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Posts by Polonius3  

Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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17 Nov 2017
Genealogy / My mothers family? Sobkevitz (?) Moved from Poland in the early 1900's [8]


SOBKIEWICZ: patronymic nickname-turned-surname. Root-word was Sobiesław, a first name rarely encountered these days, whose hypocoristic (pet) form was Sobek or or Sobko. When such a one fathered a son, the offspring would have been dubbed Sobkiewicz or Sobczak by fellow-villagers. For info on Poland's Sobkiewiczes please contact: research60@gmail
10 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

'Polish' Podunk Polly

More of HB's diarrhoeia of the mouth! Insinuations but no proof. This is not something reported in the media but pure rubbish you make up about people when you lack cogent arguments. Serving the commies, house at knock-down price -- did you think those up while cowering in the bushes outside a PF poster's home? Was lower-case out there in the shadows with you?

This is a discussion forum not a class at J-school. You can shove all your allegedlys, reportedys and suspected and/or accused ofs up your birdcage.
10 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Open Dialogue Foundation had a licence to deal arms

That is what counbtless media reports said.I made no claims but merely reported what the media were saying. That's how journalism works.
BTW you were supposed to ask the bastard son of Soviet agents about your allegation that he turned me down for a job. Did you ask him when you were face to face at some rant & chant hate rally?
9 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

you claim they committed

It's not me claiming anything, it is common knowledge. The billions (not millions but billions) in vanishing VAT revenues under the scamster regime will probably be dealt with by a parliamentary commission. Suffice it to say that there is now a budget surplus for the first time rather than a deficit and Morawieckii explained it quite simply: IT SUFFICED NOT TO STEAL!
9 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Open Dialogue Foundation did anything at all illegal

Is calling for the country's paralysis and the overthrow of the government legal? Or giving step by step instructions including setting up goon squads, switching off the government's and president's power, having judges refuse to hear cases, calling a general strike, urging uniformed services to betray their country....? Kramek put that on Facebook for all to see.
8 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

will be answering for their crimes.

No-one has more answering to do than the PO scamster party. After Balcerowicz got through with the economy there wasn't much left but PO still wanted to sell LOT to the Turks and Lotos to the Russians. The latter was stopped by PiS' petition drive backed by Radio Maryja, and thank God for that. PO have yet to answer for the body mixup, the OFE heist, the PO regime's failure to prevent large-scale VAT theft, not to mention the Ambergold scam and the theft of Warsaw's ex-Jewish property. A truly unsavoury and scummy crew, they are!
6 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

were inspected by the Polish government

You forgot to add the Polish government you depise, disavow, discredit and malign in every way possible. If you are right that they are inept, dodgy and unconstittional, then why are you all of a sudden backtracking and hailing the decision one of their 3rd-rate underlings made?
6 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

If they were to buy or sell even a single bullet

You mean officially, of course. NGO status is often carte blanche for various undeclared ulterior goals and purposes. Soros' numerous NGOs all declare lofty, high-sounding objectives, and yet he and his unsavoury crew have persona non grata status in more than one place on earth. It appears there will always be fools fascinated and mesmerised by rubber stamps, plastic cards, OKs, paperwork and assorted redtape that often disguise the true purpose and actual activities of many an operation. Re clandestine operations, including one poster's regular Belarusian forays, it is the absence of paperwork, ID cards, etc. that is significant.
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

read this list and point out the weapons

That's the showcase list for the general public. They may be dealing in weapons, drugs, ivory, radioactive substances or engaging in human trafficking, the sky's the limit. You have this weird Lenin-like fetish (Lenin didn't have it but used it on the gullble sucker masses like you!) -- if it's written, it must be true. Time to rise above Leninist platitudes and join the real world!
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Language-skill deficiency, eh? After 30 years in the land you hate?! The link reads: open dialogue had a licence to trade in armaments - there are documents. Full stop. The fact that some scrap of paper listed only the more "innocent-sounding" ones proves absolutely nothing. That's how the world operates, be it VW or the CIA, iBM or CNN.
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]


