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Joined: 16 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
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20 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / The Polish Book Importing Company? NYC? [3]

Hey I have started research on the Jagiellon dynasty and have come across many sources which come from The Polish Book Importing Company. But I searched google and nothing like this exists. Most of the sources coming from this places are around 1917, maybe they shut down.

I was wondering if anyone has some more information to what happened to the Polish Book Importing Company?

Thank You
30 Oct 2008
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

one Professor Lew-Starowicz doesnt mean anything...

I want statistics and scientific data to show that this is what every pedofil thinks.

It is NOT a mental disease either. If all pedifilia is caused by a person being raped when they are young, then castrating offenders would quickly put an end to pedafillia.

The urge to have sex with a child CAN be controlled. To think that it cannot be is absurd.

Just as couples practice absenince from sex before marriage, pedifils should practice absenince from violating innocent children. If they every violate a small boy or girl for THEIR own pleasure, then they should be castriated CHEMICALLY (its not cruel and unusual in my opinion).

Also, if one were to put all the Pedifils into prison, more tax dollars would be used to feed them, cloth them, give them medicine for medical conditions etc... If they are just chemically castrated they cannot rape any child again. If they do commit a crime, then it is satisfactory to put them into prison. This method of punishment would overall be more effective and the government would not have to spend money to the scum of the Country.
17 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

yea it was back when they were immigrating to America.

If you look at it from the American point of view, The poles didnt know english and somehow only knew how to say "Polak"

The americans started to call Poles Stupid and the word "Polack" stook with them

And yes the word Polack is the degrading way of referring to a Pole.

And wait EbonyandBathory, the Word Polack is not a joke when someone calls me that. Especially if this person is American.. and he is trying to discrimate or make me look stupid because im polish.

I dont know where you live but around Greenpoint and mostly all over new york city, if you call someone a Polack thats considered very discriminating.

May I add that the word N1gger is overblown into proportion in America.

Somehow rappers can make fun of white people and call their own kind n1ggers, but when a white person even hints n1gger, al Sharpton jumps out of a hole and sues you for discriminating against black People.

In this time and era the whie Catholic Male is the most discriminated against in the world. (this is called reverse discrimination)


When applying to a university, A white male would have a GPA of a 3.4. This would make him very competitve.

HOwever, lets say a black person applies to the same university and has a gpa of a 2.0.

Geuss who is getting into that university... The black person bceause of affirmative action. (Even though the white person was more qualified)

I truely belive that Blacks are overusing their civil rights. But thats a whole diffrent discussion.
16 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Woah I agree with MarcinD
I live in New Jersey and Poles here often drop their heritage and start to join in with the rest of the people who find it funny to pick on Poles.

The word Polak is usually considered the equalivant to calling a black guy the n word in America.

If any of you are interested in history, the reason why this is an offense is back when Poles were immigrating to America on mass. When the Poles (not polacks, see the difference?) were moving into america they did not speak english at all. So when americans talked to the polish immigrants, the Poles said "i am Polak" "I Polak" "ja Polakiem" "Ja Jestem Polakiem" or something along the lines. These were the ONLY words the Poles spoke. This created situations where Poles were easy to make fun off, and from there the stereotype of the "dumb Polack" originated.

SO now you people know where this word in america originated and it is demeaning in America.

If you see someone from Poland, and if you dont know how to speak Polish. Going up to him and saying "hey your a Polack right?" would be extremely rude. The proper way would be "hey your a Pole right?"

(btw If you do call a pole a "Polack" pray the guy doesnt know english because he will beat the living sh1t out of you. Poles dont **** around with their heritage, true Poles dont anyways...

EDIT: also another big indication the Polack is offensive is that its spelled wrong. In Poland its spelt "Polak". So Polack is a diffrent word , geared at slandering Poles.