincolnshire

Good Afternoon Mister H. I was in one of the local pubs when Sky News showed the protests outside an oil refinery. They showed Gordon Brown making his speech and I started to think 'Oh No'... It sounds like the contract for the work was signed along time ago when the whole worlds situation was different to what it is today.This is something that we need to remember. I think this was one speech where Mr Brown should have taken his thumb out of his butt and put it in his mouth.... It would have been more use there. In the EEC anyone from a member state has the right to take up work in another country within the EEC, so there shouldn't have been a problem. Now the world climate has changed drasticaly for the worse, but the contract should still stand. This could be the start of people falling over the edge, and it's a long way to fall. I hope the problem doesn't spread, and is taken 'peacefully' under control. Petrol prices are likely to rise soon, and this will add to peoples unhappiness. I hope the media has the common sense to suppress anyone standing up and saying that the situation might be caused by foreign nationals, because that isn't true, but people will be looking for a scape goat, and the media has already decided to highlight one, and it's very unfair in my eyes. The recession will last for years and deepen before it will get better, and that in it's self will make people start queing up at the edge of the cliff. If I was a foreign national, then I might be getting some of my things packed ready to go home because it could become nasty for every one involved, but it's too early to say yet. Keep your EYEs open and don't listen to too much of the media hype. People are people no matter where they come from, and should be treated with respect. My biggest hope is that there won't be any nastyness in the future. I for one won't pick sides and wouldn't condone any trouble. I hope there is never a crystal night ever again aimed at any people, any where, but that is the horrible direction this is heading, and I so hope I'm wrong.

People don't seem to realise that getting a job can be a job in itself for some.

Well said Seanus.... I'm so glad I work for my self right now.
30 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

The claims that they are benefit scroungers are overstated.

Well said Seanus, most aren't here to take benifits. Unfortunately a few are and the media picks up on them and puts a 'Label' on the Whole because of the few. News papers are very good at that, and that's why I don't bother buying one any more. (Who needs a paper with TV, Teletext and the Internet in any case).

Goebbels reportedly said, a lie repeated ten times becomes the truth),

There's a name I HATE....But unfortunately there was some truth in that quote.
Some time ago I went on a coarse about making the customer No.1. One thing that stuck my mind vividly was that if you say bad about some thing / some one / a group of people, then 17 people will remember it. Say good about the same thing / people then only 4 people listen. It's the caveman thing, we stay away from things that we're told might hurt us. Modern man has kept that, but when you realise it you become free to make your own choices. (Hence I don't bother with papers any more).

I've also seen individuals who use this instinct to discredit, and harm individuals, and the people who do that are pure poison.
TV News is similar. I remember years ago the News said there was wide spread rioting in Athens. Some friends of the family lived in the street they showed on TV, and watched from their balcony. The wide spread riots, was in fact about 50 teenage students in one street fighting over something minor.

Since I OPENED my eyes I became fascinated by how people have used this caveman instinct for thier own desires.
The most noted person was Hitler (another name that makes me shudder).
He realised the instinct was in every one, and used it for his own ends.
After recruiting a few followers, he gave speaches at the German railway clubs to recuite people on mass. The negative thing he used to spark the mass following was a small group of Polish people who were SUPPOSED (?) to have burnt a church full of Germans.

The people (well fueled on Alcohol, which brings the basic instincts closer to the surface) unfortunately listend. The rest is tragic history.
The media is doing the same thing to Polish people now (very unfairly in my OPEN eyes).
Knowing a few polish people, they are here because they want a nicer, safer place to live and work. They pay thier taxs the same as every one else, and take nothing from the state.

Some are even ashamed to say they are Polish because of the negative things said in the media and the blinkered view most people have because of it.

The media just wants to make money by selling papers. Try to OPEN your eyes when you read something, or hear something about another person.

If someone is LABELED bad by someone, then take another look. It's probably someone else out to make trouble for them for no good reason for thier own gains.
26 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Nicely said Mister H, abit stronger than I would have liked, but I get the jist.
Personaly I think of all people as being equal, untill they burst the bubble.
There's good and bad in every one of us, but it's if the good can't suppress the bad that hell breaks out. I like every one of the peolple on the planet has burst the bubble at sometime. It's if you can see the problem, and meet it face to face, that the repair work starts. No one nationality are bad, or worse than the rest, it's the minorities that cause the grief for others to bare, and it's the ones that get enjoyment out of it that are the real devils, and tar every one else with the same brush. You have to meet people as individuals, what ever nationality or religeon they are, and start with a blank peice of paper. No one is born good or bad, they choose thier own path. Hopefully there are more good people on the planet than bad, but our self defence mechanism in us all tends to put a label on where a person comes form as marking them one way or the other. It's up to the individual to look past that label, and be stronge enough to see the good guys out there. A person is a person, not an individual with a label hanging over thier head, and boarders are for crossing, not for breaking, or distroying.
26 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

There is no racial / national issue here because the customers can't give a toss who is selling them the service.

