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Posts by gjene  

Joined: 4 May 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Jun 2021
Threads: Total: 14 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 202 / In This Archive: 122
From: Canada, Ontario, London
Speaks Polish?: n/a

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19 Aug 2019
Genealogy / Wrong age on 4 marriage certificates [9]

I am not sure about parents consent. on the certificate it states her age as 18. Yet she was 4 months shy of being 18. The parish is in the Holowno from what I remember being told. I was able to obtain the marriage certificate and the 3 birth certificates from the Podedworze Administration Office. The church book with the births of 1904 is missing. That is why I was wondering if proof of age was needed for someone under 18 and if so, was it recorded.
19 Aug 2019
Genealogy / Wrong age on 4 marriage certificates [9]

I have the marriage certificate for my grandmother. I am having a problem in obtaining her birth certificate. Apparently the 1904 registry from the Greek Orthodox from what I have been, is missing. I do not know what her parents did unless there is a census record from that time that I could get a copy of.
18 Aug 2019
Genealogy / Wrong age on 4 marriage certificates [9]

My grandmother was born in the village of Kropiwki, NE of Lublin. Most of the paperwork has her birth listed for 1904. But that book cannot be found. I do not know what her parents did. All I know of them is they were born about 1864/5 and married by 1884. One clue I have is my grandmothers' father was also born in the same village. I have been told she had a brother but not when he was born or died.
18 Aug 2019
Genealogy / Wrong age on 4 marriage certificates [9]

I am wondering if putting down an incorrect age is a normally accepted thing from the 1920's. On the marriage certificate for my grandmother, it has her listed as 18 yrs old when she actually is 17yrs 8 mos. On the certificate it would indicate she would have been born in 1903 not 1904. Then with her 1st child (born in 1925) her age indicates she was born in 1903 not 1904. Then with her 2nd child (born in 1928) her age indicates she may have been born in 1902. Her 3rd child born in 1931 shows her age as being 28 would indicate a 1903 birth year. Back then, would the church require some kind of id or proof of age in order to marry? If my grandmother had to prove how old she was at the time of marriage, would this information have been recorded?
22 Dec 2018
Travel / Can't eat onion and going to Poland, tips on food needed [11]

There might be another way around your intolerance to onions. If you go out to a restaurant to eat, ask the staff which dishes are cooked with onions and out of those which can be cooked without. Then explain that you have an allergy to onions that causes you to get sick. There are some dishes that taste better with when cooked with onions, but can be cooked without. Whomever does the cooking at a particular place and some of the staff will understand. If they can't accommodate your request to cook a dish without onions, then that restaurant is not the place for you.
25 Nov 2018
Real Estate / Is an inheritance decision by the court automatically registered in Poland Land Registry? [8]

I have an aunt who admitted to owning some property in Poland. But she has lied to me before and won't admit to it and has been known to keeping secrets. Would the Land registry be of any help if I was to give them her name and parents names and the approximate area where this property might be located. She is at that stage where she thinks she is going to drop dead any time soon and I would like to make attempts at finding out if she actually owns anything or not. I am not sure if she has a will or not and if so, if she made any reference to the so called property. Also, she has no children of her own and my other aunt and her children have no interest in the old country or even going for a visit. So far, I am the only one interested in trying to locate said property and determining if she still owns it or not and what can be done to make sure they have a current address on file if she does own the property.
23 Sep 2018
Genealogy / Military Archives are temporarily closed, is there some other way of getting information? [7]

A follow up to my first post. An aunt of mine finally gave me one document amongst about 6 others that I was after for some time. This document is dated 1922 and signed by a Captain Szumowski This document mentions the number at the time of issue and what type of medal my grandfather was given and what appears to be a serial number that may lead to his service records. In the top left corner it states Kadra. Komp. Zap. Baonu Telegr. Nr. 4 Ewidencja Glowna 3393/22/?. The last character(s) I do not recognize. Might be someone's initials such as L.W or C.W. Apparently this document states that my grandfather was given the Cross of Valour. I did get a response this time with a form that I must fill in and return. So I am hoping that I might get a positive response to what I am after.
15 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Grand mother's maiden name? She was born in Poland. [3]

You have a start to what you are trying to find. Yes, it will be difficult. Where did her 1st husband die? If you can obtain his death certificate, while this may not provide an immediate answer to your question but may lead to a general area where they may have gotten married. Also, another thing to consider is her religious beliefs. That would also help to narrow down the search.

