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Posts by moksha  

Joined: 3 Mar 2008 / Female ♀
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From: US,Chicago
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15 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Rocky have you been to Europe....???

Yep ive been to... london, brussels, lucerne, zermatt, munich, rotenburg, amsterdam, paris, and austria. If italy and the mediterranian count ive been to alot more!

not sure what you meant by "if"....RockyMason?
you poor bastard....read the book by Susan Jacoby "the age of american unreason" ....(we all need to read it!!) but that might help you understand more about your so called "high IQ score"....K? pretty please? promise?.... as you will find out some day - arrogance is NOT a good thing...most (normal) people i know with (real) high IQ scores would never make it a public statement....just fyi...stop being childish...

and you should have never made the "0.05%" statement in a first place....it makes it sound as if you chose a "safe approximate" because you had NO IDEA what the real numbers are....it makes no sense in a first place (way too vague) .....

tha tha....cheers!


cheers everyone!!!
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

RockyMason - you are still in school? that is great! and good for you. But DO check your facts before and maybe get out of CA a little more? Ah...perhaps you were still wearing a diaper when the biggest boom of "imports" was happening (i was not even referring to PhD's) ...

And before you call anyone a moron, especially pertaining to the lack of knowledge or improper use of english language...look at your own

i mean like less than .05%

... your use of word "like" is improper here. And mind - some people on this forum are very likely using english as their second language (i do too)....so not bad, not bad at all! doing quite well!

" Therefore the humble is the root of the noble. The low is the foundation of the high."
(Tao Te Ching)
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Going to a Polish or Italian neighborhood in the US is NOTHING like being in Poland or in Italy.

maybe you need to do more traveling yourself. funny, how every time i decide to visit the "polish section" in my city, i immediately get the feeling of being back home....the same attitude of the sales people....the same pubs full of drunks at noon hour...etc, etc...hm. i wonder why?

and please read what i actually wrote (although not exactly the same, but...)
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Hypocritcal, spineless pigs you are. You are so far more evolved than us. It's very obvious. All you know is hate.

shut ya'all arrogant mouths and stop spitting at each other.....as i wrote earlier "why is there so much hate in the world???" WORLD = meaning everywhere!....and who is starting the war here, ha? when you so passionately argue to prove you are better then another, you are no less different (and only a step away) from being like Nazis...or anyone else spewing racist and supremacist slur.... think about it for a minute please, K?

so ur telling me that there are many executives in the USA and important business ppl who don't know english?

that is not what i said. ya, it must be my "terrible english" why you cannot understand. or is it?

There most certainly is no shortage of trained professionals in the US! Except in the medical field. There is an excess of people with Ba degrees now so the job market is more competetive than ever!

RockyMason....is that why US imported so many foreigners to work the IT field few years back? that's only one example....
and just because someone holds a BA degree it does not make them "an expert" or "competitive" in their field. it is a good start, but not all....com'on, i think you are smarter then to make such statements!!!

all the best!
10 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

It is forum about Poland and Polish history traditions not about "Why USA is better than Poland" "Why Poland will never be better than USA"

oh really?...lol...i thought this forum was entitled "Polish Immigrants leave America for Europe"....?

Is that what you mean? I'm just being sarcastic.

The World according to Americans

...lol...too funny...thanks!
10 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

the media spews nonsense all the time and people buy it because they WANT to hate America and blame us for their problems. It took me being away from home and being immersed in other cultures to get that.

... i do not think people really want to hate US(specifically) and blame for all the problems...maybe in purely political sense?..ALL politicians (all over the world) always look for scapegoats...nothing unique or new here...but you are forgetting that for a very long time, lots of people-nationalities (NOT including politicians) envied and were jealous of US - not in a malicious way (i am talking pre-1990's)....so perhaps there is a reason why that perception has changed???

the media spews nonsense all the time and people buy it

same here, in the US...every day, all day...non-stop marathon of spewing non-sense..it is so pathetic...it is hard to find a channel to get a descent honest, un-biased, accurate news...

look, maybe we should try to understand why is there so many angry people ALL OVER THE WORLD spitting and hating each other and looking for trouble...?????? (and not only religious fundamentalists)...? everywhere you look, there is conflict, blood, hatred, pain and prejudice....shell we still argue about the US??