Hmmmmm cheaper unfortunately yes, but alot of that is down to the individuals who are selling them selves as cheap labour. Another factor is that unfortunately, Poles and Liths, etc... work alot harder, and are less prone to going sick. At one time I was in charge of a production line in a plastics factory, and the Polish and Lithuanians did twice as much work as the Brits. (And I'm a Brit).

4) Britain is a country of immigrants.

Mr B, I think most immigrants come here for a better standard of living. Also the British are more tolerant of people than alot of other nations.

while most roast-beef eating, union-jack waving true Brits were simply born British by accident.

Oh dear!!!! (Glad I accidentaly popped out here then ;) By the way... Where's the Yorkshire Pudds, parsnips, and gravy.... Be a good chap and pass the Horseradish....

God I'm hungry now...... (AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! another country!!!)

Cheerfull banter hurts no man.....
25 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

I'm not keen on it either, but the sad fact of the matter is that we have unsustainable levels of immigration, however, the subject is seen as too hard by the Government to even discuss, let alone try and solve.

Hello Mister H, while I agree with what you basicaly say there, the sad fact is we are in the EEC now, which means that people from member states can come and go as freely as they wish (basicaly speaking). While I agree with this policy, I wish that the government could claim back any out goings (benifits etc) from the persons home country. This would make things alot fairer. Initially, the idea was I think that the number of immigrants coming to this country would be balanced out by the number of British people going to other countries. At the end of the day I think the EEC has turned out to be a bad thing for nearly all concerned, except for the poorer countries. If all the countries had adopted the Euro, and had similar tax and benifit systems then there really wouldn't be a problem, and people wouldn't come to this country with the intention of taking advantage of the benifit system. While I think that the people who have come here to claim benifts are bad people, I think that the people (normaly the same nationality as the benifit claimants) who help and encourage these people are a darn site worse. (I know at least one person who charges claimants £20 to £40 a time just to fill out a free benifit form for them, when the government actualy provides the service for free.... In affect cheating on thier own people for profit and gain, and in some cases falsifying the information on the forms, so that they can claim more). I for one was for the idea of the UK going into the EEC, my parents on the other hand were against it, as they could see what was about to happen. OK so now I've changed my mind. Not because of all the hard working people who have come here and have done jobs that either British people wouldn't want to do, but also the jobs that British people would almost find impossible to do. Personally I hope one day the EEC is dissolved, or every country in the EEC takes up the euro and adopts the same tax, benifit system, as well as a common language. But I don't think that will ever happen.

Hmmmmmm there is another problem. If one day the EEC did get to the state of being dissolved (I don't think it ever will), what would happen to the people that had already come here. I'd guess the British government would just make them British over night.

All the Best, DG..
18 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I really don't like to see Polish people (or any other nationality) given a hard time. At the end of the day there are good and bad in every nationality, but the UK press really doesn't help as it only talks about things that are negative. It's human nature (the need to survive, that makes us all listen to negative things). e.g. While you might listen and try to take in that one area of town is great fun, and the night life is fantastic, you'll forget about that in a day or so. If you hear that an area of town has groups of people with knives wondering the streets that are looking for trouble, you'll remember about that for the rest of your life).

I'm English, but have worked with and met alot of Polish people in the last few years. I have found that Polish people are very private people untill they get to know you. Then they are just like anybody else, maybe abit louder and more firery when they get drunk, but then they hold them selves back in side their shells so much normaly. Yes there are some polish people that are here just to go on benifits, but there are more here in the UK quietly working, and taking nothing from the state, but pay thier tax, National Insurance and put money in to the local economy that people don't talk about.

At the end of the day, it's News that is sensational or easily talked about that sells News Papers, and that's why you hear so much negative stuff about people from a different land. It's very unfair, but it sells papers. It's our primative, basic caveman instincts to remember negative things that might harm us.

It's when you listen and make your own judgements that you stop being an animal and become a human being.....
26 Dec 2008
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Is Poland getting hit as hard as the UK as far as the credit crunch is going? Just wondered, because I'm told that there are quite a few Polish workers heading home these days. At a guess I would have said the majority of the peeps leaving are from the building trade, as the building trade seems to have all but dried up here now.