Was she married before or after she immigrated? When did she obtain Canadian citizenship? Did she get this before or after she married the 1st or 2nd time. Another source of information to follow up is the census records. Also ask yourself did she have children by the 1st marriage and which are from the 2nd or all the children from which marriage. By trying to put this information into perspective it may help to find her maiden name. Good luck. Did she ever keep up with her literacy in Polish by writing to someone back in Poland. If so, do the letters survive? While the person that wrote to her may be dead as well by now, but those letters may give clues as well by backwards engineering that persons answers to what she may have written.
25 Jan 2018
Genealogy / Wieczorek family from the Kropiwki area [5]

No. On all the documents I have for my grandmother, the spelling of the village is Kropiwki. It is SW of Podedworze and Rusily. I checked through google maps and it is still there. Also, my grandmother got married to someone from Rusily and the marriage certificate also confirms where she was born and lived prior to her marriage. Thanks for asking and double checking.
23 Dec 2017
Genealogy / Ochmann: Curious about my Family History.... [29]

Katie Another aspect to watch out for is that a lot of Germans, Mennonites or Amish were asked to emigrate into the Ukraine and Russia around 1750-1800 time frame in order to become farmers. Along the way some may have decided to say to hell with the rest of the trip and stayed at certain points along the way because of the job opportunities that were offered. Such as textiles and whatever else. That is what got me into that side of the genealogy and I got connected to distant cousins that are living in Germany. They are related to an aunt and uncle of my great grandfather, and this aunt and uncle moved into the Ukraine about 1870.
19 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Wieczorek family from the Kropiwki area [5]

I was wondering if anyone has run across the Wieczorek surname from the Kropiwki area. My grandmothers' parents' names are Nikon Wieczorek born in Kropiwki in 1864. His wife Magdalena was born in the same year in Ugnin Kr. Wlodawa. The other information I have mentions them living together in 1884 and my grandmother was born in Feb. 1904 in Kropiwki. Then sometime between 1904 and 1920 I suspect they may have moved to Zaliszcze (Siedliszcze)
5 Apr 2017
Genealogy / Writing to the registry office in Poland in English? [3]

Part of the problem as to why they do not respond is they may not know English or even if they do may have been told not to respond. Hard to say what their thinking is. Chances are, someone here might be able to help you and translate your request for information into Polish. Then your chances of getting a response may improve. Also, the other part of the failure besides the language the request is in may be that it may require more information to prove your connection to the deceased.
21 Feb 2017
Law / Polish/EU Citizenship by Descent [88]

Have you tried to look at the Polish forum on Easyexpat.com. You can read through the 3 sections in regards to citizenship. First you are going to need to figure out the issue are you of Jewish descent that lived in Wilno/Vilnius or of Polish descent.
9 Feb 2017
Life / Would you move back to Canada if you had Canadian PR or remain in Poland (and risk loosing your Canadian PR)? [30]

If you have not lived in Canada for 3 out of the 4 yrs that is required, you must ask yourself if it is worth the bother to renew it. If you are only applying for it because of a relationship with someone who may or may not be Canadian and may not be a permanent resident again is it worth it. If you want to try and gain Canadian citizenship, then you must ask yourself what do you have to offer employers in order to earn money to pay the bills while living here. The cost of living is going to differ based on the location and city you want to live in. Where I live, the cost of renting or buying a house is about 1/4 of that of Toronto or Vancouver. Another thing you will have to ask yourself, what part of the country do you want to live. Remember, the public transportation system here is at least 50 years behind that of Europe or Japan which means that if you want to travel outside of any given city that you choose to reside in, you will need access to a car and that will add more expense.
14 Nov 2016
Law / What additional documents are needed for my Polish nationality confirmation? [4]

Hi Swordfish When you go to the website I mentioned, get into the forum for Poland and start in the Polish Citizenship part1. Then scroll down to the posting made by CuriousGeorge regarding "Getting a Polish Passport". If you use the print preview, that would be about page 10. Hope that helps out since that way you can print it out for yourself.
10 Nov 2016
Law / What additional documents are needed for my Polish nationality confirmation? [4]

Hi Swordfish
Take a look at the website easy expat and look for the forum called Poland. In there ask for curiousgeorge and for a link to his posting about the different documents that a person may or may not need. Then read through the 3 sections on that forum regarding what you are asking about. There are a lot of others there that have gone through or are already going through the process of what you want to do. If you cant find his posting let me know. I may have a copy of posting somewhere on a flash drive. Good luck.
10 Jul 2016
USA, Canada / Flying Toronto- Warsaw with a small dog [4]

Check with the Polish Consulate or Embassy to find out what the rules and regulations are for the entry and exit of pets. 2nd: check the with airline about their policy of handling and transporting pets. 3rd: is the flight direct from YYZ to WAW or will it be making stops in between and how long the stops are, if any. If there is any stops enroute, how long are the stops for and will the dog be given a chance for a washroom break? Also, does the dog require any medication to be given at specific times of the day? If so, check with the vet as to what kind of papers you will need to carry with you on behalf of the pet and what kind of meds that are being given to the pet and instructions for giving the meds, if any. Also, check with Canadian Border Services about the rules for re-entry with the pet. If the dog requires meds, is it advisable to take the pet with you, considering the amount of stress it will get in regards to the flight.
19 May 2016
Classifieds / PTS Jobs £15/h for the Polish people in London [7]

