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Posts by hu_man  

Joined: 8 Jan 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Feb 2008
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 131 / In This Archive: 29
From: Katowice/South London
Interests: Life's Pleasures

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23 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Language Learning Links [40]

Polish language links

Hello everyone,

I thought it would be a cool idea for all of us to share links that we found useful
when attempting to master the polish language (LOL, master like thats possible)

I thought i would kick it off with this one, the games are a bit cheesy but i am finding them really helpful

18 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Do you speak Polish?
What kind of job does a 21 yr old foreigner, with no post-secondary education, get in Poland that is worth the trip over?

I speak a little cant write it but i dont have to...fortunant for me im quite good with computersso i work in IT and most of the clients are english or speak english..
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

i didnt say ive bought loads of homes i was implying i have lived in loads yeah i paid the rent never missed one payment and earned it all through an honest grafft..

and please dont call me a

BS spreader so commen on the net

im just being honest and im not comparing myself to you read my posts..

and what you think because im only 21 i couldnt have achieved much ive done more in my short 21 years on this planet then alot of other people my age and i intend to do a whole lot more...
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]


your a joker i left home early and learnd the hard way i seen more in 1 year then you could in a lafe time ... lol....telling me to live a little ...

o' you want me to start a family in england and sponge off the govenment like all the rest..
no thanks

ive had homes and flats and poped off to get some more in another country while you sit and moan about the poles...
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

your contradicting yourself...............

i agree and thats why the money is better spent on getting these people of their asses and into jobs irispective of whether they want to or not!!

the only thing i will say is that if you are British, then your are entitled to British benefits,

so you will spend money to make a person work and then pay them (they should want to work to earn there money)

and the money spent on making them work can be spent on health care and schools..

and because your britsh and lazy your entitled to benefits..

im confused do you want them to work or not..?
17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

the apparent peoples government signed up for this blame them not the immagants....
and there were allways lazy people way before the immagants came marching in...
the fact is and you cant deny it if some one cant be bothered in england to get a job they will have everything handed them on a plate..

i hate to sound like a broken record but they get free housing and money for food
if i didnt want more out of life i would be in heaven

no problem, if you need to make a point, make it :)

17 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

the only thing i will ask of you then is, with all this freedom it seems to me that the advantages, oppertunities and positives all go to the Poles (in this case, as we are specificly alking polish) what do the UK get in return??? Where are our oppertunities, advantages and positives???

Well i am from london and couldnt like the poles more i cant believe you havent thought you coment through enough to realise how much money the poles have made for your country....staight up to be perfectly honest if i were to go through all the intracasies of why the poles aint bad for the county i would fill pages i could think of at least 5 other nationalties (immarants) that i would prefer the poles over but i wont start that conversation...

and most off the people that start the whole argument about poles stealing common rights and liberties are usualy people who have a **** job and cant be bothered to sum up enough hunger to take a better one....

daily mirror washed brain dead souls...

Where are our oppertunities, advantages and positives???

they all lay in the excuses you use to not find a job...

im 21 years old from a working class background born and raised in southeast london and i left school with nothing and have never been out of work the whole time these poles were so called stealing our jobs....and the funny thing is i have just moved to the country they were leaving because there wasnt any work and mannaged to get myself a job after a week of bieng here ....(and i dont teach english)

sorry back to the point i dont think they are taking anything from you apart from what you are willing to lose..

ps sorry for the long post :)
13 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Not to everyone it isn't. Some of his posts are especially disturbing and offensive to Poles and anyone, for that matter, that has a heart.

Exactly not only that but this forum since i started reading it came accross as a place that people who liked poland and thier people could come together and exchange cool stories and you just let this pr*ck noimagration come all up in here ranting his abuse and not telling him to f*ck off!!!
13 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Yeah, u wonder how these so-called 'tramps' afforded the airfare across in the first place. I disagree that immigrants bring more money than they take out though.

seanus i thought more of you i've read alot of your posts and you came accross really inteligent..and im not trying to put you down but come on...

what im trying to say is the amount of immigrants compared to the ammount of tramps is meaningless for example 1 out of every 1000 is a tramp now if 800 out of the 1000 get taxed minus thier expences and **** you really think they are taking more ????? it goes deeper than that but im not gonna type it all out cos it would take to long and i would rather someone was smart enough to work it out them selfs before posting something they just thought of on the spot cos thier bored...
13 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

You know what noimagration your a prick f*ck it....

I was born and raised in london and if your gonna get all upitty about these dumb articles your gay...

Dont go on like you we dont get english tramps... A tramps a tramp..
and if someone goes from one country to another been a tramp thats there choice and your governments fault for letting it.. F*ckall really about the immigrants entering the country and rinsing the resources...The funny thing is i read all the articals and hear all the stories from both sides cos i live in poland but am in england at a few days a month and the way i see it the poles and various other immigrents that dont seem to get an article bring more money to the country than gets taken out but they forget to inform you and your other drone's feeble minds about that...its like you got no basis for your rants and arguments but the papers they were printed in so maybe you might try and look a little deeper or have a wank before posting your dumb analy racist posts...Cos if i met you, would more then get a 4D one in the side of the head....
4 Feb 2008
Love / I fancy a polish girl from my school! [139]

i'll second that alcohol loosens everyone up conversation becomes easier and like he said you will last longer in bed...

unless you a virgin then you will proberly loose you load as soon as you see her snatch..lol
30 Jan 2008
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

z_darius that sounds joke, but the thing is, I was ok with it i put up with it on the t.v and then i would go to the kino and laugh at the poles because they had to read the sub titles and i was one of the only ones who could understand the vocals....... until i went to see the golden compass (zloty compass) serious i have been waiting to see that for years.. and that ******* dohnut from the telly was dubbin over it i swear that was the last straw....
16 Jan 2008
Work / Have been offered a job in Warsaw - should I move to Poland?? [48]

Id say give it ago .. f#ck it . I moved out here in the summer and its been cool. Dont get my wrong there are quite a few things that **** me off but generally im having a good time...

Plus flights are so cheap right now you can vist your fam regularly
15 Jan 2008
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Thanks for the info but could you tell me if there are any piotr i Pawel stores in katowice i've been here for about 6 month's now and i have never heard of that shop....
15 Jan 2008
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

i'll have to keep an eye out for those... thats one of the things that i miss about england is the fact that i could have pretty much any beer from all around the world.. now i either have to pay some extortionate prices for an average forign beer or settle for the regular polish stuff..dont get me wrong the polish beer is all right but i like to experiement..
15 Jan 2008
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

is it just me or does paulner have a hint of banana in it's taste...
lol...its funny since i moved to poland i eat less mac d's
15 Jan 2008
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

At the moment im loving paulaner.
But every time i go home the first thing i buy is a bottle of cobra...lol...Im thinking about it now