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Joined: 4 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
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From: Poland
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Interests: religions and so on

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28 Aug 2013
History / Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in formation of Polish hussars [20]

Hussars is the effect of nobility culture and first of all killing waepon. They became so not at once, it taks hundreds years.

Something about Hussars according too Andrew.
Sorry only polish.

17 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Family History - Deborski family - Brodnica and Rypin Area [9]

Hi Gary,
Now there are about 600 poeople with the surneme Klimowski in Poland. In central Poland the most of them live still near Brodnica and Rypin but less then one hundred.

In my primery school ( little village - Gójsk - 5 km form Szczutowo ) even in the same class, was Piotr Klimowski. His father worked in the lokal church. When I was 14 I fell in love with the girl which surname was Tyburska she went to the same small primery school.

"Her name is Katarzyna Klimowska, parents Jan Klimowski and Agieszka Krajiński. I have also found records of her Hi brothers and sisters in the same parish, all also from Szczutowo."

Can you tell me if the information about your's gg mother brathers and sisters above are correct or not. It is importent what are the names of relatievs remains in Poland.

Best Regards,

I get the e-mail from Tomasz Klimowski from my old village ( now he live in Sweden ). He said his great grandfather lived and worked long time in USA but next came back to Poland and settled in Budy Mileskie nearby Raciąż ( about 40 km east from Szczutowo ). Part of his family remained in America. They were in touch even in 60's and then the aunt from USA visit his grandfather in Poland. He promise to send me more information, but it would be a little difficult, his father has passed and his aunts are so old that is not ease to contact them.

15 Apr 2012
USA, Canada / Polish Tutor in California [23]

How big is this scholarly work in Polish you need to learn to read and you are Polish or English native speaker ?
15 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Family History - Deborski family - Brodnica and Rypin Area [9]

Is there a place called Stutora in Poland? Or anything even close? That appears as the place of birth of my grandfather on his WWI draft registration (US). It is very difficult to read and he was somewhat difficult to understand when he spoke, which wasn't often. Other close relatives seem to have come from Brodnica, or perhaps Brodniczka, Rypin and Śweidziebnia - all pretty close together in Kujawsko-Pomorskie.

All this names sounds quit familiar to me but maybe it is just coincidence. My family originally have come form this area. Stutora would it be "Szczutowo" nearby Rypin as well Świedziebnia and it is very difficult word to every English. My grandfather and gg father last name was Temborek and if someone want to make this much more noble can change Temborek to Temborski. Even the surname of my gg father was Frank and his oldest son surname was Jan ( John), he was obvious not the same person as your gg father. Frank Temborek remained in Poland and died during WWII. At the and of XIX c. there were more family named Temborek near Szczutowo. But now we have two villages with name Szczutowo and the distance between them is about 30 km or less. The one more south had then a Church and the palace of birth of your grandfather would it be the place of baptism.

14 Apr 2010
Genealogy / No idea of grandparents history before they left Horyniec, Poland [5]

I tried to find someone in Horyniec with the name like you have said on "nasza klasa" but with no successes. But there are some people with surname "Pałczyński" not fare from Horyniec in the little town Lubaczów. I gave just one answer and that was "no, now one from my family ever left Poland and gone to USA or Canada". Anyway surname Pałczyński is popular in that area. Offcurse you should to know about dreadful time by the II WW when many people had to changed the place of living e.g. for far end of Russia after the year 1939 or died between 1939 - 1947 or gone after "Akcja Wisła (campaign Wisla ) after the year 1945.

Your far relations were the lucky one to have so much money in that time. My grand grandfather had gone to USA just to earn enough money in order to buy some land here in the country. And so he have done it before 1912.

Maybe you have to reach a historian from the area of Horyniec and ask him. I don't know.

Good luck and sorry for my terrible English.

I was in Horyniec last week and found the grave with the name Antonina Pałczyńska ( died 1950 ). If you like to get the photo of this grave I can send it to you on the address you pointed. My email address: jerry.gorski@yohoo.

31 Mar 2010
Genealogy / Szczepanski from Warsaw, Poland [11]

Szczepanski is rather popular surname in Poland. Tell something more. e.g. year they left the country.
31 Mar 2010
Genealogy / No idea of grandparents history before they left Horyniec, Poland [5]

So I have no idea what kind of help you really want to receive. The spelling in Polish would be probable: Połczyński ( p - o - w - ch - i - ni ( short when "n" becams "i" ) - s - k - i ). Such easy to read and so hurt to write :) and Białokorowich ( b - e - a ( like in the ward baptism )- w - o - k - o - r - o - th - e - ch ( like in the word challenge ).

The are many reasons for leaving the country. Lack of money. There was no country at all in that time. Poland regain the Independence on the year 1918. And so on. Do you mean Horyniec - Zdrój ( current name ) ?