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Posts by Philip 666  

Joined: 1 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2019
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Posts: Total: 39 / In This Archive: 24
From: sometimes wroclaw - sometimes berlin
Interests: Previously known as Wroclaw.

Displayed posts: 24
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Philip 666   
28 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

@ Chemikiem. Is there a connection to the death camps ?
Philip 666   
24 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

town hall, rynek, wroclaw .......... and university door (near the meridian line)
Philip 666   
11 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

the 08-05-2017 picture looks like one of those buildings you might enter, but never leave. or a prison.
Philip 666   
4 Feb 2016
Law / A Polish company have not paid me [13]

most times the studio hire you.
sometimes it's the director.

a phone call might work better or visiting in person
Philip 666   
10 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

The whole thing turned out to be a big fail, even more and more "insiders" admit that.

It is fair to say that here in Wroclaw passers-by were exactly that.... passers-by. As well as the fact that those in Rynek, which adjoins Plac Solny, didn't seem interested. Not all of them were uninterested tourists. Judging by the numbers I would suggest that most of those taking part live local to the event. There is a lot of grey hair in those photos..... certainly the ones I took. Where were the militant youth ?

I would like this action to succeed, but without the numbers nothing is likely to change.
Philip 666   
9 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

What was the mix of people students? or a mix of old and young?

Some young, but most were middle aged.

Look for the KOD page on facebook. This will give you the Polish perspective.
Philip 666   
9 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Did they know they were defending democracy?

I believe so.

Did you ask them?

Why would I ?

Those taking part were easily recognizable as they were wearing the obligatory KOD sticker.
Philip 666   
9 Jan 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

KOD demo Wroclaw.
I doubt there were many more than 3,000 in attendance. The event lasted about an hour and seemed to be all about nothing. Chanting slogans, waving flags and not much else. Pretty much a waste of time. A small, peaceful crowd in a town square has no power to do anything.