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Posts by ogorek  

Joined: 16 Dec 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Jul 2007
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Posts: Total: 165 / In This Archive: 10
From: UK
Interests: Burrowing

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15 Sep 2007
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

stealing is not isolated to a certain race. How ridiculous to think so. It is like saying do Americans eat alot of hotdogs or wear cowboy boots????

of course...as you may know that cowboy boots were a Polish fashion exported a few hundred years ago

This is now not a problem anymore. As mentioned earlier - these accused Poles did steal due to hundreds of years of oppression, poverty and the need for basic survival. But this stealing was not always direct stealing - as in mugging, hold-ups etc but creative ways of obtaining money or food or a way of living.
21 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

experience of the polish market

yes but even experienced investors can only speculate and they don't really know 100%. they rid the wave and get off when it gets a little shakey. What I was saying earlier is that this wave is breaking soon but the next wave is not too far behind. Some waves are bigger then others. We are all now surfing a tidal wave.

See you all on the beach!!!

Yes I know...I need a holiday...
16 Aug 2007
Real Estate / The current property boom in Poland is a bubble [342]

Astute developers would have entered the Polish market years ago and retired now on the profits.

Exactly. The money has been made at this stage. Anyone investing now will not gain much. The thing to do is now wait for a while. Property markets boom in stages. The next boom stage will be - whenever it comes.
16 Aug 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]

Quoting: gemini
make your life exciting

ever been to London or NY I think not

London looks inspired bright and exciting but inside it's cold, lonely and monotonous.
Warsaw looks cold, lonely and monotonous but inside it's inspired, bright and exciting

I spend equal time in London and Warsaw. Yes London has it all - and I'm sure NY has it all too but for some reason I allways have a better time in Warsaw. There are many reasons.

Krakow looks nicer than London and Warsaw but is a little uptight and lost in it's own history.

Zeze - you are unhappy in Warsaw - what are you looking for? and what are you doing comparing warsaw to London and NY? You can't even compare London to NY.
24 Jul 2007
Travel / Which city is better to visit: Warsaw or Krakow? [169]

At first - 2 years ago - I thought Warsaw was quite shocking - it just hasnt recovered from the war. Now I've been 10 times and I'm completely adicted. There is something about the place I can't put my finger on. Warsaw looks better in deepest winter covered in snow.
9 Mar 2007
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

There is no reason why Russia and Poland should not get along. However - for them to do so - they have to forgive and forget the bad history. Too much hidden hatred still exists e.g. Katyn - the war in 1920 etc. They should all sit around a table - get drunk - and it'll all come out in a flood of tears...

then it will be ok...