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Posts by EbonyandBathory  

Joined: 14 Feb 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2008
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 249 / In This Archive: 37
From: Los Angeles, CA
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Poland, sports, literature, movies

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29 Jul 2008
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]

I just got done a few weeks ago talking to the Polish consolate where I live (Los Angeles, CA, USA). While it is true that anyone with Polish ancestors is automatically qualified for Polish citizenship there are a few catches. First, my family came from Poland four generations ago, which makes me eligible. However, when they left Poland they actually left what would have been the Prussian partition and it's not as if I can get Prussian citizenship today, now is it? So I have to prove that my family was living in Poland in 1795, before the partitions and that is a long, expensive part of what already is a long, expensive process. So, when I heard that I automatically qualifiy, it sounded like an easy thing--not so much. If you have the time and money, go for it, but if it isn't worth it, it's not worth it.
18 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

I truely belive that Blacks are overusing their civil rights

They would have to have some first to do so. Listen, I never said that the word Polak when used in a derogitory fashion isn't offensive. But let's have a little perspective. Poles in America, while they have had there struggles in America are not in the same catogory as Blacks in America. No ethnic group is. Just because of your "example" and your race baiting, Mateuszoflv, doesn't change the fact that Blacks have hoed a much more difficult road. You're using the double standards that whites created against them and that isn't fair. Polak, while a reprehensible and offensive word when used in America, I've been called it myself, doesn't not put Poles on the same suffering plane as Blacks in America. It just doesn't. I'm usually the first to say that Poles get a raw deal but I have enough perspective to know we haven't had it as bad as others.
17 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

The word Polak is usually considered the equalivant to calling a black guy the n word in America.

By who? Lunatics? It's not even in the same category. I'm a proud Polish American and nobody, but nobody is going to put my heritage down but compared to the n word "Polak" is nothing. When someone says "Polak" it is taken as a sort of a joke, a throwback to when the word was more commonly used. The n word represents 400+ years of hatred and bigotry. It's not even in the same boat. It's apples and dumptrucks.
10 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

will do whatever I can to try and change that so my children do not have to grow up in the same 'Dumb Pollak' world

I think America has its more pressing problems, but whatever floats your boat. In terms of Polish-Americans dropping their Polishness, I've found that Polish are some of the most proud of their heritage of all the etnic groups, even in SoCal. We have Polish-American groups, Polish-American churches and festivals. I can't speak for San Diego, but in LA despite having a tiny Polish population, we are all very proud.
10 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

I dunno where all the Polack jokes originated from or why

When Polish people came here after World War One and certainly after World War II they came with a large section of Eastern Europeans who were officially title by the American Government as "Displaced Persons" because they couldn't speak English they were percieved as being stupid and this phrase "Displaced Persons" becamse "D.Ps" which became "Dumb Polaks" not just Poles but for all Eastern Europeans at the time.

I've been treated like an idiot because I was Polish a handful of times in my life but it's never bothered me. There are many groups in America that face much more resistance and insult than us, thats for sure.
19 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I've got a lot of respect for Norman but I do feel he has become a bit Polonised.

I remember reading that in my version. I'm not saying you're wrong, Harry. He recently updated the books and perhaps that was omitted in an earlier release but I do recall reading about that letter, although, I don't have the book in front of me.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

No problem it's a great history book in two volumes. It's really enjoyable although it is a bit slow.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Davies' book?

It's called God's Playground. It's terrific. Really the greatest Polish history book printed in English. He has many books about Poland and is the preeminant English speaking Polish historian. However, it's not simply a love letter to Poland like Carol or yourself might like, his books are honest and place blame where it is due, but unlike our biased friend Harry it isn't cruel and is reasonable.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Google Bereza Kartuska and read about Poland's very own concentration camp.

A prison for political prisoner in which only 17 people died? Not quite Auschwitz is it? Harry, I for one don't deny that Poland was not innocent and pure in this whole matter but no one was. And it is inescapably clear that the machinery of the Holocaust was forced upon Poland and was not created from withen her. As for this camp being a "concentration" camp or an "internment" camp or anything else, that is a silly semantics argument. The fact of the matter is that it was not a camp designed to kill its inmates, unlike Nazi and Soviet camps and we are comparing less than 20 people to over 6 million!
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

No, I never said that either. He did it for its appropriateness for the piece. I wasn't trying to bismirch German in my comment, but simply promote the Turkish language and Turkish culture as being valid in Europe, which for some reason around here is a controversial thing to say. I didn't want this thread to devolve into "which language is better." Listen, I want to get out of this argument if it's going to be: "German sucks"

"No it doesn't"
"Yeah it does, it sounds like a cat barfing"
"Well, Polish sounds like someone sneezing"
"No way"
"Yes way"
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

To distort this and tell that Mozart prefered the turkish language for aesthetic reasons is grotesque

I never said this, I didn't even suggest that. But Mozart DID avoid using German in his operas and he DID write a opera in Turkish. "The Abduction from the Seraglio"
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

I've said this before, I will choose not to colonize my mind and put people into boxes, areas, or ghettos.

In Jova's defense, German is a horribly guttural language. There is a reason Mozart avoided writing operas in German (he wrote on in Turkish, by the way, BB). Plus, if her avatar is to be believed she is far from a "Hackfresse."

However, Bratwurst Boy, it's clear we don't agree, but I'm not sure that was the point. I have a healthy respect for your point of view even if I don't agree with it. There have always been minds like yours and their always will be. I'm sure the perfect solution can be found somewhere between you and I.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

How is your knowledge about european history I now have to ask?

It's fine, thank you. My point is that diversity and differences in thought only add to the dialogue and general culture. The English Language is a perfect example of this. As is Jazz music. Or Polish food. They are all combinations of other cultures and tastes.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

It's the same with Panzers...the Germans took the idea and run with it, from the Tiger to the Leopard - German Panzers are the best. Still, the first idea was a British one...

