Life /
Polish people and racism. [943]
Great, another group of geniuses from the british isles. I'm so astounded by the intellectual capacity you contain, both of you. The brits get a reputation update once again!
I would have thought with such a predominance of butt ugly men, the average neanderthal Pole like legion would have welcomed a bit of variety in the gene pool. Oh well. Theres stupidity for you
I have a 3.7 out of 4.0 GPA, how can you call me stupid? :) Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I am stupid, the only one deserving of such a title is YOU, based on your great ability to presume many things to people not only non-applicable to such small insults, but people you barely know. As for your kind, brits are on the LOW END of the European IQ ladder opposed to us Poles :D
I wouldn't advice coming back to Poland either legion. There is a much greater need for cannon fodder in the US
Do I care about fighting for America, the power hungry dog? No.
However, I think you will be a very lonely little boy,
Oh wow, I'm a lonely little boy? Please, I have a Polish female who happens to be my fiance. You must be a great social-commentator in real life if you make suchstupid presumptions.
ou seem to hold all the qualities that are in the minority of racist Poles who follow the bleat of Lech Kaczynski and others
So there is a majority and a minority in racist Poles now? These are amazing observations, because now I happen to be in the minority of racist Poles :( and the president happens to be one.
and have no familiarity with the decent majority of Poles that I have encountered over many years of living here in Poland.
No, unless I have met you or been around the people
you have encounters then I'd have no familiarity with them would I? ;) Lovely grammar you have.
Anyway, almost everyone in my family (including aunts uncles and cousins from both sides) has turned up to contain certain "racist" sentiments just by the observations they have made through living here. I discovered this AFTER I advanced in my ideology, self-observations and research + common sense. Even my Polish friends old and young + neighbors harbor "racist" sentiments! Asking me what schools I recommend, as long as there are minimal blacks there, imagine that!
So I believe the majority of Poles I have met are this way, (mind you I live in a Polish community here) so the majority of us do harbor "racist" thinking, or by our standards, common sense.
My family and friends in Poland seems to be okay with my ideology after realizing the great points I've made about several things on races. Guess the western brainwashing doesn't have an extended reach for Poland :P I'd say majority of Poles are neutral leaning to "racism and intolerance" as you would call it.
Ever heard of the Polish song, "Czy chciała by pani murzyna?" It's a nice humorous song about how we see other people as.
Czy chciała by pani murzyna
Murzyna , murzyna ach nie
Bo murzyn z Afryki to kocha jak dziki
Murzyna , murzyna ach nie
Czy chciała by pani Chińczyka
Bo Chińczyk to zdrajca i żółte ma jajca
Chińczyka , Chińczyka ach nie
Czy chciała by pani Ruskiego ..........
Bo Rusek z kołchozu , ma dyszel od wozu
Ruskiego , Ruskiego ach nie
Czy chciała by pani Araba ..........
Bo Arab to pedał , zaraz by mnie sprzedał
Czy chciała by pani Anglika ..........
Bo Anglik flegmatyk , ma kuśkę jak patyk
Czy chciała by pani Francuza ..........
Bo Francuz jak liże to bolą go krzyże
Czy chciała by pani Polaka
Polaka , Polaka ach tak
Bo Polak w potrzebie przytuli do siebie
Polaka , Polaka ach tak