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Posts by Madzia22  

Joined: 20 Dec 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Sep 2013
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24 Jun 2008
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Ogurki you look pretty mean on the picture - killed any of the other tribe or coast that day?

I think he was making that cool gangstah face hopeing some polish girl might like it rotfl
6 Jul 2008
Love / How to seduce Polish girls: Tips and advice [118]

What are the best ways to get into polish girls' pants?

stop looking like a geek and get out of the house, in your case is simply imposible...
29 Aug 2008
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

No, I studied about 300m from Politechnika on Miszewskiego street, my brother studied there but there is round 10000 students studing In Politechnika so there is little chance he ever met him, Politechnika is very hard to graduate and I know loads of people from there who are very inteligent, Im sure that you know club 'kwadratowa'(square...) witch belongs to Politechnika, I have been there many many times having really good time...
27 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

some of the Polish men are attractive but the majority are lazy good for nothing potato heads..

So its truth that you say bad things about someone you feel threat from...
20 Jul 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

Definitely a foreigner. And it doesn't matter that he has no money.

You can't know what Polish women prefer unless you are one of us.

Well speak for yourself cause I'm a Polish woman and nor me nor my Polish female friends have such an idiotic attitude towards Polish men so if some Polish guy hurt you, theres absolutely no point showing your frustration here on this forum because it is not gonna heal the wound, so grow up!
6 Feb 2012
Life / Can most people in Poland speak Russian? [43]

I actually had Russian in secondary school but the teacher was not demanding (witch is good) so I don't understand russian at all.
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

(according to science) are the same as me down to genetics.

Reserches about similarity Poles to the Russians is about the small piece of Russia that boarders with Poland not the Moscow that is far away, and people there have different genetics even without being mixed with tatars.
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Were is it writen? In article that I linked on this forum nothing said about it.

the link you gave is not even reliable source and there is not much information about it anyway, it's more like some kind of propaganda "love Russians cause they have same genes like us" yea right...

rest of Russia Poland is separated with 1 thousand of kilometers distance.

...and Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia is less geneticaly similar to Poles although it's on the way of that 1 thousand kilometers... it's not even possible so please stop with this genetical bullsh1t
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Some people need to take lessons of basic ethnography and lingustis.Lithuanian and Latvian languages are not even closely related to Polish, those are Baltic languages

I'm talking about genetics not languages, why do you even get languages involved into that is absolutely beyond me. It's like saying Romanians are totaly different in genes from Bulgarians because one is romance language and the other slavic.

And Belarus was not even shown on the map

what are you talking about