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Joined: 10 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 24 Jan 2010
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From: new york
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2 Nov 2008
Genealogy / Polish person's average height? [210]

Hi all,

I am 168 cm and I consider myself average in Poland. Most of my girlfriends are 170 - 178 cm tall. As for guys, that depends. Some of them are a little above 170 cm, but some are really tall (up to 196 cm tall - not that many, though).
17 Aug 2008
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

I'm wondering if Polish guys are reading this thread. LOL

Anyways, I've never had bad experiences with Polish guys in general. None of my ex- boyfriends ever cheated on me (!). They were very caring, generous, but kind of boring at the same time. Or maybe they were just not my matches.
17 Jun 2008
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]


Jasne, to sa wrecz bardzo ciekawe czasy (dobrze, ze juz byle) dla Polski :) Ciekawe w zlym slowa tego znaczeniu. No ale cuz, nie tylko Polska i Europa ma za soba ciezkie przejscia. Ale nie powiedzialabym, ze Polacy o nich zapomnieli, jakze by mogli. Po prostu wyciagneli z nich wnioski na przyszlosc, mam nadzieje. My Polacy jestesmy narodem dosc pamietliwym, co ma swoje plusy i minusy. Taka juz nasza natura. I cale szczescie, ze nasze pololenia zyja w tak innych czasach niz np. nasi rodzice, dziadkowie, czy pradziadkowie.

17 Jun 2008
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]

Witam Marecki :)

Ja niestety tez chyba jednak nie bylabym w stanie nauczyc sie polskiego, nie ma bata :) Jak sie tak nad polskim dobrze zastanowic, to praktycznie w jez. polskim wszystko jest takie strasznie zawile, wiecej wyjatkow niz regul.

Ja czasy gomulkowskie pamietam niemalze z kolyski, bylam malutka. W sumie to mam moze pare przeblyskow, ale doslowne jak przez mgle. Tak naprawde to z opowiadan rodzicow wiem wiecej. Moja siora wiecej pamieta, bo miedzy nami jest 12 lat roznicy, wiec ona w sumie te czasy przezyla. Ja bylam berbeciem :)

Z kolei moja mama za mlodu plynnie mowila po niemiecku. Moj dziadek ja nauczyl (WWII). Moj dziadek "szprechal", bo musial. Takie to pokomplikowane losy historii Polski.

No, to na razie :)
16 Jun 2008
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]

Not the ones that I know.

On the contrary, most of my friends and acquaintances know of M.T.

I have never met a non-Pole that would speak Polish at your level of fluency. That's actually pretty impressive :) Congrats! Where and how did you learn?
15 Jun 2008
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]

Hej :)

Podziwiam tych wszystkich szalencow, ktorzy chca sie uczyc naszego pieknego polskiego! Moje doswiadczenia, a raczej doswiadczenia moich znajomych sa takie, ze idzie im to jak przyslowiowa krew z nosa, ale chca sie dalej uczyc :) Za co ich bardzo podziwiam :) No i jak tylko moge to cos tam zawsze im pomagam.

Anyways, good luck to you all with Polish! And please ask more questions here on the forum :) Don't hesitate!

18 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Dear Kilkline,

We've been talking so far about racism and color. What I mean is I see the injustice, unfairness and cruelty in discriminating against non-white folks being white myself. And I admit it. Some people, white people, will deny it. They will claim they are not racist, but they are. I also feel privileged due to the color of my skin. I know my non-white counterparts face many more obstacles in life than myself, for instance employmentwise. Sometimes they have limited access to education, healthcare, they have work twice as hard only to prove themselves "equal", are you following me on this? And I feel pretty bad about it. Why should they? They are just like me, with only one exception: they are not white, u know. But there is nothing I can do about it. Example, I have a friend who is a dental hygienist (African American), and some patients refuse to be treated by her! She laughs if off, but at the same time it's a slap in the face to her, and honestly, to me, too. I feel embarrassed when it happens to her. She is a college graduate like myself, but if it's not one thing, it's the other. Her access to education was not limited let's say, but she has to deal with such situations pretty frequently. I think it's awful that anybody would do it. She is an expert in her field, but to some people it's not enough. I remember the 1st time she told me this story, I got so angry and ashamed, but she said it was ok, she is sort of used to that, and she was calm. I was furious.

