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Posts by dnz  

Joined: 2 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 710 / In This Archive: 252
From: poznan/poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: cars, socialising, skiing, surfing, travelling

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27 Mar 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

i drove here in a 1991 bmw 325i and maintained around 110mph throughut germany and spent around £200 on fuel from dover to Poznan, Great fun until you get onto the Polish roads and can't do much over 50mph. Also remember its illegal to run out of fuel on the autobahns and you need at least 3mm of tread on all 4 tyres, Fines can be quite harsh by all accounts.
25 May 2008
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

DO, When driving in Ploand treat red lights as advisory stop signals,
DO, Always try to at least double the speed limit wherever possible
DO, Try to drive as erraticly as possible at all times.

Do Not under any circumstances use your indicators ever
Do Not let people out of junctions

Remember the horn is there for a reason try to take every possibility to use it preferably for a minimum 30 second blast.

Always overtake when you can see another vehicle coming your way, This indicates to following vehicles you are a hero.

When starting at traffic lights you MUST screech your tyres as this indicates skill and talent.

Try to keep your vehicle in as lower gear as possible when driving through residential areas as the more noise the better (apparently)

Also If driving a BMW in Poland you must shave off all of your hair and drive around as though you really do own the road whilst pretending to hold your door/roof on and listening to gabba music.

I think thats just about covered the motoring side of things....
9 Jun 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Drove from the UK to Poznań last week, I regularly do the journey by car and its fine Usually takes around 11 hours from Calais with 1 fuel stop in Hannover, The road from the border has been vastly improved recently and I had no major problems at all, Just remember when you get into Poland to forget all of your UK driving skills and try to drive like a native pole, Don't dawdle along, Overtake wherever possible including into oncoming traffic and corners etc, Treat red traffic lights as advisory stop signals and never give way to anyone and you will be fine, Make sure your insurance is up to scratch too!

Usually costs me around 30 gbp for the ferry, Fill up in the UK before you get into europe as fuel is very expensive now due to the falling value of the pound, Usually costs around 100gbp in fuel, Make sure you have a triangle, Fire extinguisher and first aid kit as the german police are terrible, Make sure your car is in tip top mechanical condition as fines for breaking down are high and remember it is an offence to run out of fuel on an autobahn.

Drive at night as there is much less traffic through germany and its loads easier you can average 120 mph and upwards which makes the trip more bearable, Keep your V5, MOT and insurance on you at all times (assuming you have a UK registered vehicle) as if you are stopped you are expected to produce these.

Have fun and drive safe!
9 Jun 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Fair play about the speed Dave, still it seems safe at night through germany, Fuel did seem bloody expensive in Germany @ 1 euro 56 a litre,

Yeah I use the e36 isn't too bad really still a far cry from our uk roads though...
12 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / Posting from UK to Poland....not good! [53]

I'm still waiting for a contract sent from the UK 2 weeks ago...... I think couriers are the only fairly reliable wa of recieving mail.
18 Jun 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

You thought britain had problems with poles read this, URL

I welcome the poles they will willingly work for a reasonable wage doing any type of work and they do a good job unlike lazy, unemployed scottish wasters,

Is this what poland was like 20 years ago ?

Probably as it was communist but I dont think scotland has an excuse for being backwards does it?

Just to add, I lived in scotland for 7 years and found 90% of the people very friendly and it was a nice place to live, Its just the narrow minded f*ckwits like our friend here that irritate me,

noimm, Why are you posting here and not on the "arrogant lazy buckfast drinking unemployed scum" forum?
25 Jun 2008
Love / Asian guy in love with Polish girl (any chance?) [125]

O in that case good luck dude! I know its hard for foreigners to get on well with Polish girls in Poland but in your case try your best Be a gent and see what happens :D
11 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

It has nothing to do with Polish workers in the UK people migrating to do menial tasks has been going on for centuries, You have far to much time on your hands, Can't you just get back to looking at pictures of naked ladies from the comfort of your parents attic instead of trying to cause conflict for no apparent reason?