It took me being away from home and being immersed in other cultures to get that.

on the other hand...the US is the perfect "melting pot"...if you really want to, (although not exactly the same, but -) you don't have to travel too far to get "cultured"...just enough to talk or make friends with your neighbors...get involved in different communities,etc...good way to learn about another culture....right in front of your nose....i am not trying to be spiteful...just digressing...i know that "seeing is believing" for some...and i believe that traveling is very educational, by ALL means....but lots of people don't even make the effort "locally"...so i am very glad you had the chance to travel!! and too bad you are probably one of not too many to extend yourself that far! :) all the best!

Also in order to make it good in america ur gonna have to be competetive with them in the job market! If u can barely speak English u just won't cut it! The best u can really expect is a manual labor job which won't pay u that much! U also need a Valid college degree because its getting more and more competetive for jobs currently.

with who? the experts "imported" from abroad (who can be barely understood) due to shortage of "home grown ones" ? and why are there prompts in spanish in almost every (large) company you try to call?? is that how we encourage people to learn english by introducing "Spanish as a choice language" in business? i know quite few people, who are either immigrants with some education here and terrible english!! but successful in business due to their hard diligent work, or some who were born here but have no education (not even high school) and are business owners, doing well also...

Sure there are some people that specifically don't like Polish people but generally speaking, this 'polonophobia' is in the minds of some Polish people that like to play victim.

i agree!
9 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

It must be one of those funny differences between British English and American English.

i hate to say it, but i don't think it has anything to do with "funny differences between Brit and Amer. English"...lol....it might, though, have something to do with lack of geography knowledge...i know a lot of people in us have no idea about the continental divisions...(what country belongs to what continent).....

check this out:nytimes.com/2008/02/14/books/14dumb.html
although she calls herself a "cultural conservationist" NOT a conservative, she seem to be quite conservative at times...
7 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Keep taking the tablets...As for the US owes Europe nothing - its all tit for tat mate, you want to build bases in Europe you have to give a little, you want the backing of Europe when you want to invade a country..you have to give a little..you want business in europe..you have to give a little......all one big happy family..

i'll drink to that!! anytime...
it's about time that Poland changes its "work ethics".....a lot of great people there, if they are all as ambitious, intelligent and clever as they present themselves to be on web-forums, i don't see why the heck that country should have as many problems as they do...what's wrong with that picture??
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Show me save rates or patient satisfaction reports stating better care than other facilities and then maybe you have a start.

patient satisfaction reports...lol...jones101!...lol...you really think anyone gives a damn? if they did, the condition of western medicine (institutions) would not be in the state it is...too much politics involved (hint: pharmaceuticals)

other then that...hm...i would say, even if you get 'any/some care' it still beats 'no care at all'...common sense...what's there to prove??? i never claimed county hosp. are BETTER then rest...

and not trying to prove anything....i am sure you are an EXPERT in whatever field you claim to be. good for you!!! if you don't care to share your expertise in "documented" way, or in other words - if you don't care to PROVE it, that's OK too. i am an ex "de-railed" med student who decided to chase after completely different career, and i have worked in only two ER's, beside my "expertise" as a patient or else...bla bla bla...we got off-road with this topic anyway, although interesting one :)

what i said earlier that started this whole thing - was in response to someone claiming that if you get sick here - you are screwed...i am not sure if that is completely accurate, considering the healthcare system, and beyond and above all - considering what pathetic state "western medicine" is, in general...everywhere. the end.

so - na zdrowie !!! powodzenia.
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Just because your experience is one way doesn't make it true for all or even most.

so would you say "just because you have worked in (only?) one hospital - what went on there doesn't make it true for all or even most?

thanks. i rest my case.....