Another thing, my integrity caused a break-up of a few friendships of mine. I couldn't continue being "friends" with people who had racist views. Till this day they can't understand why we are not friends any more, but I just told them I believe in equality and respect and we simply did not share those simple values. They called me a "sellout" and I told them to basically kiss my a... I couldn't continue this hypocritical pseudo-friendship. So, they called me anti-white and I left. And I am not anti-white, I am not anti-anything. I am pro-equality and pro-justice. That's all.
18 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]


I understand what you are saying, however..... My PARENTS taught me otherwise. My parents did not root in me "she looks different than you, she has a different color of the skin, so you have to be afraid, baby!", no way, actually quite the opposite. My parents taught me "explore the world, baby, learn about different cultures and different people, and once you do that, you will have a better understanding of the world and its people". And another thing, I am as white as it can get, but I am not "white" in my mentality, if you know what I mean. And sometimes I feel out of place when talking to other whites. I am sure my fellow Poles remember from their childhood the lines that start as follows: "Murzynek Bambo w Afryce mieszka, czarna ma skore ten nasz kolezka ...." etc. I am afraid if your parents did not contribute to your upbringing with an open mind, you have to do it on your own. Some people choose not to, however. Anyways, I distinguish between ignorance and the lack of experience, my friend. To me ignorance overlaps with stupidity, and I would not refer to myself as stupid. I may not have experience living the life of non-white people, but I do know what challenges their life entails. I am sure I only know a small percentage of what they have to go thru on a daily basis and I feel it's very unfair. I have never been discriminated against in my entire life! I consider myself lucky. At the same token, I think it's unfair. I feel I have more opportunities in life only because I am white. That's the bottom line. It's a big injustice.
17 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]


Well, if racism is a reaction to a change, how would explain the "phenomenon" of multi-dimensional racism that exists in the USA of today? My understanding of what you said Tornado is that racism is a sort of self-defense mechanism. Maybe so, maybe in Poland, but only to a certain extent. The rest, I'm afraid, is pure ignorance. And racism in the United States is not aimed only at African Americans. It's still Whites versus Blacks, sure, but also Latinos vs. Blacks, Asians vs. Blacks, Asians vs. Latinos plus many more other combinations. So, my question is: how can we explain that? And again, not everybody reacts that way, but quite a few people do. Sad, but true. I would think that in a country that mixes nations, races, cultures and religions by default, that racism wouldn't exist, wishful thinking, I'm afraid. I am an idealist, I guess ... :)

13 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]


Obama came out of nowhere? I suggest that some of us get familiar with his political resume. And moreover, I would never vote for anybody just because their husband can back them up. What kind of an argument and attitude is that? Not a logical one to me :) In that case, I guess Laura Bush qualifies to run for president only because she is (and soon will be an ex-first lady) the first lady and she is inside the White House now. Bottom line, people are afraid of the change that Senator Obama represents, at least some of them. Plus a lot of the top players would (and I hope they will) lose tons of money if the USA pulls out of Iraq. They have their personal agendas behind this war! Can't you see that?! Polish troops should have pulled out of Iraq a long time ago as well. It is ruining Polish economy, not to mention Polish troops and the government is contributing to killing innocent children, men and women of Iraq. I hate wars!!!! Good thing that both Hilary and Barack want to end this chaos. Good luck to whoever will be elected!
13 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

hello isthatu2,

Poland had more than that: we had Jews from many countries migrating thru Poland to the West, we had Romanian Gypsies (even till this day), we had some Greeks or people of Greek descent. But they are all frowned upon, I am not going to deny that. Also, some "temporary" immigrants that come to Poland to get education, e.g. from the Middle East and even from Africa. But it's a very small percentage, u know. I would not call that a great "diversity " at all. It's like someone said earlier, they are not exactly welcome in Poland, let's face it. Nowadays we have more and more Asians (Korean investors in particular) coming to major Polish cities like Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan ... They bring along their families and do business in Poland. And Polish people are not quite used to that, putting it softly. So, again, whether Polish people want to admit it or not, they are not particularly "happy" about this new situation. I am used to diversity, but I guess some people mind that.
11 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]


I agree, let's not get carried away. People, read the topic!

I suggest that we start another forum regarding different religions as long as we can all be civil. I would love to talk about things that some of you started, but I am afraid that some of you are incapable of having a discussion, not a fight, but a discussion. It's not about being wrong or right. It's about being able to communicate! And maybe then we can learn something new, u know ... I do not practice any religion, but at the same time I am OK with people who are Muslims, Christians, Catholics or whatever else is out there. It's their choice! They chose a religion for a reason. I may not agree with certain things that a particular religion offers or teaches, but that's just me. I was raised in a Catholic country, but never got into practicing. And think about it, we can find both good and bad people in every religion, in every country etc. Let's concentrate on the positive instead always having to stress the negative. Let's try this for a change.

10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Hi! I'm Polish, too. But I will need to ask you to elaborate on your thought a little. What "steps" are you talking about, Jova? That's a little unclear to me. Thanx :)
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

You're taking capellanna's words out of context, I am sure for a reason. Now, what is it that you are trying to say here?