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Posts by Easy_Terran  

Joined: 31 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Aug 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 311 / In This Archive: 102

Speaks Polish?: Not at all.
Interests: Hero in my avatar, Witold Pilecki, signed in for KL Auschwitz, VOLUNTARILY, brought the reports to da west, ignored, died by hands of commie Jews

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10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Quite wrong, as usual:-)

As usual...

When was I wrong?

You typically blame the intended victim for that which was foisted upon him

How, just HOW can I blame a perpetrator to be a victim - because clearly you imply just that..?

With ALL DUE RESPECT don't spread BS here, sir.
Pretty please.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

to suggest that the Jews alone, in and of themselves, brought their tortured history upon their people, is the height of hypocricy

Is it?

Anstisemitism is a response to Jewish insolence, don't deny that, and don't pretend it's not true.
To name the reason for the whoah-so-*******-big-oh-mother-****-geez-oh-my-god HYPE about every, tiny time when someone, somewhere whispered "jew" word louder than crickets' songs.

Am I wrong?
WHO is propelling this biggo bullshit? Who is turning the tables, making white black and black white?
8 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Kielce and Jedwabne?
How many times this should be refuted?

Both Kielce and Jedwane is nothing but a Jewish bs. Jews were so desperate to show pogrom after pogrom after pogrom in Poland - and they lived there ONLY 800 years - to finally come out wiht those two, already refuted dozen of times, "events".


" too many of run-of-the-mill Poles didn't do their level best to prevent its spread either"
Is it our duty to fight animosity against the Jews, the animosity Jews are working very hard to achieve?
Was it also our duty to die for them during the WWII?
23 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

90% of Polish people I have chatted to

Which is how many? Two? Three?

views dating back to the 1950s

Wow, that's just an outstanding argument! In the 50's Polish people could have seen a black or an asian only in a book, as an illustration, but I am sure they all started to hate those other ethnicities right THEN.

Wanted to shine like a diamond, came out a sh!t smelly racist out of you.
Congratulations, that really cheered me up.
28 Mar 2010
History / The heroic jump of the 1st Polish Independent Paratrooper Brigade [81]

Grzegorz_: the most famous (140 m^2) barn

time means: WTF?

jonni: You certainly keep mentioning it.

I concure with Grzegorz. Lately I have been discussing this and that with the greatest beings ever and that barn was thrown right into my face like leaves during Polish Golden Autumn.
8 Feb 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

The use of "Polish Extermination Camps" (sic) is deliberate. Why? You tell me

Indeed, also use of phrases like 'polish enthusiastic role in holokaust', 'auschwitz operated by poles', 'poles even worse than nazis' and all these happened to be loaded in one only paragraph:

Speaking at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland, the greatest extermination facility in history, which was built in Polish territory (and not coincidently) and was operated by Poles, Netanyahu managed to skip the enthusiastic role played by the Poles in the Holocaust. In terms of their dedication to persecuting Jews, turning them over to the Nazis, and their active role in the extermination industry, the Poles were second only to the Germans, and sometimes even more devoted than them to the extermination work.

26 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Why, thank you very much, not interested in white supremacists, though.
Interested in Zionist supremacists and NWO under Star of David flag.
25 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Poland's dirty little secret ,that they would like to keep quiet, but just don't konw how to. Anti semitism.

Show me ONE country where the Jews aren't despised. One will be enough.

Star of David hanging from a gallows on every bus stop from Warsaw to Poznan

Really? Been in Poland for almost a year now, never seen one antisemitic slur.

Polska dla Polakow

Right. And Israel for Jews only.
Somehow Jews are defining their jewishness by saying and believing in it, yet Poles are animal xenophobic biotches.

F@ck you. Go back to Hasbara manual, troll.

Sorry if it sounds too simple and too short, but that's it.