Noimmi, Would you say any of the things you say on here about Polish people living in the UK to somebody face to face or are you just a keyboard warrior?
11 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Do you moan about the chinese takeaways, Italian restaurants, Indian takeaways etc opened in your area too? What to scottish restaurants serve Buckfast and methadone?

Supply and demand my friend if people didn't use them then they wouldn't exist.
11 Jul 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

dtaylor: How do you know that I'm a twat as you have no idea who I am? seems rather harsh really.

I'm not entirely sure how the Polish do business but generally business works on supply and demand, No demand and they cease to exist.
15 Jul 2008
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Achtung Zee Germans are coming, America came in too late as they had to find their atlas in order to locate Europe. They only really joined so they could take credit for the allieds winning. My understanding was the battle of Britain was won by the RAF, with some Polish pilots.

All hail the spitfire!
17 Jul 2008
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Americans seem terrible at war and unable to locate entire countries and when the do fire they either hit their own or people on the same side. What was Iraq all about? Twin towers get hit by Al quaeda and then 2 days later war on Iraq, They might as well declared war on spain. Get your atlas out next time boys! Not blatently about oil was it? Next thing we know our, Brothers, Sons, Fathers, Friends and other Army personnell from european countries are being killed so that Americans can drive their hideously inefficient dynamicly inferior vehicles around for an extra few years.


If it wasn't for the Polish pilots in WW2 we would be speaking german now and I couldnt think of anything worse, Oh and don't forget the legendary spitfire which those said pilots flew!
17 Jul 2008
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Sorry Noimmi,

The poles didn't help at all did they? It was all down to the keyboard warriors who managed to defeat zee germans and students who make narrow minded remarks on teh internetz.

I stand corrected.
22 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

Right! I have decided to now go back to the UK, It seems impossible to obtain any services from Polish banks, Telephone companies and Insurance companies which makes life here nearly impossible. I have full registration with voia voda and the city hall, earn the equivalent of 15,000 pln a month and am unable to rent a new apartment, Obtain a contract phone, Credit card, Insure my car or in fact do anything that people need as part of every day life due to being a foreigner. It has been made blatantly obvious that these people are unable to help or in fact unwilling to help due to being English. I have now come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is return to the UK in order to be able to live a "normal" life and for my business to succeed. We are in the European union and I have lived here for over a year and I think it is disgusting the way people from outside Poland are treated and I believe that a similar disregard and lack of respect for people from outside the UK should be implemented to people trying to obtain these simple services in the UK. I have Polish friends in the UK who after 3 months have bought a car on HP, Got a contract mobile and been able to insure this said car with no problems whatsoever. Poland seems to be stuck in the dark ages regarding services of this nature and really needs to come up to speed with the concept of customer service and indeed an unbiased service regardless of the nationality of the applicant. Poles have been made to feel welcome in the UK with signage everywhere in Polish and the same should apply to anyone moving to Poland.

Sort it out!
22 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

I came here to try and build my business but this is seemingly impossible to do from Poland at the moment. I need to move to a bigger apartment but can't due to being British and not having a Polish ID card.

Seems a shame to have to go back to the foggy, damp island north of france but I don't fancy being a bez domny in Poland :(

If anyone has any ideas on how I can get this pesal thing or at least rent a house/apartment and obtain any sort of financial services they would be much appreciated :D
22 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

It seems true, anyone that seems open minded or good a a particular trade seems to have left Poland leaving mostly people who are reluctant to change their habits and point of view to one more in line with the current situation. Seems a shame really.
23 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]

Thanks for the advice people I think I will just ride it out until some solutions come up, I will go back to the urzad miasta today and ask for my pesal number and see how far I get...

With regards to renting an apartment I have approached several real estate agents I have found on Gratka and they have clearly stated that I cannot rent a property due to not having a Pesel?

Everything seems so difficult, I might fly back to the UK for a few days in order to convince me to stay in Poland, I love it here really but things are just really difficult :)

Thanks for your advice I will take everything into account and try to win! :D

earn the equivalent of 15,000 pln

If you do not mind me asking, what do you work at to get that wage? and are there any jobs going?

I run a recruitment company and give seminars to companies on, sales, marketing etc,
Will be looking for some English speaking sales people within the next few months...