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Posts by Dice  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 452 / In This Archive: 81
From: USA the land of free, or at least cheap.
Speaks Polish?: DAH-DAH-DAH
Interests: home improvement, culinary arts, brewing beer

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6 Dec 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

I buy some Polish beer once a while whenever I get a chance. I bought the EB beer once and I thought that it's going to be a Polish bitter (usually EB stands for Extra Bitter, ESB -Extra Special Bitter and so on). To my surprise it turned out to be a typical Polish lager (nothing wrong with that). Usually Polish beers are very similar to one another - rather heavy in taste, very hoppy, high alcohol. I never heard of Polish ale, wheat beer, etc with the exception of porter - Okocim makes a fine porter.

I think that Polish beer (and vodka) could sell well around the world but they need to market the brands, and I believe rename them. The current names are impossible to pronounce or remember to an English speaker. Okocim, Zubrowe, Wyborowa - no one can enunciate it. I thought that a good effort in this direction was the Belvedere and the Chopin Vodka.

PS. Whenever we go out to a Polish restaurant my wife always orders the "O.K. Beer" (Okocim) - the only one she can pronounce :)
7 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

Lucynda, I am stunned by your caustic attempt to deride Polish Americans. To even suggest something baneful like that on this website, where Polish Americans meet, is truly vitriolic. We are American, I am American. How can Americans hate America? WTF? Shame on you, Lucynda, for this insidious attempt of chicanery. I just hope that you've lied on your profile and you're not a real teacher, but if you are, then God help those poor children.
8 Dec 2007
Love / My Polish wife doesn't want to move to the UK with me - what to do? [96]

I married a Polish girl but want to move back to the UK now. The only thing is she doesnt want to leave Poland. How can I persuade her to come to the UK? Has anyone had this problem before?

Britguy - dump her ass fast! Do it now, before you have any kids. Polish women are nothing but lying insidious *******, run while you can! The thing is they only show their real face after and never before the wedding. You've lost ONLY 18 months of your live, so consider yourself lucky - it could be much worst.

13 Dec 2007
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

Just wondering... why do people in Poland eat carp for Christmas Eve? I understand about no eating red meat, but out of all the fish - why pick the worst one possible? You can farm salmon as easily! Is this tradition still going strong or is it fading? Is there any way to cook this fish so it's actually eatable?
13 Dec 2007
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

The thing is that in the U.S. carp is considered an uneatable fish, and a pest. There is also an environmental issue here. Right now the North American waters are under attack from Asian Carp (Jumping Carp), who is invading lakes and rivers moving up north. The first person who will find something useful to do with carp will make a million.

13 Dec 2007
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

You can guess who got the blame for all this......

Hahaha yeah but now you have a great story to entertain people with.

The problem with a carp if I understand it right is that there is nothing but bones in it - so there is no way you can actually eat it. I did find a recipe on a different cooking forum for an Asian carp soup, using a pressure cooker - so the bones actually turn soft from cooking and you can eat them. I don't have a pressure cooker yet, but that would be a good reason to buy one. The recipe calls for a whole carp, but I probably wouldn't use the head or the fins :)

... Or I could simply get a salmon instead :)
13 Dec 2007
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

Thank goodness the Polish tradition calls for a carp for Christmas and not a pike... or a shark or a snapping turtle.
14 Dec 2007
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

Let me rephrase it: the title should be "What's wrong with us Polish People?" since I'm a Pole like most of us here. So, what's wrong with us? How come that we, Polish people can't get over the "Chosen Nation" bull crap. Why do we have to view everything in the World trough the prism of our Nationality? Why every other subject on this message board must sound something like:

"About the superiority of Polish Culture over the Muslim Culture",
"How dare those German bustards this and that... "
"Those damned Jews - 'enough said"

... And so on and so on.

Hey, I have some news for you - WWII is over for almost 70 years and nobody cares. Poland has never been the Center of the Universe in spite of what we have been told in school and from the family. There are practically zero Jews and/or Muslims living in Poland today, which means that most of you have never even met a Jew or a Muslim, so what the heck are you ******** about?

Is it some kind of an inferiority complex? I know the answer, because we all are suffering from the same disease - yes, it is an inferiority complex.
22 Dec 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

In the U.S. and Canada Czech Budějovický Budvar is sold as Czechvar. [

Budějovický Budvar is marketed as such in Australia

Budějovický Budvar is marketed as Budweiser Budvar in the UK, Austria, and Germany

Budějovický Budvar is marketed under the label Czechvar in North America

22 Dec 2007
Food / Polish honey liquor called something like "vitatass"? [37]

I believe you're talking about mead, which is a honey wine made out of pure honey, water and yeast. Mead is probably one of the oldest alcoholic beverages known to mankind, brewed by monks and peasants alike for centuries. Mead has a higher alcoholic content - about 16% by volume, maybe 3-4 times higher than your usual beer. It is to be enjoyed as an aperitif or a dessert wine in a small port wine glass.
26 Dec 2007
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

I think I get it now.
Poles have to do many degrading and low-paid jobs all over Europe, because their own economy is in shambles. Maybe that's why they simply feel undervalued; hence all these racist posts here.

What's scary to me is the fact that people smearing those racist comments here are young, educated (I think) and speaking English. They are not the "old guard" of post-commie retirees. I am surprised also that there is no opposing voice, nobody with common sense telling these guys that it is not OK to be a xenophobic racist.

