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Posts by incubus  

Joined: 9 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 26 Jan 2009
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 146 / In This Archive: 45
From: Sheerness, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: geography, astrology, music

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30 Apr 2008
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

One man was giving a chilling stare.

and what was that man doing in church? giving chilling hateful stares instead of praying, how typical :P

white women are for white men.

you`re sad


i`ve been with a black guy for over 2 years and never been happier in my life :)
20 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

insignificant dormitory-town in the southeast

lol that`s a good description of my town

dy immigrants come over here and use all our water washing their hands

and use all your air to fart.

go and p!ss in the streets.

no, cuz then you`d be complainin that we p/ss on your streets.
20 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

listen you little scubber - why would i want to clean my own toilet when i can get some little polish bog brush like you to do it for me?

lol, you`re quite funny and entertaining to read actually.

Bruce remembers u Incubus. APU, he drank too much but his memory still works. He is a dear soul who just needs some guidance for him to be the great man he can be.

oh, that`s cool he remembers me. what does APU mean? i hope he`s ok :)
20 Apr 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

thanx guys. the pic in the avatar is me and my partner (in wigs) over 2 years ago. i didn`t change but i don`t have any current pictures of myself that i`d consider nice lol
20 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

your country is a joke


your country's language is ridicularse

it might be to you cuz you don`t understand it. plus what is ridiculARSE?

your country's food is fit for peasents

at least it DOES have a taste and a good one, which i wouldn`t necessary say about british food which usually is blunt.

youre country's women arent bad, worth a fuk, but thats about it.

i bet they wouldn`t lower themselves enough to fuk with you though.

youre country is getting fukt over by foreign investors who realise that most poles havent got a clue when it comes to doing business in the real world. we,ve bought your houses for peanuts and then watched as your peoples' greed has priced the average pole out of the market

you`re fuking up poland then don`t complain about poles fuking up britain.

youre a pole, you must surely know all about steroetypes... and that they didnt come from knowhere

every nation has its stereotypes, they surely don`t come from KNOWhere. british are no better or worse than polish, if you don`t understand that, it means that you`re just an arrogant prik

youre a pole - which is why you are laughed at and treated with contempt

and you are a brit - which is why you are laughed at but probably don`t even realise it cuz your big ego and pride won`t let you.

you will always be a pole

you will always be a brit, not a nice one though, an arrogant one which is why good people (british and not only) run away from you.
20 Apr 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

ok that`s me about 2 and a half years ago. i took this picture by myself lol

  • shot22.JPG
19 Apr 2008
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

lol wonder if i should post a pic of myself in here. maybe not, don`t wanna scare anyone lol
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

incubus you are living in MY country, if you dont like it go back to your ex soviet bloc, eastern european, concrete jungle

lol it`s YOUR country. you OWN it @_@

poland is not a concrete jungle, in fact we`ve got more trees on the streets than england.

a hooded top and some knock off burrberry aside....

14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Really? so why have you been banging on trying to make a point that the English are incapable of speaking another language and by and large calling the national lazy!

i`m generalising. as a nation the british are perceived that way by other nations, these characteristics are viewed as your flaws just like being an intolerant alcoholic thief is what usually is perceived by other nations to be typically polish. i`m not saying it`s right cuz generally speaking generalising is not a possive thing cuz it causes intolerance but if pseudo-people like noimmigration can complain about the polish i can complain about the british (the only difference being that i don`t actually hate the british :)

I'm sure they do, as I am sure that Polish people make mistakes in their own language!

yap, probably polish people make more mistakes cuz polish is a difficult language even to its natives.

It may be "easy " to learn the basics,far from it to use it well.You do realise English has the largest vocabulary of any on the planet dont you?

i didn`t know that. however vocabulary is one thing, the grammar, pronounciation, spelling etc is another - you can learn extended vocabulary if you`re determined enough but you might find it difficult for your tongue not to `break` while you`re learning to pronounce a polish sentence: ` w strzebrzeszynie chrzaszcz brzmi w trzcinie` - just a little tease :P

the only difficulty i personally find with english is that it has no logic (for example the lack of spelling - pronounciation rules) and i am perfectly aware that i don`t speak it correctly :)
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

So what is the point you are trying to make??? That English is widely spoken? Yep that's been covered more than once!

i`m not trying to make any points :)

Is that why most foreigners cant get the simple things like tense correct...yeah must be really easy :) Just because someone says "yeah I speak English" is doesn't mean for one moment that they actually speak it properly! There's a big difference...

