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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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27 Nov 2019
Language / Interslavic artificial language [35]

More like slavic interlingua
while the IALA's Interlingua does make (or made) sense, that creature doesn't
2 Jun 2019
Law / Surname Question - ski/ska [6]

According to Polish rules feminine names end with - ska.
If you were married in the UK it would be easier for you to have the same surname as your hubby, in a masculine version.

same about your daughter.
it really depends if you wish to go and live in Poland. If not (or "maybe in the future") than don't bother with different versions.

alternatively all of you could get a surname without ski ending but something "gender neutral"
15 Feb 2019
Language / Advice needed for learning Polish Language [41]

Languages don't have to follow the logic. Take double negative etc.

Orthography of English is a prime example how something can be both stupid, illogical and yet works decently fine.
Englishs' dominance in the world of science has as much to do with politics as with its "superiority"
30 Dec 2018
Law / Newborn entering Poland using British passport [16]

One could wonder why do you bother about registering your child as a Polish citizen?
I don't know about the American citizenship, but British can be revoked by him or by the authorities quite easily. Polish sticks to you forever- and because of that I'd rather leave it to the child (after they will be old enough) to decide
26 Dec 2018
Language / Opinions on Google Translate for Polish [28]

if you have to use translation service, use microsoft's one. Even Yandex is better for translations (of the language it supports- and it doesn't support Polish unfortunatelly) than Google translator
3 Oct 2018
News / Poland's PIS party and the UK Tories [25]

Poland is a republic, and it will always be.
Queenie and other parasites can prey on British Taxpayers, not on Polish ones (that ones living in Poland).
25 Sep 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish passport - Can I apply from the UK? [51]


in short- you will need to contact a Polski Konsulat near you (I assume you only have Dowód Osobisty). Unless you are going abroad (i.e. outside of the EU) you don't need a passport. It is unlikely (but not impossible) that UK will make any problems to the EU citizens travelling to the UK after Brexit (assuming they have Settled Status confirmation documents with them).
25 Sep 2018
Po polsku / POWRÓT do Polski - od czego zacząć? [22]

Nie boj sie- ja, jak i wiekszosc osob ktore po przylaczeniu sie PL do EU wyjechaly na dluzej niz prace sezonowe- nie wroce.
Wiekszosc z tych co wrocili (ktorych znam) wyleczyli sie z tego po kilku miesiacach albo szukania pracy ktora pozwolilaby im na poziom zycia jaki mieli na obczyznie, albo pracowania za mniejsze pieniadze badz po perypetiach z administracja gdy chcieli oni wlasne biznesy pozakladac- i wrocili. (dla tych co nie widzieli- jego post zostal skasowany)

OPowi wystarczy ze obejrzy sobie papierkologie Urzędu Skarbowego ktora trzeba wypelnic po powrocie (na stale) i wtedy poczuje piekno rodzinnego kraju.
8 Sep 2018
Language / Common errors in Polish grammar or spelling [26]

Peasants dream of glory....

to be honest, no other language has ever came close in its domination in scientific field (as English did). misspoken English is a true lingua franca
1 Sep 2018
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

You can always go back to your country full of refugees if you don't like Poland.

... and Poles. Who also bring their half-retarded "tradition" of asking for exact change. that and "bede panu winna grosika!" idiocy. that and following customer 3 feet away looking at them as if everyone was going to steal something. civilized countries do have some coins in the till on the start of the shift. And, surprisingly, they also offer "cashback" service!

but hey, Poland is famous for its great "customer service".
7 Jun 2018
Language / How to write an email properly in Polish? [49]

first, it should be: "(..) Nie umiem dobrze (..) pomoc w przetłumaczeniu poniższego tekstu (or: "tego, co poniższe")":

but hey it goes- because I don't know if the person who is supposed to read this email is male or female, I'll try to avoid "gender" form. Also, I assume you are a male so I'll use a correct verb form.

"Dziękuję bardzo za odpowiedź!
Czy mógłbym się dowiedzieć kiedy ten dom został sprzedany, oraz za jaką cenę? Jeśli nie można podać owej informacji ze względu na zasady prywatności, to czy mógłbym się dowiedzieć, mniej-więcej po ile podobne domy są sprzedawane? Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny za informacje.


it's not 100% word-to-word translation, but it's not too bad methinks
15 Mar 2018
History / Is there a Western/Eastern divide in Poland like the Northern/Southern divide in Italy? [38]

Kaszeby are Polish- I have never met anyone who claimed not to be a Polish citizen.
If anything, the Silesian dialect was (is) heavily influenced by German and Czech languages.

There is a distinction- remember the Poland A (the western side) is mostly populated by Poles who has settled there after WW2; thus having fewer family connections compared to the Poland B citizens. And of course cities like Breslau (aka Wroclaw) and Warszawa are exceptions
14 Mar 2018
History / Do Prussians still remain in Poland? [33]

you'll have to visit Mazury region of Poland, as well as Kaliningrad Oblast' which is a Russian enclave outside of Russia. check if you will need a visa etc.
4 Mar 2018
Study / Can I do British A-levels anywhere near Warsaw? [2]

First- Welcome to PF!

You don't really want to do the Matura in Poland (regardless if it's possible or not). You should rather stick to the A-Levels (and before someone will say- no, they aren't comparable) as they are better recognized abroad.
9 Jan 2018
Love / I want to bring her here but not her son. [9]

lol, what an arsehole OP.
if you don't like the "baggage"- don't take a woman with it.
frankly speaking, she should date a man not a boy.
27 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / I'm so confused where to settle down - UK or Poland? Advice please. [21]

Mujaheedines? Separatism? Famine? Rape? Mental sickens? Russians?

United Kaliphate indeed...

someone has forgotten to take his pills today...

on more serious note- depends where do you feel at home. Poland of today isn't the same as Poland 10 years ago (which can be said about UK and other countries as well). Don't forget about the job- as it was written before, you have to put a food on your plate. Costs of living are slightly lower in the PL than in the UK, wages for most people are considerably lower in PL. UK is a quite safe providing you don't live in the big cities (London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool etc)- but every large city has areas where you wouldn't really be at after the sunset.