My hope is that when the new generation of migrant workers will return home the attitude on race will change, just like it did a few years ago toward gays. Maybe then it will not be socially acceptable to be racist, chauvinistic, or anti-Semitic.
27 Dec 2007
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

Do you feel better when you impute to all of us your own problem?

It's not I who writes all those racist posts here. I am the one who points out the problem of intolerance, racism and anti-Semitism that exist in the Polish Nation. What really kills me is the fact that all this xenophobic hatred comes from a nation of nomadic migrant workers, which depends on tolerance and goodwill of other nations like GB, Irland, France, etc to host them and provide them with jobs and social services.
27 Dec 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Here is an interesting beer from Poland I've found under the Christmas tree this year: OKOCIM PALONE.

OKOCIM PALONE is a dark lager, and not, as you may think, a porter. Therefore it carries the characteristics of both styles of beer: its sweet and full body for a lager, but not us sugary and heavy as a porter.

Aroma: chocolate, coffee, spice, caramel.
Tastes of coffee and fruit.
Color: dark brown.
Head: thin light.
Overall, a very solid beer.
27 Dec 2007
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

If we keep out of Germany

That's the thing. They don't "keep out of Germany", or France, or GB, or Ireland or most other countries where they can make a buck. If they could make any money in Israel, there would be millions of Poles in Israel too. There are millions of Polish all over the world, moving in without the language, the culture, etc.

Everywhere they go they are being helped by tolerant people who are open to other cultures and helpful to foreigners. And yet here, on this board, all I read is: "Those f-ing Germans" "Those f-ing Jews" "Those f-ing Muslims". What gives?
13 Jan 2008
Food / Polish Eating Habits [87]

I have yet to meet any obiese polanders.

Here is my theory on how it works; polish food is so bad for you, it will kill you before you even get fat LOL! Think about it - Polish Cuisine is made up from breaded fried pork, potato and bread with butter. it's a guaranteed death by cholesterol :)

BTW, is there such a think as a salad in Polish Cuisine?
5 Feb 2008
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Holly crap! 1200 euro/month = 14,400 euro/year = 21K USD ?

you should get at least 1200 EUR

21K USD = about $10/hour.
8 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

You know, the biggest thing for a new-comer to the USA like me is how easy it is to assimilate here. As long as you're here legally and you'll learn the language, people here don't mind that you were born somewhere else. They consider you are an American, and the only thing they expect in return from you is to be respectful and patriotic towards your New Country. And to me - that makes all the difference.
10 Feb 2008
Life / Disco Polo - No No No No No! [95]

Some say Norwegian Black Metal is satans music, but i dont agree.
Disco Polo is the devils work! No other band makes me want to kill somebody like they do.

LOL I agree 100%. Gangsta rap makes me wanna yawn, but when I hear eurotrash disco - it turns me from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.
17 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

The U.S. government simply looked at the influx of Polish temporary job seekers in GB, Ireland and the rest of Europe and decided that with all the problems we have here with illegals from Mexico we can't afford to have millions of illegals from Poland.

I don’t thing the reasons for it was that they like Poland or not, rather it was the fact that we already have to many illegal immigrants from South America and that they put a significant weight on the economy and other social issues.

BTW, I think this was a good decision - you can come here with a visa if you have a legitimate reason, like a family, and ways of supporting yourself.

The other way we would have many Polish illegals looking for a job who would have no chance of finding one, as the illegal job market here is dominated by the Mexicans.
18 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I don't hate Americans

I would never guess that judging by the things you have written here. But I believe you.

i hope the influx of poles returning from the uk will change poland considerably - both in terms of attitude, ability and with fresh ideas

I agree 100%.

Do you mean American 'made in China" goods are better than Canadian "made in China" goods? :))

Yeah no kidding :) LOL
22 Feb 2008
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

How much it would cost you to buy a hose in Poland in an average neighborhood and how much would be your mortgage payments? What about a new or 1-2 year old car? How much for payments + insurance? How much does an average truck driver, teacher, nurse, engineer makes?

Just wondering.
22 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

If you 'hate America' then you don't want to come here, so what are you crying about? You don't want the visa anyway! See, everybody is happy :)

Something tells me that Twojszef is really one of our Serbian "friends" trashing these Forums lately... lol
23 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

TwojSzef, I don't care if you hate America; I know that in most cases it's simple envy because USA is the only Superpower left in the world (at least for now). If enything, it tells me that visas are needed, I don't want people here who hate my Country.

But why do you want to come to a country that you hate? That makes no sense. And if you do not want to come here, then what are you crying about? I don't moan and whine because I can't go to North Korea or Iran...

Dice, I hate America because I'm paying them for nothing

What the hell are you smoking? You are paying who and how?
23 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It looks like the way this whole thing is gonna play out is that sometimes within the next year Canada will become visa-free for Poland and then depending on how well Canada is doing the same will happen in the U.S. I would give it about 1-3 years.

BTW, does anybody knows if "no visa" in Canada also mean a legal right to work?

Of course people like Twojszef will not help the matters by screaming that they "hate America" lol

One would think that now, when there is so many places in the West where Polish can legally find a job, the percentage of Poles who overstay their tourist visa in the U.S. will significantly drop and therefore make it possible for the Federal Government to eliminate the visa requirement.