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Posts by gleite  

Joined: 19 Jul 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - SSS
Last Post: 29 Jan 2010
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 38 / In This Archive: 31
From: Kraków
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: IT Business, Consultancy, Projects, Improvements, Automation, Gadgets, Mobile Applications

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22 Sep 2010
Law / How to open a company with EU Funds in Poland? [18]

Open company with EU Funds.

What is the process whenever opening SME (small company) in Kraków/Malopolska region ?

What forms need to be filled? How is the application process for the money from EU? Is it really 40000zl ?

31 Jan 2010
Law / Forex: Invest in EUR / USD / Polish Zloty? [10]

just investor...
do you think it will go even more down this week the pair eur/usd ?
i was considering it to buy a bit now so that it goes to around 1.3950. ... ?
any idea if that is something about to happen, or it will go down and instead i should short it ?
31 Jan 2010
Law / Forex: Invest in EUR / USD / Polish Zloty? [10]

Hi, anyone here to advice whether it is or not a good time to invest in these currency par?
All indicates dollar is getting stronger... however, after this whole last week, graphs are indicating EUR will recover.

Anyone with some tips ?
28 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

This particular moment, investing in Poland. Working as well. But I have my connections and family in Brazil.

Something specific you are looking for ?

Can see a lot of frustration here... I know as well that the crisis has also some part on this frustration. However, we should think that now is the moment, before the Euro comes. Whenever it happens, if the situation is considered bad, believe me , it will worsen.

Anyone here has experience into importing/exporting in Poland, please contact me in PM. I will be soon representing a company and I need to bring them some useful information. Any help will be very appreciated. Tks!
28 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Nice. Thanks for the advices into searching companies from the East. Will certainly start looking for them now.

Dephian , any chances can get you added in my Linkedin ? In case you need help with the foreigners, I am Brazillian and can share some advices, since I wrote an ebook....

So, anyone wishing to come to Poland... ??????
28 Jan 2010
Work / Salary indication "Technical Support Analyst" / IT job in Poland [11]


by any means you have a company of what in Warsaw?
I am looking forward to interact with companies (not for Jobs), in order to expand my networking here in Poland. My profile is also based on IT for around 10 years. Maybe we can exchange some experience? Please be in touch.

Best Regards.
28 Jan 2010
Work / Speaking Foreigner Languages Job in Poland = CUSTOMER CARE [3]

Hi everyone,

I am posting this subject, because I am aware that foreigners are welcome in Poland, whenever they can be utilized as a bridge between clients and companies in order to optimize their customer care service....

Any comments?

Guess no one would like to try something different in Poland?
28 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Delphiandomine, what is your area of expertise? What are you exploiting here in Poland?
I see you are quite strong in knowledge... Maybe you share with us what have you finally conquered? Market analysis you are quite good, but in terms of results ? I am sorry if my knowledge is bit behind yours, however my area of expertise is networking and marketing... By the way, I had a case study reading your explanations about Poland. Should say if a big businessman check this forum out, for sure you would be accounted to be his CFO or any Finance Master.... :)

Thanks Convex for agreeing in some points with me!

So sharing with you guys, I am looking forward into finding business partners ready to invest in Poland. My intentions are to have an IT company represented here. Speak three languages (Spanish, English, Portuguese)+ basic Polish (1,5year?) + over 10years with IT. Anyone here is aware of opportunities?

27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Wow, after all this words, really gotta say u had your point more than clear. I am afraid I am just a beginner in the finance field here in Poland. However, once you embrace a cause, I stick to it. You are being very analytical, considering mainly small companies. But why not open this discussion to medium-big companies? About the education background you referred that diploma is almost being sold... please name a country around poland that provide the same quality if service with better costs??? Maybe it will be easier to name the ones that are trying to be like poland...
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Consider Wroclaw, Katowice, Lodz, Krakow...
Poznan I am afraid I am not very much aware of...

Full of students and recent graduated professionals, willing to give the work force. Incentives from government, from EU. Currency is a great advantage. Reliable communication inside the city. Close to Germany, Slowakia, Rep. Czech, Hungary, Russia and others. Most of the students in these cities speak English + second language other than Polish.

Mmmmm... if you only take into consideration that taxes are high, transportation can be faulty sometimes, ... I am sorry, but you are just considering the worst facts possible. Try to think of the positive ones....
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

That is not true. Please inform us where do you live now? What are the chances you have now there? Compare it to Poland. Tell me what place you would choose?
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

I guess this forum is more populated by people that don't like Poland a lot, or have lots of restrictions... :( That is so weird...

I thought it was more to talk about everything: showing good points and also negative.
But only to show how bad it is???
Common! Poland is good to make business, to work, to live... Everything is very cheap. You have to be smart and look for the right poeple to know the best procedures to open companies, finding places, employees....
27 Jan 2010
Law / Bring your business to Poland! [56]

Hi everyone... speaking a bit about business now, so that we can also attract good businessman to Poland. I must say that Poland is investing a lot of money (borrowed from EU, of course) into Technology Parks. Every big city, I must say mostly Krakow, Katowice, Wroclaw and Warsaw, have their own Business/Technology Parks. You will find several international companies that have installed themselves around, because of a long list of reasons.

Everything here is very cheap: rent, labour taxes, people hiring, company taxes, energy, water, heating. Nearly 50% of the population is of young people/students. The level of education here is very high, which converts into your future and reliable work force. There are incentives that provide new companies a big breath in the beginning by tax exemptions. An important fact about Poland is that it is located in a very special area in Europe, connecting to more than 10 important countries. It means: from Poland you can reach all the markets around, supplying them with your goods.

So, time to take some advantage of the situation, while still the EURO zone is not attacking Poland. Bring your Pounds, Euro, Swiss Francs or Dollar to invest here.

Hope I gave you some idea of what you and your company can gain here...

25 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

Well, I have no idea how to fix that... all I put there is photos from google... how harm can photos do? Thanks TheOther for the help! I will send email to blogspot to ask them to figure out what is wrong. Anyway, real thanks for the advice...

By the way, I posted more news there... About Life Cost in Poland. This can be very useful and inputs are welcome, in case I get something misunderstood!

By the way.. I posted into help of blogspot...
22 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

Sorry pal.... Don't try to accuse me of anything, I don't need you to tell me I am a bad guy. If the blog has anything, than the problem is with the website that hosts it. All I do there is write and get images from Google site...

Really don't understand your behavior... As if you are affraid or scared of something!

ANyway... guess time to close the thread...
21 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

Guess it is very modest whenever you are living in Warsaw, where the life cost is about 30% more than in Katowice, for example. By the way, living by freelances can be a nice option as well. If any of you know about schools teaching Portuguese for foreigners, please advise me. I am also into translations and interpretations for Portuguese and Spanish. Thanks.... :)

P.S.: the IT offer will be for the young people, having their first job, first chances in the market...

However, I have a friend that was really headhunted... his salary is around 25,000PLN gross... how is that ? :P
20 Jan 2010
Work / Poland is headhunting seriously in IT, Finance and HR. [41]

Well, you can be right.
But what I am looking forward to do here is to show people the opportunity.
I am not offering anything, just giving the hint. By the way, in my blog there is complete information about me. So... Really, if you fit to the job, give it a try :) Why to lose a chance?

Anyway, don't consider I am insisting... I kind of like writing...