You're right Yehudi, it does sound too short and too simple, but no need to be sorry about it. Shoot me a link to the official Zionist page, if you could.
24 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I doubt very much it was Russia, who had pogroms

Pogrom doesn't originate from Russian without a reason...

have you started educating people that Bielskis were so very, very, very, very Polish yet?
Need a hand?

24 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Poland was not a friendly place for Jews

You failed to mention why was that so. What about Jewish collaboration with the three occupiers (Russia, Prussia, Austria), what about denounced fighters of Polish uprisings, what about ridiculing the Polishness of citizens of re-born Polish state?

1939 in Kresy (eastern Poland) was nothing new, Jews simply followed their tradition of betraying their Polish host at every occasion.

the Zionist point of view, which is that Jews who want to be Jews should live in their own country

Don't hesitate, give us all more of a disclosure about the Zionism, its real agenda, NWO and things like that.
Be my guest. Go ahead.
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Ynet often has articles like that.

Articles are articles, of course.
What I meant and quoted was a user's comment, and in THOSE you can read crap like the above over and over again. Doesn't matter you give examples and explanations of the difference in Poland and the Netherlands or Denmark.

Doesn't matter you explain that the Danes were considered Aryans and their king could have worn Star of David arm-band cuz the Germans would have NEVER hurt him, doesn't matter that each Jew shipped to Sweden had to pay for it - whenever an article about Poland is published, sobs like the above show up and start their usual crap:

Poles were worst than the Nazis
Poles were cheering when a Jew was killed
Poles welcomed the death camps
Poles knew what was going in on the death camp yet they did NOTHING about it (sic!)
Denmark saved all their Jews!
AK murdered the Jews (happily)
Poles didn't help Ghetto Uprising's fighters... etc...etc...

Same people, same comments, over and over again. I think they don't even read the article, just copy and paste their ********.

You know that, you read those, too.

Have a good day Jola :),
18 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Zofia Kossak of Żegota was an antisemite, yet was instrumental in saving many Jewish kids

Oh come on, she was lucky. A Polish antisemitic monster who happened to save few Jewish children (totally accidentally I suppose).

Yes there was this Polish Zegota organisation , founded by a Catholic women , Zofia Kossak-Szczucka . But those 6000 for a Jewish population of maybe 3 million is not so much . In the Netherlands there are approx 2900 righteous for a Jewish population of less than 150000 , proportionaly much more Righteous than in Poland.

I've read tons of sh!t spilled on Kossak on that forum and many, many others.
She was nothing. Poles were nothing.

Netherlanders were the heroes. Holly people of Denmark! were the biggest heroes (they are the best in the Jewish 'who helped the best' poll - they saved all of their Jews, all 8,000!)

Poles were the worst mo-fos. Period.

Have a nice day those saved in POLAND by a Polish dumb, catholic POS. Abe Foxman included.
13 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

The thing is that no one prevents us from doing what Jews do - meaning to push our causes. They do and we don't. It is similar to American blacks complaining that Korean immigrants own all the stores in black neighborhoods. I say to them: open your own.

Few tried.
Ended up in the jail.
13 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Do you bother to read anything I wrote?. If this is what you got out of it I can't help you.

Did you bother to think while typing your contradictory statements, Mr I-will-moral-you-dumb-Poles?
13 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Admit - only JEWS died, only JEWS suffered, only JEWS were the main event/episode of the second war, second war=holokaust

Rest of the dumb, goy sh!ts who were murdered in waaaay greater number than the Jews - feck it, collateral damage.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

So Har,

when will you start educating other peeps that the Bielskis were Polish?

Polish filth who betrayed the Poles and Poland.
Polish filth who has been betraying the Poles ever since - vide baby Aaron.

12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

We Jews don't say that only Jews were killed or suffered the most in the war.

But you Jews totally hijacked the history of WWII.

WWII is associated with the Holokaust only.

Will you deny?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

You want to claim that they were not Polish?

