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Posts by matthias  

Joined: 9 Jan 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jan 2008
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From: USofA , Chicago
Speaks Polish?: Tak Sobie
Interests: MMA, Working Out, Reading, and Relaxing....

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1 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

Jabwaw maybe it's dimishing, but that's because their isn't a common enemy to unite us. However it will always be there engrained in the Polish culture, if a common enemy arises then so will Solidarnosc.
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

You don't see the English, French or Germans for example staying illegally in the US in any appreciable numbers yet it does happens with Poles....hmm

First you don't know because number of overstays from those countries has not been kept track of since they joined the VWP (maybe they don't meet the criteria anymore for all we know). I posted a link previously if you want to take a look. Second those countries are a huge security risk with high probability of homegrown terrorists. 2 of the hijackers had German citizenship.

OK...but if Poles are still deemed not eligible will you then say "As long as the system was overhauled" or will you still be insulted that your people are not allowed?

No I won't be insulted because the process will be much more reasonable and transperant. If Poland doesn't meet criteria Im willing to accept that. What's transparant about the rejection rate? these people could be rejected for many reasons that have nothing to do with them planning on overstaying.

Also hypothetical situation..... lets say Poles still overstay there visa(which we don't know since numbers are not published).... what's more dangerous a terrorism threat (which is high with countries in western EU) or people coming to work from Poland? Once again I think terrorism but at the very least both.....
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Today's Poles who simply ignore the law do not.

In reality we don't know the number of Poles that overstay today......... The reluctance of US to include Poland in VWP has to do with the rejection rate and not with the number of Poles who overstay their visa.

Also those countries in VWP today, are much more a security risk than Poland. At the very least security(stopping terrorism) should be just as important if not more important than stopping people coming to work illegaly.

What Im getting to, is that the VWP needs a complete overhaul and new criteria should be established regardless if Poland will qualify or not.
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Poland helps the US for several reasons....

1. They get deals on US equipment and training.
2. They want the practice and experience in warfighting so as to better defend themselves.
3. They hate the fundamental islamisists as much as anyone.
4. Diplomatic back room agreements neither you or I are privy to

If Poland stops fighting it will not be over US visas....get a grip.

I agree with you, I was trying to make a point because I didn't like your phrase thank your own countrymen (it was somewhat snotty). These people where trying to escape communism and we shouldn't punish Poles of today for these people's actions. Which were very reasonable considering the state of affairs in Poland at the time...
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It's true to an extent, however just as many that came here legaly during communist rule came here illegaly during communist rule. I know I was one of them.

P.S so you don't call immigration, I want you to know I'm a citizen now...
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I guess when Poland decides not to help America with the war on terror anymore then you can thank your own countrymen.....

Also not to mention that the majority that did come here, came when Poland was under imposed communist rule....
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Well, we'll see how it goes for Canada. It will be an indicator of things to come when the U.S. waves its visa requirements for Poland

Seems fair......... It will take awhile but what can you do.......

You would think that since Poles can freely and legally work in Western Europe, they would stop overstaying their visas but for some reason it's not the case.

The percentage is based on rejection rate not numbers of Poles who overstay. The latter would be much more reasonable .
6 Mar 2008

Mathias, like your 'Darkness' avatar, from Topcow, by Marc Sylvestri. ;>


What's funny is that this is happening at the same time when millions of Polish are living and working all over Europe, and they receive help and tolerance wherever they go.
The words "double standard" come to mind, don't they?

Obvously you must not have heard of the racism Poles are experiencing in UK.

Poles were not in charge of our own Nation back then, there is no need to make us pay obscene amounts of money now for what foreign regimes did back then.

Agreed, If anybody should compensate Jews, it should be Russians and Germans.
6 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Polish and Irish should love each other [65]

Poles hold no hatred at the Irish for what has happened...... The statements released by the families clearly reflect this. Also the responce from the Irish community has been heartwarming. It clearly shows the beauty of Irish Society.

However I hope this is not forgotten and highlights the racism that Poles encounter in the UK....
1 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

news.gc.ca/web/view/en/index.jsp?articleid=382699&categoryid=1& category=News+Releases

Canada eases visa restrictions on Poles....

RISKING death alongside American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan makes you a valued ally-unless, that is, you actually want to visit the United States. Then you are a security risk and have to pay a hefty fee for a visa that you may not be granted.

A docile ally wins visa-free travel to America. Others fume
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Dice I posted an article in previous post if you want to read it... Its about a Canadian who immigration knew was here illegaly and yet they let her daughter visit.... I dont have a problem with the law, but its seems that we are choosing on who we enforce it.... If we enforce it on Poles, lets enforce it on everybody... including countries in the VWP.... we don't even keep track of those citizens from VWP countries that overstay.... might be useful because maybe now they don't meet the criteria... Point is its a security risk and a greater one that then the one from Poles coming here..... Security should be the most important.

Now didn't someone say that two of the hijackers have German citizenship.... now what's more important preventing terrorism or someone working here illegaly.... it should be stopping terrorism, or at the very least both....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

First Im an American citizen, so im not pi*sed about being rejected for a visa... My point is that the Poles of todays who want to come to the US should not be punished for the crimes of of those Poles that committed them in the past...