Documents, paperwork. official lists, statements, redtape...you seem to live in a world of paper fiction. Lenin got his subjects to believe jeśli stoi napisane, it must be true. In actuality, quite often official texts, lists and documents are so much window dressing to disguise the true aims of an undertaking. Licences are a good example. You get a licence to trade in thimbles or peanuts but once you've got a foothold in the marketplace and a scrap of paper to prove it, the sky's the limit. It is damn hard to trace every transaction of what was bought or sold and to whom. That's the real world, not your paper-fiction world.

off-topic ad hom trolling

You mean like "Podunk County Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette"?
You're lucky the mods are so lenient because you'd deserve a life-long ban. Almost evey time you post you you treat fellow-posters to your trademark diarrhoea of the mouth.
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

pay taxes in Poland?

Who said I didn't? They even take a percentage of my SS which in the US is not even taxed. We both know the answer to that question: it was the diarrhoea of the mouth bloke, HB himself! Maybe you'll now start repeating the Hairy codswallop about hte Pig Farmers Gazette. Only a total fool would ever believe anything the PF's Liar Laureate or his dutifully parroting little disciple jon has to say.
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Open Dialogue Foundation ever held the arms licence

Too bad that after 30 years in Poland you never bothered to learn the lingo of the nation you so despise, because you could read this Wirtualna Polska news which was rerported by all the media:


P.S. What? No Belarus foray this weekend? Last week you were on an extended assignment, so I guess they gave you some time off.
5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

bunch of liars:

You must be describing the PO liar trio of Tusk, Kopacz and Arabski who told Poles the Russians had performed the Smolensk post mortems with utmost professionalsim and handled the victims' remeains with great care and dignity. They also said the sealed coffins could not be opened in Poland. Now we know why. The Russian profesisonals scooped up whatever was at hand, body parts, mud, debris, ciagtrette butts, etc, and shovelledit into the coffins. Oen coffi n cotnained parts of 7 different corpses. Now the PO liars deny ever having said the coffins cojuldn't be opened in Poland but TV footage from 2010 shows them to be bald-faced liars. So you had plenty of company in PO. In fact, in those circles you might not even qualify for your coveted LL title. So you'd best stick to minor-league PF where you claim to fame remains undisputed.
4 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]


Macierewicz is a true jewel in PIS' crown. The smear campaign he is constantly subejcted to stems from the gnawing fear eating all the Wałęsas, Rzeplińskis, Balcerowiczes, Bonis and others with a collaborationist PZPR and/or TW past. Macierewicz is the most sterling patriot of the lot, fiercely anti-Muscovite, anti-communist, anti-leftist, pro-Polish, pro-Catholic and as patriotic as they come. He was a founder of KOR but eventually withdrew when the group began evolving into a judaeo-leftist mafia.
4 Aug 2017
Po polsku / Podejrzana Fundacja "Otwarty Dialog" pod lupą służb specjalnych [3]

Funny how he hasn't reported on the Open Dialogue

Podejrzana Fundacja "Otwarty Dialog" znalazła się od lupą służb specjalnych; podczas lipcowych niepokojów wydała 16-punktowy instruktaż jak obalić polski rząd

Jak informuje portal wPolityce.pl, Fundacja Otwarty Dialog (FOD), która opublikowała na swojej stronie instrukcję dotyczącą organizacji "Majdanu w Warszawie", znalazła się pod lupą Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji. Instruktaż jej szefa Bartosza Kramka zachęcał ludzi do niepłacenia podatków, sędziów do zawieszenia działalności, ruch protestacyjny do ogłoszenia strajku generalnego i wyłączenia prądu prezydentowi i rządowi. Spełnienie tych "zaleceń" mogłoby doprowadzić do tragedii narodowej, otwartych starć rebeliantów z policją i ogłoszenia stanu wyjątkowego. W tym czasie lider PO Grzegorz Schetyna przebąkiwał o puczu i jak "trzeba się doń przygotować". Twórca wpisu na stronie FOD prowadzi biznes w Kazachstanie i posiada koncesję na obrót bronią i amunicją. Fundacja ta, podejrzana o to, że służy za przykrywkę dla ciemnych zagranicznych interesów, ma powiązania z jedynym rosyjskim producentem atomowych łodzi podwodnych z siedzibą w Sankt Petersburgu oraz z producentem uzbrojenia dla marynarki wojennej w anektowanym przez Rosji Sewastopolu. Wśród darczyńców indywidualnych Fundacji jest Rosjanin Wiktor Mirosznikow oraz (sądząc po nazwisku) Kazaszka Żanar Kassymbekova.
4 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration is an agent of influence

