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Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]
Polish citizenship through marriage, I've just got it.All right everybody, for some time I've checked this forum, it helped me a lot and I've had lots of fun with some of the answers, now I think it's time to contribute;
I got married 4 years ago, when my wife got pregnant, she wanted to stay close to her parents so we decided to move to Poland, been loving the place since then, I have a great job, many friends, only the weather is an issue most of the times, but nothing is perfect, anyways, this is how it worked.
I'm Brazilian, when we moved to Poland I applied for a work permit, got it, started working, it was a temporary Karta Pobytu, valid for a year and half, six months before expiring I applied for another one, which was issued with expiring period of two years, after that I was eligible to permanent Karta Pobytu, I live in Silesia, so everything was done in Katowice, Urzad Wojewodski, after getting the permanent card, I had a period of six months to apply for citizenship, so off I went again to the Urzad Wojewodski, then they asked me to write a letter with the story of my life, which was quite simple, then I paid the fees, submitted the proper forms that were given on the above mentioned governmental office and waited for 45 days, then I got the decision, after two weeks the decision became public, whatever the decision is you have two weeks to contest, and after that I applied for an ID card, another 30 days of waiting, returning the karta pobytu to the U.W. , going to the bank to change all the data to the new documents, then I applied for the passport, a few more days and that is it. Now I have two kids, a successful importing-exporting business, Polish Vodka is really well appreciated in Brazil and Brazilian shoes and purses do well in Poland, so we're not moving anywhere, we're staying here, and that's it.
If you have any questions, e-mail me at
There was no crazy interviews, interrogation, polish language test or any other bureaucratic issue apart from paying fees, filling in forms and waiting, it took me a total of four years and two months to become a Pole.
Good luck to all newcomers and God bless you all.
PS: Below is the letter that I submitted, hope it will help;)
Your name and surname Katowice, stycznia 2011 r.
Your address
Nazywam się .... Jestem obywatelem .... Urodziłem się .... 19... roku w .... i jestem synem .... oraz ..., którzy są obywatelami ..... Z uwagi na obowiązki służbowe ojca dużo podróżowałem w dzieciństwie i kolejne stopnie edukacji kończyłem w ...... Maturę zdałem w roku ...... w szkole ......., a następnie podjąłem studia na kierunku ...... W latach ....- ..... byłem studentem ..... w ..... Po ukończeniu studiów uzyskałem tytuł .... i podjąłem pracę zgodną z moim wykształceniem.
Od roku .... jestem mężem .... (ur. ...... w ......., córka ........ i .......), która jest obywatelką polską. Posiadamy ........dzieci - syna .... (ur. ....... w ....... ) oraz córkę ..... (ur. ....... w .....), które także posiadają polskie obywatelstwo.
W .... roku na stałe osiedliliśmy się w Polsce - początkowo mieszkając w................... . Kartę stałego pobytu otrzymałem w ........ roku. Od .... lat pracuję jako.................. , współpracując z ................ w ..........., prowadząc zajęcia dla osób prywatnych, firm i instytucji.Make sure that the spelling, declination, etc. is correct.