Can you send me more details about the company you are said to represent by email? I tried to use 1 of the tel. no. you provided, but received no answer. Also, the long distance charges are a bit stiff.
1 May 2016
Genealogy / If a person went to a Polish hospital (wartime) in the city would they likely have kept records of births? [4]

I tried to find out from the Urzad Stanu Cywilnego in Lublin about obtaining a birth certificate and had no luck. I am not sure if my grandmother employed the services of a midwife. What I would like to know, if a person went to a hospital in the city would they likely have kept records of births?

If so, how easy would it be to obtain a copy of the record and what requirements are needed in order to make the request?
28 Apr 2016
Law / Can a Polish woman get divorce from another country? [5]

My grandmother was living in Germany when she went through the divorce process in 1949. Whether there was a divorce lawyer involved I am not sure since the older family members are keeping it a secret. What copies of documents I have, suggested she went through the church in order to get granted a divorce. There were children involved as well. One was 21, 1 at 11 and the 3rd at 7. If there was a settlement nothing was mentioned or written down.
24 Dec 2015
Law / Family law in Poland - want the Polish children back to the Irish courts [53]

delphiadomine regardless what side of the ocean I am on is irrelevant. the results of a polygraph test are admissible in court. it is up to the judge and jury to decide if the results are necessary in order to make a decision.

please check liedetector.ie/faqs/#.UymvRPI.t-p
23 Dec 2015
Law / Family law in Poland - want the Polish children back to the Irish courts [53]

If she tries to claim that the house is unlivable, have you made a counteroffer of renting a flat for the duration of the work? That way when you go to court you can say that you are willing to rent a place that meets the court expectations of livable conditions while the original location is being brought up to snuff. Also, try and get 3rd party evidence that will stand up in court as to the problems you state to prove that you are trying to remedy the problems and make the location livable. As for witnesses, ask the your lawyer to get testimony and a polygraph results to help with determining what was happening before things went wrong. Such as what was said while you and the mother were off doing your own thing with friends. Sometimes things are said to others while the person being talked about is not present.
15 Oct 2015
Real Estate / Giving up a house in Poland [3]

So, in other words you actually mean that you wish to sell the house? If so, then you might want to have the house inspected and evaluated (appraised) based on what the condition of the house is like. The other choice is if the house is sitting empty, you can rent it.
29 Sep 2015
News / Russo-Polish row over who started WW2 [34]

The Russian ambassador seems to have forgotten that it was the Russians and the Germans that were responsible for starting the war. Second, the Russian ambassador also seems to have forgotten that it was the Stalinist government that was responsible for the war crimes against Poland in regards to the Katyn massacre. Yet, it was the Polish military under the auspices of the British that helped to fight the Nazis.
27 Jul 2015
USA, Canada / New social security rules for Polish-Americans? [9]

Slightly off topic, but on the same theme, my grandfather applied for Veteran allowance in 1964. Since the CAW is unable to find his service records, I am wondering where to enquire about obtaining information about this. He served between July 1919 and August 1922 and then again in Sept. 1939. What information do I need to provide in order to get this information and what kind of information will be provided in regards to military service and civilian employment. His military service was with the Signals regiment/battalion as he put it and both times in Poland.
23 Jul 2015
Law / Can I leave Poland with my children without my husbands written permission or not? [17]

Are your family members willing to help you to return to Britain in order for you to visit with them? That will give you and the child a break away from the current situation and a chance for the kid to visit your side of the family. Also, it might give the father a wake up call that if he doesn't smarten up and own up to the fact that he needs to get some employment and take a more active participation in the kids' life. And if he wants you to come back, then you can force the situation by going to a marriage counselor to work things out before going through with a divorce or the courts. My parents got a divorce when I was under the age of 5 and I never really got to know my father or his side of the family. When I did make contact, things started to come out that family on both sides were interfering a bit, but I never did get the full story. Then when my father died, I attended his funeral, but I never missed a beat since I never knew him well enough to be upset at his death.
9 Jul 2015
Life / Does Magic Jack work in Poland? [11]

Get the magicjack. It will be easier to get it registered in the U.S. before it is sent over. Chances are, she could get it registered over there, but she would need a credit card with enough money on it to cover the cost of the subscription and for the number and the exchange rate.
10 Jun 2015
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

Better than chemical castration or prison would be to turn the pedophiles into eunuchs. In other words completely remove their genitalia. Then the operation should be made public in order to humiliate the person. Then any other person that gets caught and convicted of the same crime will have the same operation done and publicly humiliated as well. Maybe this might smarten others up and prevent any further incidents.