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Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 May 2010
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 2
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19 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

In the UK we're pretty open minded about gay men and women and have thriving Jewish communities, if people who come to this country dont respect this and act in a backwards manner than, quite frankly, they're not welcome.

Lol, what about all the hatred to the good people from Pakistan, take off your rose colored glasses and talk about colored bashings in London, etc and etc.

Get a life, you cannot judge a nation because of a few peoples opinions.
29 May 2010
News / Warsaw a "big winner" in city life quality index [26]

I am still laughing at Dublin being the "26th best city to live in, in the world". Dublin is an open mental asylum!

Point taken, the Irish are full of fun, at least the Poles have something to talk about, they too have a lot of fun, you just have to find it.
29 May 2010
News / Warsaw a "big winner" in city life quality index [26]

Unless we're being ironic, then I say this was a fairly pointless post.

The point being that it is the first time Warsaw has gained some standing in this survey, please be more positive...
29 May 2010
News / Warsaw a "big winner" in city life quality index [26]

28.05.2010 13:10

Warsaw ranks 84th out of 221 cities in a world 'Quality of living' index by the Mercer advisory company.

Judged on criteria including safety, education and health systems, culture, environment and recreation, the ranking sites Vienna as having the world's best quality of living and Baghdad the worst.

In Central and eastern Europe, Prague is the highest-ranking city at number 70 followed by Budapest (73) and Ljubljana in (77). Warsaw moved up one place from last year's index. Warsaw was judged to have one of the worst qualities of life in the region.

"Quality of living standards remained relatively stable on a global level throughout 2009 and the first half of 2010, but in certain regions and countries the economic recession had a noticeable impact on the business climate," according to Slagin Parakatil, Senior Researcher at Mercer. (pg)

Property prices are set to increase.
26 May 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

it would have to be.. no one can afford that kind of crazy price.. this completely validates everything said in the other polish property thread..

seems to me that there are too many people on this forum who think they know everything but in fact know nothing. Another post set to fuel the real estate market o yes,

isn't it cheaper just to buy than to rent...?

Some properties get high rent returns others do not, lets not forget what the average wage is in Poland.
25 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

not necessary.. cash is king normally and an auction can make a sale faster then any other way

you have just contradicted your argument, I don't think the greedy pole cares, he just wants the money, unless of course he was desperate to sell.
24 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

there are two types of buyers in real estate, the person who buys to use as a family home and the shrewd investor... generally the person buying to use as a family home does'nt mind paying a bit more if the property/location suits, the investor asks will I make money out of it...
24 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

crap, is that why you have negative equity on that apartment, practice what you preach dude.

What sort of nonsense is this, do you suggest to pay the full amount plus a few bottles of vodka just because the owner wants that price. Real Estate is based on what a person is prepared to pay for a property, supply and demand factors in, as are interest rates and rates of unemployment. Just because somebody wants a certain price doesn't mean you jump and accept. There are many properties (especially in the country area's) that have been on the market for years. The smart operator buys and sell, the silly one holds onto property expecting a price he will never receive..
24 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

I can understand people who have suffered so much in the last 60 odd years to think that way, Lets be honest who would trust the Russians??? the Americans don't, are they paranoid. Donald Tusk is a dropkick, lacks energy, presentation, confidence, personality etc and etc.
24 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

For example would an offer of 75% of the asking price be reasonable or an insult?

I would offer 60% of the asking price and walk away, the owner will soon ring you , patience is a virtue more so in real estate.
24 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

I hardly think Poles living abroad have as much of a grip on the issues as the locals

Can I suggest the reverse, people in the west ie US have more access to information ie internet/radio/tv/newspapers than some person living in the sticks in Poland. Poles are never happy with governments and are only interested in being promised a better life style and money money and more money.
24 May 2010
News / Komorowski for complex-ridden Poles? [94]

Yep, that seems believable - as I said before, the American Polonia tends to be very badly informed

hmm has it ever occurred that these people are smart intelligent people well informed, and it is YOU who has little understanding of Polish politics and have a set agenda?

It's a mess - they should be prohibited from voting unless they acquire, at some point, a valid zameldowanie in Poland. Or better still - prohibit voting unless they hold a current dowod osobisty - thus rooting out many of the Plastic Poles who can't even be bothered to return home once in a while.

I don't think a couple of votes have much efect on who gets into government.
24 May 2010
Life / Apple v IBM computers in Poland [37]

Anyway the main reason they aren't more popular in Poland is cost.