Two different cultural groups working for a better product? I though you were against diversity.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

It's a crap language to begin with and bad for the ears...

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black just a little isn't, Germany?
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Flight: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezarfen_Ahmet_Celebi

The number zero: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Khwarizmi

Submarine (I should have qualified) Turks were the first to use torpedos on submarines:


"Nordenfelt then built Nordenfelt II (Abdülhamid) in 1886 and Nordenfelt III (Abdülmecid) in 1887, a pair of 30 metre (100 ft) submarines with twin torpedo tubes, for the Ottoman navy. Abdülhamid became the first submarine in history to fire a torpedo submerged."

It's actually one of the few time in history in which white people AREN'T the inventers of some kind of destructive force.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Coffee, flight, numbers, the mechanical clock, the water closet. Leukemia treatments are mostly Turkish in origin. Also submarine technology originated in Turkey. Also Turks heavily influenced Europe and Germany's classical music including Mozart and Beethoven.
2 May 2008
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

if you don't like it, leave.

That's one option. Another, which is all but unique in America, is you can change it. If you don't like something vote against it, lobby against it, run for office, or start a letter campaign. America has been changing for 250 years, it can change some more.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

What happened only 1963???

I'm not sure I understand that.

Yes, I oversimplify a very complicated war when I say that the sole enemy was racism. However, you are just as guilty when you say it had nothing to do with racism. Case in point, the image you so callously try to throw in my face represents a segment of segregation that existed officially in America for hundred years, AND that system wasn't challenged until Blacks came back from the war and realized that while they were risking their lives fighting racism in Europe they were neck deep in it at home. Besides, I've already conceded that America is a racist nation. The image you produced is the product of it. However that racism is a byproduct of diversity, diversity that contributed beyond words to culture, politics, economy. I'm not here to judge societies by their worst attributes. Nor am I here to excuse societies because of their best attributes. But the fact of the matter is that diversity and multiculturalism have created great things.
2 May 2008
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

Immigrants in America have always faced resistance from more conservative groups. It happens today, it happened when most immigrants were from Europe. Surely, there are bad stories. And bad people. America's redeeming quality from prejudice and racism, has always been oppurtunity. People come here because they believe that if they work hard they can make a better life for themselves and their children and that is usually the case. The resistance, while not forgivable, is part of the process. Sometimes immigrants make a better life for themselves withen a single generation, other times it takes longer. But America, for all her faults, has nearly always provided the thing people come here looking for; hope and opportunity.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Because they came out of WWII as the real winner...

A war in which the enemy was racism.

Being racist, meaning centering in ones own heritage, is nothing "unnatural" or "muddy", "bad" and "avoidable" but rather totally natural.

Of course it's natural. But does that make it right? Babies NATURALLY want to put a bunch of crap in their mouths. Should they? Is it out of ignorance? That's a crude example, but it isn't that far fetched. People are naturally fearful and reserved about things they don't understand. That's natural. But the roadblocks and differences between races, those are man made, thousands of years ago perhaps but man made none the less.
2 May 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

But please...even in the most wealthy, most diverse society (the US) there are strong ethnic/racial tensions. What do you think will happen when the wealth is dwindling and people have to fight for scraps?

Why do you think the US is the most wealthy and successful society? Because of its commitment to diversity that has allowed a wealth of ideas and viewpoints. Yes, there are racial tensions. America is the most racist nation on earth, but it is also the most progressive. For every action there is a reaction and people who fight it, but racist sticks in the mud are simply not a high enough cost to not move forward as human beings.
30 Apr 2008
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

it isnt racism to oppose perversion the black man has his own women y regard white women as superior these interracial relationships are founded on abnormal perverted lust and only rough trampy women engage in this behaviour

If that ISN'T racism, I'm not sure I'd like to know what is!
30 Apr 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

No worries, Julie. Your family is comendable for capturing the "Blood Countess." I think is so cool that you're a descendant of such a historic family.
30 Apr 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

While, I've spent more than my fair share of time deep in the Ozarks, I was raised an Iowan. Plus, most of my MO time was spent in the Northern half around you in St. Peters, F15guy.
29 Apr 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Hey, us Californians gotta stick together, even if the people out here still think of me as a "slow, little" Iowan. I've read about Elżbieta Batory--bad lady. I'm partial to her grandfather, though.
29 Apr 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

my family helped to lock up Elizabeth Bathory

You did what?

But to Julie's point, prejudist people are everywhere. In California plenty of people think I'm dumb because I come from the Midwest. And people in the Midwest think I'm lazy because I know live in California. Ay ay ay!
28 Apr 2008
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Plus, LAGirl, while I appreciate your opinion and I know where you're coming from, plus, your heads in the right place so I don't want to be preachy, BUT to say "I hate antisemitic people" continues the cycle of hatred perpetrated by antisemitic people. I hate antisemitism. I don't hate people.
10 Apr 2008
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

I think the issue is, capellanna, that when you announce yourself as "atypical" simply because you're not a racist, uneducated, complaining bigot, it would ruffle some feathers around here. Regardless of your intention, your first post, while informative and well though out, comes off a bit snooty and high and mighty. Again, regardless of the intention in which it was written, I certainly was left thinking that as a someone who would describe himself as a Pole I must really be awlful. One shouldn't be so cynical and negative about one's own people. You mention how homogenous Poland is but fail to mention that this is a fairly recent phenomena, that before WW2 Poland was one of the most diverse and tolerant nations on earth. We Poles are proud, we understand there's things in our history and people in our present that don't do us any service, but we don't like having just that side of it thrown in our faces.