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Posts by Jacek  

Joined: 28 Oct 2007 / Male ♂
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From: UK, London
Speaks Polish?: ychy

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7 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

Yes the topic is too to strong and someone will say I am not original but never mind.

First of all before I write what I don’t like here I must say that I am tolerant person and have friends from different countries different religions, cultures and races and yes there are more things I like here than dislike. That’s why Im still here :-)

I find that more and more people here are trying to be political correct.

The other day we had a staff meeting at work and one English colleague suggested that we should postpone Christmas party (which we organize every year) until the end of January so that everyone could attend and no one would feel offended! Why would you call it a Christmas party then?

Second example is from my friends experience
You cannot apply for some kind of jobs here if you are not "Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic" And I am not talking about some small crap businesses in the outskirts of London. I am talking about big government owned company. He is white. So what? You wont consider his application because of that? I find it racist. There are lots of people/politicians who think that racism can only be the other way round, How stupid is that?

I always thought that politicians and governments should act in the interest of majority of people (of course the rights of minorities should be protected but not in the way it could affect principle rights of the majority).
7 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

So if i understand right, Jacek, what you hate about English people (that is the topic)

The topic should be strong (and believe me I know something about it) so that many people including you would read my post or even reply, besides there are couple of those “Why do I hate…” on this forum (which are not necessarily saying about hate) so why not this one and

Yes tornado2007 I am having a laugh because I said that I like this country but not like everything about it!(you haven’t probably read my post)

On the other hand you didn’t have any objections about “why do I hate polish… “ thread did you?
Whats wrong about expressing my opinion?You have a freedom of speech here do you? If you don’t want to read my post don’t do it and for gods sake don’t tell me what should I do and where should I go because it is really not up to you.

You didn’t get my point JustysiaS at all.
No I am not ranting and talking nonsense.
I gave you examples from my life which are related (is it that difficult to figure out?) to ONE thing - political correctness in this country which I think is a very bad thing and I DON’T LIKE it.

If you read newspapers and watch news you can see hundreds of more examples experienced by others. Maybe you dont want to see it or are not long enough here to notice it (are you British)? Or maybe I am getting it all wrong because I’m not from here? But that’s why I posted it here to find out your opinion in a normal discussion, especially English people (I was not expecting to receive replies like "go back to your own country") So I guess it’s a wrong place.

that ONE of them wants an Xmas party to be organised in January

Yes ONE of them suggested it and others except me agreed. Don’t you think its stupid to have Christmas party at the end of January, only because they are afraid of someone who doesn’t even give a monkey about Christmas, might feel offended? What next? should we stop selling food in the canteen because of Ramadan?

and that some businesses here only hire people who are not white...?

So you don’t find anything strange about it? Maybe its only me

and that politicians are not interested in what people want

And again the same topic but you don’t see it do you?

where Daisy and Lukasz pointed out that politicians are mostly self centered greedy pigs anyway

Yes some of them are but they were chosen by me and you so during the next election we shouldn’t forget it.

Anyways it would be nice to see your opinion on that not only repeating what I or other people said.

Sorry if I offended anyone
8 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

In london when you want to leave you bike somwhere outside you need to lock it with as many chains/ U locks as possible and remove all the detachable stuff (saddle, lights etc) If you dont, you may have to walk home with what was left from your bike!!!