You probally hit the nail on the head, you can't make a comment if you haven't used one. A lot of computers in Poland are put together by backyarders using cheap/stolen parts not to mention copied programmes. I suspect the apple/mac compute is still for the fussy rich in Poland, IBM etc reserved for the battler.
23 May 2010
Life / Apple v IBM computers in Poland [37]

Interested to know how popular Apple computers are in Poland, and what advantages Apple have on IBM, many say that you don't need virus protection using a apple? or do you.
23 May 2010
News / Poland standing tall in troubled times [11]

low debt, relatively low inflation and Unemployment at some 8-9% and moving downwards.

please provide the facts, with the EU in crissis mode I don't think Poland will escape the pains of the downturn, which leads me to think, who is going to buy the real estate in Poland which many say is overpriced?
21 May 2010
News / Zloty exchange rates - is this just speculation? [87]

Zloty? Alll depends on the international appetite for risk - which will be low

you may want to explain what is so attractive about the zlote, it has not had a stable history and can turn at any time.
20 May 2010
Law / Retirees immigration regulations in Poland [34]

Im sure the euro will pick up when things over here settle down..

are you suggesting the Euro will be devalued?? with so much debt that may be a option.
19 May 2010
Law / Retirees immigration regulations in Poland [34]

then I dont understand how it could be an attractive place (no offence), its hardly got a climate that the elderly would be dreaming of retiring in.

Please explain why so many Brits are seeking out Poland and may I suggest yourself in line if the circumstances were right! hmmm. I also don't think elderly people go around gallivanting around the countryside 24/7, there are things as wood/gas heating to keep oneself warm in winter unlike wearing a great coat and having a water bottle to keep warm in England.

Depends on where you are from..and what your pension is worth...

Understand that the Polish pensioner gets around 800zl a month to live on, and in fact is able to survive, most westerners would get a superannuation pension starting from around 4000zl a month plus a government pension. The Australian contingent in Poland will be able to apply for a pension (Australian) via ZUS in a few months time, this will surely make it more attractive to live in Poland.

But what do you get for a Euro? You have to think long term..

Don't try to frighten me it won't work, the Euro is still a weak currency and will remain so for a long time, I don't think the EU will be around for a long time, the only people who will suffer in Poland will be the low income earners and pensioners once the euro is adopted in Poland. which brings me to what might happen if a second wave of debt hits the EU states, watch this space.
18 May 2010
Law / Retirees immigration regulations in Poland [34]

Polonia as it's a much cheaper (and easier) place to live.

Agree on this one, if you receive a foreign pension and own your own house its a good place to think about retiring, however you would need to take out PRIVATE medical cover (somebody might be able to assist with what that might cost) as the public system is pretty third world. With the US dollar going beyond 3 zlote its so much more attractive. There seems to be a lot of business uncertainty in the EU league and it is doubtful things will be any different in the foreseeable future hence a high US dollar.
13 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Hmmm...let me think,

Haven't done enough thinking can I suggest, why is it that people relate success to how much money, it seems you are so blind that you cannot see nothing past a dollar sign. Can I suggest that with every wealth lurks a great crime. I think the problems in Greece and Wall Street, is the net result of greed and at the expense of the poor.
12 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Capitalism is a tough master sometimes but at least he'll give you a dream or two. Socialism is a noose on Europe's neck.

alas, dream on pete, as most people dream on and it gets them no where, the point of the exercise is that no matter what system you believe in there will always be the small percentage of people who will do well and the majority will have to support the rich or ones better off. Understand that no one system is ideal, it all depends where YOU are coming from. Socialism is fairer than the capitalistic system, lets please agree on this one.
12 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

Under socialism everyone will be equal. That is, equally poor.

wrong, the elite will be rich and the rest will have at least a job and food on the table.
11 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

These huge loans are exposing the flaws, the icing on the cake if you will.

Its only ink and paper, one day one US dollar will be worth a million euro or the like, remember in Poland not so long ago when a million zlote was worth nothing. Time to buy up gold./ me thinks
11 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

the entire EU is doomed to fail and the Greece issue is only the tip of the iceberg

Have to agree, the eu is socialism at its best, rich countries helping out the poor ones, the German people for one are sick and tired at helping out the lazy countries who don't want to work. It is hoped that Poland refuse to change its currency to the euro, as it is only a matter of time when the EU will fall apart.