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Posts by SouthOfDaThames  

Joined: 9 Mar 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 30 Mar 2008
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25 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

No, I don't think it's time for the Poles to go home.

I bet ola123 will be SO happy to see all the Poles come home.

At least until they all start buying property with the money they saved up, and house prices go sky-high in Poland as well. Then she will moan about Poles pricing her out of the property market, not the English! hahaha!!!! Personally I think Poland is so over, which is why I'm moving to Ulan Bator :D <g> lol
25 Mar 2008
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

I think the authorities need to get tough or lose the well-behaved tourists

When I was there, I behaved myself! And what's more, I never spoke a word of English either... so there goes the stereotype of British tourists in Poland! lol :)

mind you, being a non-drinking English-born Pole does mean I cheated a little. <g> :)
24 Mar 2008
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

U can earn money by letting people ride u round the market square Osioł. Put ur skills 2 good use

Michał could push them around in that Tesco trolley and show them the sights:)
24 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

When I meant specific, I meant some kind of a word that defines something among the same group as different or special..

but this can't always be done when translating between languages, like e.g. trying to translate phrases like nigdy nie ma into English; it doesn't quite work, grammatically, if you try and translate it exactly, you have to use different words to get your point across. though oddly enough, you can do it in London inner-city slang, e.g. I'm never on no long ting (I'm never doing/having anything dull, lol) but not in correct English as far as I can see, haha.
24 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

I was trying to see if there was a way to say it without using any specific adjectives

but that brings you back to the first reply... we just don't speak like that in Polish :)
24 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

large, huge

yeah, like here in south London, we would say "that man's big, u get me?"... because they are THE man. ;)

it doesn't mean he's 6'10". :)
24 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

Like if someone said, "Hey that looks like Elvis."
and his friend said back to him, "That is not just any Elvis, but THE Elvis."

you could refer to the "ordinary" Elvis as zwykły, and "The" Elvis as wyjątkowy, originalny, or unikalny.
24 Mar 2008
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

it's a foreign concept in PL language. read - non existant. you just have to use the proper words to get the proper meaing across.

as above; you would probably have to say something like "nie jest tylko panem, ale Wielkim Panem", I expect, to emphasise the importance of "the" in "the man".
21 Mar 2008
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

Now the law will be more strict, I hope this kind of people will just come back to Prague or move somewhere ealse.

If only they would go and try it in Riyadh or somewhere like that :)
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

lol. but the Poles were never part of the Commonwealth/Empire, so the PC brigade are never going to allow that to happen are they. that's also why it's OK to be racist to Poles. :(