com'on...i don't know anything about you , how long you have lived in the states, how old you are, etc...(i am not asking)...but i am sure it all figures into your convictions and beliefs...no problem. but you seem to have one standard response "you have no proof!...how do you know???" well, how DO YOU KNOW?? it's great to ask! (i asked what state you worked in - you didn't even respond) you too are making assumptions and accusing others of the same....oh, do be reasonable :)

i happened to be a patient in few different "private" hospitals and i have dealt with their and county hosp. system to find out processes and procedures (my father had to have a surgery there and took my aunt to er once)....so FROM MY OWN DEALING WITH THEM AND EXPERIENCE, be thy only few times...i happen to form the opinion stated above...i did not say if "i like it" or "i don't like it" so i am not expressing my subjective opinion, just facts that i have come across...
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

If these places were so great why do people pay more for private hospitals when they can?

look - i did not say these are great hospital... but at least in Stroger - they used to train us army med personel - so these ARE best docs in a country. those services are provided "on a sliding scale" meaning, you pay certain percentage based on your income. IF YOU CAN AFORD A PRIVATE HOSPITAL you will pay the same or will be send somewhere else from state hosp....kapujesz?if you worked there, you should know...to get care at a state hospital you have to bring your tax return to prove what you can- or can't afford. that's how your bill is determined. and a lot of people do not like to go there, simply because there is a lot of "poor" and "color" people waiting in long lines to get in...not everyone can stomach that, k?

and PL's healthcare system is same as here state owned...lol...i am sure you do not step out of your mercedes on a red carpet, escorted into a private lounge where best doc in a country waits for you to spend all the time in the world to heal you...yeah, right.

which hospital did you work at? (what state?)
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

i have lived in the US for 20 years...yes, it is not a country for lazy arses who just want "gimme gimme gimme..." looking for everything free (although there is plenty of those)...you want strong social system? - US is not for you. but as Dice said: if you are here legally and are willing to work, it still is a country of opportunities, like no other....qui pro quo...it is a choice many people make.....as to insurance...sure, it ain't free, but worse come to worse, there are always government sponsored hospitals where you get care based on what you can afford - without compromising the quality. chicago's Stroger hospital has some of the best surgeons and docs (army trained) in the country....
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

B) Isn't wanting to have a good job and earning a very good living a form of materialism?

how about something called "security"? even though it has a lot to do with money = finances = your so called "materialism" - it is basic...you need a roof over your head, you need to eat, move around, etc and it all equalls money....how many people do you know whose house is paid off, car paid off and they do not have sky-high credit card debt? a lot of people live totally "on credit"...so maybe that is what Grzegorz meant when wrote "disillusionment with American materialism"? not the providing for basic needs or financial security? Grzegorz??
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

jones101 wrote:
You use another country for money while slagging it off.

Correct statement
moksha wrote:
i am not sure what you are talking about?....cheers

There's only 2 ways why you don't understand him, either you're not capable to understand it or you're not even trying to do so.

you are arrogant Philips1 - no comment...
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

So basically those of you who advocate going to or staying in the US are doing it for the money. You use another country for money while slagging it off.

Great character.

who are you referring to??
anyone who says that they are not interested in "money" is a hypocrite. i am sorry. money is your basic need. most people make decisions where to live based on money. i am not talking about greed. i am talking about BASIC necessity. so i am not sure what you are talking about?....cheers
3 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

hi everyone. the original topic got off a little bit, do you think? i have lived in us for the past 20 years...born and raised in poland tough. yeah, some poles have decided to leave, but someone mentioned it earlier - they never meant to make this country their permanent home anyway. i can't imagine returning to poland after 20 years here...the economic (and intellectual!) situation in us right now is pitiful ! most people are hurting one way or another...i am beginning to think that when going gets tough, poles like to "get moving"....isn't it why they left poland in a first place? i am not bashing! nothing wrong with looking for a "better life".... i think people leave because they can't assimilate here. things seem to be unstable in every part of the world right now...but most of us are "making it"...and will make it, no matter where we are. there are people who are loosing money here now, and those who are making it right now, despite the situation....it's the same in poland- there are those who are rising - and those who are barely surviving...maybe those who leave, belong where they go.....cheers to everyone!