No , but you display all the hallmarks of being one. Besides, you claim the "PiSlamic" regime is not credible so maybe its ttnerior ministry was also wrong and botched the check on Open Dialoque. You can't have it both ways. Either they're not credible and one can't believe a word they say or they are credible and speak the truth.

Funny how he hasn't reported on the Open Dialogue

Get yourself a translator and rush to FP's Polish section for the latest despatch to the Pig Faremrs Gazette (ROFL at you HB, at you!)
4 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette

Once again pretending that documents and paperwork tell the full story is one of the standard MOs of agents of influence. As stated previously, agents of influence are often the most difficult agents to detect, as THERE IS SELDOM MATERIAL EVIDENCE THAT CONNECTS THEM WITH A FOREIGN POWER.

Your true or feigned ignorance of Polonia could well be another indicator of your clandestine service to the Kremlin. The old Polonia descended from bread-seeking peasant immigiants of the late 19th and early 20th century may not have been too sophisticated, but after the war tens of thousands of Polish WW2 freedom-fighters came to America from refugee camps in Germany and the UK and became a centre of fiercely patriotic, anti-communist activity. A single article about the brave ZOMO allegedly protecting decent Poles from the Solidarity bandits would have disqualified a journalist for life -- something PF seems incapable of doing with a certain disgusting loudmouth. The PolAm press became highly politicised and knowledgeable about what was going on in Soviet-occupied Poland thanks to Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America whose bulletins were reproducd by the Polonian media. The latest news was also provided to more than 30 PolAm newspapers by Polonia's Man in Warsaw.

So, once again HB, you have demonstrated to the whole PF your total lack of credibility and how you truly deserve your title of LL. Is there really no cure for compulsive lying!
4 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

paid agent of influence

Just in case the term "agent of influence" is not clear to all posters, here is a defitnion:
An agent of influence is an agent who uses his or her position to influence public opinion or decisions beneficial to the country whose intelligence service operates the agent. Agents of influence are often the most difficult agents to detect, as there is seldom material evidence that connects them with a foreign power. Most commonly they serve the interests of a foreign power either as: 1) a controlled agent directly recruited and controlled by a foreign power; 2) as a "trusted contact" that consciously collaborates to advance foreign interests but are not directly recruited or controlled by a foreign power; or 3) as a "useful idiot" that is completely unaware of how their actions further the interests of a foreign power. Activities range from indirectly spreading the propaganda and lobbying for the interests of the foreign power as well as sowing defeatism to demoralise the victim society.

For the benfit of those posters who know what's what but like to play dumb (one of the MOs of such agents), no, the agent of influence does not go about with an identification tag on his lapel prokaiming: JON HAROLD, Agent of Infuence No. 3497108B.
3 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

propaganda of the worst sort on here dail

If pro-Polish sentiment and consistent oppositon to inveterate Pole-bashers in your view is the worst sort of propaganda, so be it. IMHits of being here, so why must he constantly revile and discredit Poles, Poland and all things Polish as "crappy". That incongruity (after all no-one is forcing hm to stay here!) makes it appear likely that he is actually a paid agent of influecne whose assignment is to slander the country, its authorities and everything about it. One only wonders in whose interest that might be?
3 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Polish Pig Farmer's Gazette used to tell the lies the Party fed him

That repeated jibe reveals your unending diarrhoea of hte mouth and abysmal ignorance of the American Polonia which has always been fiercely anti-communist, conservative and pro-Catholic. Anyone who would call Solidarność activists bandits and hail ZOMOs as heroes could not have possibly been a correspondent for the US Polonia Press even for one day. I have been serving Polonia for decades on end. Even today, Polonians taking part in Polish elections vote for PiS in the 60% range.