Oh no, god no!
They were Polish as the Polish can stretch. Tell it to others, cuz the whole world knows now there were some brave Jews of Belarusan descent who fought tanks like I fight flies, they did nothing but good, they never spoke Polish etc, etc blah, blah, blah

(The film opens with on-screen text stating: "A true story".)
4 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

to educate them to which they reply “Not true, I saw it in the movie”.

Nothing but the truth. Few weeks ago two of my American friends were totally surprised when I presented rather a different story to them, different from what they had known already: "Dude, we saw it in the movie"
21 Dec 2009
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

She was commissioned and paid

She also rejected to take the paintings when she was originally approached back then.

Another thing...
She didn't paint those out of free will and then someone stole it from her.
She was ordered to do so by a fvcking butcher...
14 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

It wasn't actually meant for you

I am (lately very seldom) active on other forums, where Polish-Jewish relations are discussed.

Usually, and I don't even kidding I should use the term 'always', when I express my Polish views, when I remind about situation of the Polish folks locked in between two occupants, when I talk about Gestapo's order to turn in Jews, when I talk about Jewish groups who had taken a big part in their own annihilation - I am being called various names, FVCKING POLLOCK being the softest one.

So I guess I MUST be a sick anti-semite after all.
12 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Does it really matter? Do you get less pay if a Jew wins the Nobel Prize? I bet you don't, so who gives a sh*t. Ppl on this forum tend to get all wind up about really unimportant things.

Very good question, Mare Gaea, and you're 100% right: I don't give a tiniest sh!t how many Jews won the prize.

I do give a lot of sh!t though when it is rubbed into my face that Jews are better, smarter, wiser, cleverer, brisker, cannier, craftier, bolder and brainier while the rest of us goys are just dumb retards.

I made a point, humbly believing it was a valid one.

anti-semitic brigade pops up and says it's a sharade and fake

I'd take it as counting me as one of that brigade. Flattered I am to be officially considered an anti-semite by a Jew. As for the rest of that quote: are you referring to 'peace' (sic!) Nobel Prize won by the terrorist Begin? Was it sharade and fake? My, my; wasn't it?!?!

Does anybody here at all know why the Israeli built that wall?

Wanted to comment on that one but my reply here would have been really malicious.

M-G (there are too many sick anti-semites on this forum, unfortunately)

Do you truly believe I am a sick anti-semite...?

Easy_Terran (who knows how to spell 'anti-semite' while many, many über beings, the chosen Jews, don't know even that)
11 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


So, since Nobel Prize's first awards were presented in 1901, and some claim, e.g. BrutalButcher, Jews received 180 awards since, that makes 171 awards (180 [minus] 9 ) during 47 years; ratio: 3.63 per year.

Then this shocking number of 9 during another 61 years; ratio: 0.14 per year.
Jews must have got dumb. Did they forgot how to use their brains?

Menachem Begin, born in then Poland, now Belarus, Peace, 1978

That was a sick joke, a famous terrorist to receive a PEACE Nobel Prize?
Tomorrow we should present that to peadophiles and various mass-murderers (!)
8 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

real credit should go to those with real original thought

I agree, but at the same time don't forget WHO carved and chiseled their minds, WHAT culture were they brought in, WHAT principles were they taught.

How many Nobel Prizes have the Israelis won?
8 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

on Jewish people and I was singing the praises of some of their Noble prize winners

With the financial and cultural support of the host nation(!). How many Nobels have the IL scholars won?

I already asked this question here.
28 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

people who have won 180 nobel prizes

With the financial and cultural support of the host nation(!). How many Nobels have the IL scholars won...? How many have the Muslim won? How many the Christians have?

...Jews in Poland do not fear persecution these days? any serious studies been done on this in Poland to support your claim?

You're not serious, are you? No, you cannot be serious.
Have you actually read what you had asked?

A STUDY to prove that Jews are not persecuted, not shot point-blank in the streets of Poland, so they could feel OK?

Don't know: cry or laugh....?