You want to deport Poles that are here illegaly that's fine, while your at it the 8 million illegal Mexicans... but do not punish those Poles in Poland who did not break the law..

that's the very defination of collective punishment....

now if you provided me with credible proof that Poles in poland want to come here to work illegaly, then Ill sing a different tune.. However to me its clear that this is not the case...

azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/1224overstays.h tml?&wired

here's an interesting article if you have the time Dice.. its about a Canadian that the immigration knew was here illegaly and yet they let her daughter visit... mind you this was after 911.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Ranj, I agree... if US agrees to such measures then my complaint will disappear.

to answer your question dice.... because many are here illegaly from five years ago or ten years ago and don't have the necessary paperwork... but that doesn't mean the poles coming in NOW are here to work illegaly...
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I get both your drifts..... good points both of you...

First, Most poles just want to visit there family., not come to vacation... Second the fee sucks because if your declined you lose the money.. Im sure Poles don't mind paying the money if they know its not going to go to waste..

Anyways, I guess EU should also introduce such stringent measures on US.... You know we just all want to be safe....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Again you say its not about terrorists. Then why as long as czechs increase their security such as biometric passports they will be accepted...

read post 107, even ranj admits security is number one reason..
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Thanks for that link......

Ifs funny how western Europe has the higher risk of terrorists coming into US and yet it is Eastern Europe that must provide tougher security procedures....

Its clear that western EU has much larger muslim population and much higer risk of homegrown terrorists then eastern EU.... what b*llshit..... Im a huge supporter of US but Im slowely becoming fed up.....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

The rate is raised only for those that fit into the new ammendment.. which was especially established for those that are Americas closest allies... Unfortunately I don't know the name of the ammendment... Either way your right it still places Poland at the 20% way above the 10%... But its based on the refusal rate.. Who knows the exact reason why Poles are being refused. It may having nothing to do with that they would overstay... Could be they couldnt provide bank account info.... what the h*ll is that.... many Poles who unfortunately are illegal that came here 10 years ago don't have banks accounts... the Poles that want to come here now just want to visit there family.

I agree that Poland is not being singled out... I just expect a break after the support shown on the war on terror..
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It seems we agree that Poles should be in the VWP.... if not at the very least.... we both agree that they shouldn't have to pay the high fee for the visa...

As far as, that those rejected are planning on illegal work... I just don't believe it because they could go to Britain, make more money, work legally, and be closer to home...

To me it seems they want to visit those that are here already however those that are illegal can't provide the proper paperwork for there family in Poland (such as bank accounts and what have you)... leading to such a high refusal rate.... so because of those that came here illegaly 10 years ago or however long ago it is preventing this rate from going down.. I must admit this is just speculation on my part.... however many Poles I know are moving back to Poland and those I talk to in poland rather work in EU and just want to come here to visit there family....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]


Ranj Here is an article stating that the czech rate has to be under 10% not 3%, so you can concede.... I can't find the exact ammendment because I forgot the name of it. However the article above tells you its not the customary 3%.....

As for Dice, Poles do not want to come to US
to work anymore, they want to come to visit there family..... Why should poles pay the high visa fee not knowing they will be accepted...

btw Dice we have more soldiers then the czechs... do a little research..we had the 3rd largest contigent in Iraq at one point... we have more soldiers then countries in western EU...

still didn't answer the question, doesn't the west EU pose more of a threat from terrorism then Poland...
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

No they didn't, the governemnt came up with some new amemdment to get around this requirement..... unfortunately I don't know the name of it... however had something to do with countries that have supported US and maintain some number of soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan have the threshold of 3% highered... so as you can see the czechs did not meet the requirement of 3%....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It's Mexicans that are the problem, not Poles.... Normally I would agree with you that Poles are just caught in the crossfire if the US did not just recently approve the Czech Republic for the visa free waiver even though they don't fall below that 3% rate.... So how is it political sucide if they just did it for the Czechs....

btw Immigration is not the number one issue...... Iraq is the biggest issue, then economy and then immigration....

immigration is just the most controversial in terms of how to solve it the problem.....
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It maybe 30%, however thats not numbers but percentage... for example if only 10 poles come to US and 3 overstay you have your 30%... So even though 3 poles overstay we are not allowed visa free travel.... The numbers of overstaying should be more important then the percentage...

As to your second comment..... Not always... many people don't receive a visa even though they should.... in the process they lose the money spent on applying which is very costly for a Pole working in Poland...

also don't you agree that western EU poses more of a danger to US then Poland when looking at possible terrorists entering the states...
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]


your right its not personal per say, however after Polands support for US and acceptance into EU it makes no sence.

I know one of US concern is safety however looking at the threat of terrorists coming from Poland its much lower then terrorists coming from western EU. We have such a tiny muslim population and have experienced no terrorists attacks, where as western EU has large muslim population, and has experienced several terrorists attacks or planned attacks coming from homegrown terrorists. You tell me whose the bigger threat.

As to the second reason for not giving visa free travel, chances of any large influx of poles is minimal. Why come to America if you can go to UK, make much more money when taking the exchange rate into account and be much closer to Poland.

What other good reason is there? Because those two above are not.... it might not be personal but its hard not to see it that way
26 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Are Poles good enough??? its a stupidily worded question but anyways, yeah they deserve visa free travel ....... Since joining the EU there is no need to worry about Poles coming to the US in large numbers...... If this doesn't change soon, I support introducing visas for Americans traveling to EU.......

Now I know this issue is not that important since Poles can now travel within EU, but it is important symbolicly....