yeah usually the native english speakers make mistakes as well. but if you try to compare how difficult and complex other languages are compared to english you wouldn`t be so surprised why i called english easy.
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

yeah, that`s because english is so bloody easy to learn :) and also it`s just about everywhere you go. it`s in the music and the movies. that`s how i started learning - by listening to music. at first, of course i didn`t have a clue what the artists were singing about and when i was trying to sing along i was making up funny sounds, it`s kind of funny when i look back at it. also one of my primary school friends went to live in london with his parents back in 1995 for a year and when he came back and i knew he could speak english, i found out that he also liked the band bon jovi (my childlhood heroes :P) i asked him whether he could understand the lyrics and when he said yes, i was like `woooooooow` and i had little stars in my eyes...
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Yes, I was but I thought better not to mention...

lol then i guess my big mouth revealed it :)

it was but as you gain a greater understanding of lanuages and how they work you see the similarities of those that share a common root

gosh, i knew that. spanish, french, italian, portuguese are all in the latin branch of languages. yet, they`ve got their distinctive features and those should not be mistaken. english btw is in the germanic branch :) latin and germanic branches are all in the indo-european family of languages. just sharing some basic stuff i learnt at geography in primary school :)
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

The menu is in English, French and German...funny than innit, no Polish! We dont use duck in my part of the world neither do we say "innit"...

not sure if i understand what you are talking about O_o

its almost like for some unknown reason that the waitress, barman and taxi driver really want to practice their english with you more than have you speak their language. weird, huh?

well maybe they don`t even bother trying and speaking spanish to the english as they know that it will be a struggle and the actual ordering of starters, pizza, paella etc will take too long and other customers the waitress has to serve will get impatient and leave the restaurant. that`s just one scenario. let`s see what the taxi driver would do if an english person was trying to explain to him in spanish where he wants to go... any ideas?

well me ol china, its all relative really innit... i mean who's to say you havent misenterpreted the language connotations of a brit writing in spanish?

i thought brazilii was speaking portuguese @_@

so writing in portuguese you don`t have to.

i appreciate your intentions, but unfortunately i did :-)

the sentence you wrote looked spanish to me
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

they know if they don't speak it then they are somewhat limited in opportunites around the world...

unfortunately, that is true

The English go on holiday, do they need to converse in depth with the locals?

nobody says they have to have in depth conversations with the locals but for shiiit`s sake, being able to say what you want to order for starters in a spanish restaurant would be nice, INNIT DUCK?
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Well, you see I realise you dont read the papers very much and now I know the kind of place you live..

You see, when the last major football games were on (you will have to forgive me for wrong terminology but I don’t follow football) the George Flag and the Union Jack were band in certain areas that were, let's say ethic majority - just in case it insited racism, in short, you know feck all about the UK and what goes on...

what i said, i based on what i`ve seen, not read

Spanish speak English very well, they are very educated people and understand the needs of people living and visiting, manay Spanish speak German fluently too...but I guess because you get your info second / third hand without actually knowing anyone that lives out there you don't know these things...but that's okay.

looks like you don`t even understand what i mean lol i said that the british go to spain and are unable to speak spanish so that the spanish have to speak english to them. tu comprendes? i never said that the spaniards don`t speak english!

And the Indian speaks english not by DEFAULT but due the colonial history and the British Empire. That goes for ALL english speaking countries outside the islands - they are not NATIVE languages!

true true, mein deutsch Bruder :)

ive actually built on the 2 languages i learnt at school, and am able to communicate basically in a number more.

the additional language i speak strongest i didnt study at school at all

how about you?

polish - native,
english - pretty fluent, taught at private english school and while being in england, german - elementary, learned at school, i like the languge but find it difficult

spanish - elementary, private lessons, i want to learn to speak spanish fluent though

what languages do you operate?
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

the idea that the british cant speak foreign languages is as ridiculous as the people who suggest it. the vast majority of us learn at least 1 at school

and how much of that language do they remember when they leave school?

btw the most widely spoken language in the world is chinese :) english is second though, german 10th and polish 26th lol

11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

You're probably right but that's generally because English is spoken throughout the world

yeah, i guess that`s the kind of people i`m talking about. though you can get across british people (the educated and rich kind) in spain and some of them expect the spanish to speak english to them!

No because it's considered racist if we dare wave our flags in public, we might upset the ethnic majority!

i`ve seen many english and british flags hanging out the windows. i wouldn`t say it`s racist but patriotic i guess.

I think you mean - mix, not mess, unless you is a wigga and then it's just plain funny!..because you keep telling me how educated the people are who you associate with.

i meant `mess` as in `mess around`, `mix`. not sure what a wigga is though